Transmigrated, and SSS Portal Skill

William tugged his worn backpack higher on his shoulder, his gaze fixed on the cracked pavement beneath his feet. The usual jeers and snickers followed him like a shadow. "Hey, Willy, did you remember to bring your blankie today?" Kevin, the school's star quarterback and resident bully, sneered, his cronies erupting in laughter.

William ignored them, his jaw clenched tight. He was used to it. Being the skinny, quiet kid with a scholarship to a prestigious academy made him a prime target. William just had to keep his head down, get through the day, and lose himself in the world of online RPGs and fantasy novels back in his tiny apartment.

He slipped into his usual seat at the back of the classroom, the worn copy of "The Chronicles of Aethel" already open on his desk. Aethel – a world of magic, mythical creatures, and ancient legends. It was William's escape, a world where he could imagine himself as a powerful hero, not the invisible nobody he was here.

Mr. Thompson, their hulking gym teacher with a booming voice and a permanent whistle around his neck, slammed the classroom door open, effectively silencing the pre-class chatter. "Alright, listen up, you bunch of slackers!" he roared. "Pop quiz on the history of basketball! And no cheating!"

A collective groan rippled through the room. Even Kevin looked dismayed. William, however, felt a flicker of hope. This was one quiz he could actually ace.

But fate, it seemed, had other plans.

A low hum, like a thousand bees buzzing in unison, suddenly filled the air. The fluorescent lights flickered ominously, casting long, dancing shadows across the room. A tremor ran through the floor, sending textbooks tumbling from desks.

"What the…?" Mr. Thompson's voice was cut short as a gaping rift, swirling with iridescent colors, tore open in the middle of the classroom. It pulsed with an otherworldly energy, drawing all eyes towards its mesmerizing depths.

Panic erupted. Screams filled the air as students scrambled away from the growing rift, desks and chairs clattering to the floor. Even Kevin, his face pale with fear, was frozen in place, his usual bravado forgotten.

William, however, felt a strange pull towards the rift, a sense of anticipation he couldn't explain. It was as if something deep within him recognized this strange phenomenon, beckoning him closer. He took a hesitant step forward, curiosity overcoming his fear.

Before anyone could react, a surge of energy erupted from the rift, engulfing the entire classroom in a blinding light. William felt a tugging sensation, a feeling of weightlessness, and then… nothing.

He awoke to the scent of pine needles and damp earth. Groaning, William sat up, his head pounding. The classroom, the rift, the panicked screams – it all felt like a distant, fever dream.

He was in a forest, sunlight filtering through the dense canopy of leaves above. Towering trees, unlike any William had ever seen, stretched towards the sky. The air was crisp and clean, with a faint, sweet fragrance that he couldn't place.

William wasn't alone. Scattered around him were his classmates, groaning and disoriented. Even Mr. Thompson was there, his whistle dangling limply from his neck, his usually booming voice reduced to a bewildered mumble.

"Where… where are we?" A girl's voice trembled with fear.

"What just happened?" another student cried.

William scrambled to his feet, his gaze sweeping across the unfamiliar surroundings. A sense of wonder mixed with apprehension filled him. This wasn't Earth. This was… different.

As William took in the alien landscape, a strange sensation tingled through his body. It started as a warmth in his chest, spreading outwards like a wave, until it settled in his mind, leaving behind a sense of clarity and… knowledge.

He closed his eyes, focusing on the sensation. Images flashed through his mind – a swirling vortex of colors, a sense of immense power, and then… words.

"SSS-Rank Skill: Portal – Activated."

A gasp escaped William's lips. The words echoed in his mind, their meaning slowly sinking in. He had a skill. An SSS-Rank skill. A portal skill.

A wave of dizziness washed over William, and he stumbled back against a tree trunk, his hand instinctively reaching for support. He closed his eyes, willing the nausea to subside. When he opened them again, a translucent blue screen hovered in front of him, filled with familiar RPG-like stats.

Name: William Velmont

Level: 1

Class: None


Strength: 10

Agility: 12

Stamina: 9

Intelligence: 15

Mana: 10


Chrono Shift (SSS-Rank): Allows the user to open a portal to a specific point in the past. (Details Locked)

William stared at the screen, his heart pounding. It was real. This wasn't a game. He actually had a system, just like in those webnovels he devoured. But what did "Details Locked" mean? And how was he supposed to use this Chrono Shift ability?

"Whoa, check this out!" a voice exclaimed.

William turned to see Sarah, usually one of the quieter students, staring at a similar blue screen in front of her with wide eyes. "I have a system too! It says I'm a 'Celestial Archer' and I have an 'A-Rank Arrow of Light' skill!"

Others around them gasped, their initial fear giving way to a mixture of awe and excitement. It seemed everyone had a system, and they were impressive. Kevin, his arrogance somewhat restored, was boasting about his "S-Rank Iron Skin" skill, while Mr. Thompson, looking utterly bewildered, kept muttering about "divine intervention" and "the end times."

"I've got 'B-Rank Sonic Boom'! " shouted a student William vaguely recognized from his history class.

"Mine's 'A-Rank Elemental Control'! I wonder if I can shoot fireballs," another student exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

William, however, couldn't shake the feeling that his SSS-Rank skill was something unique, something far more powerful than anything his classmates possessed. He just needed to figure out how to unlock its full potential.

As the students were busy comparing their newfound abilities, a rustling in the undergrowth caught their attention. A group of men emerged from the trees, clad in gleaming plate armor, their swords glinting in the sunlight. Behind them walked an elderly man in a flowing grey robe, his eyes glowing with an ethereal light.

"Greetings," the old man said, his voice surprisingly strong despite his age. "I am Maester Elric, and these are the Royal Guards of Aerilon. We have been expecting you."

A wave of murmurs rippled through the students. Expecting them? What did that mean?

Mr. Thompson, ever the protector (and perhaps seeking a sense of control in this chaotic situation), stepped forward. "Expecting us? Where are we? And why were we brought here?" he boomed, his voice regaining some of its usual authority.

Maester Elric smiled, his eyes twinkling. "You are in Aethel, brave souls. And you have been summoned here for a purpose. A great and noble purpose. You are the heroes destined to save our world."

He gestured towards the towering trees, beyond which a majestic stone temple could be seen, its steps leading towards the heavens. "Come with me to the Temple of Ascendancy. There, I will explain everything."