Weak-willed, Cowardly

The Temple of Ascendancy was even more impressive up close. Towering pillars of white marble reached towards the sky, intricate carvings depicting mythical creatures and ancient battles adorning their surfaces. A sense of age and power emanated from the weathered stone, whispering tales of a time long past.

As William and his classmates ascended the seemingly endless staircase, whispers followed him.

"Hey, Willy, what kind of lame skill did you get? Probably something like 'F-Rank Enhanced Pencil Sharpening'," Kevin sneered, his cronies snickering behind him.

"Yeah, William, let's hear it," another student chimed in. "Don't be shy. We're all friends here, right?"

William clenched his fists, his gaze fixed on the steps ahead. He wasn't about to reveal his SSS-Rank skill to these people, not after years of their relentless mockery.

"Leave him alone," Sarah said, her voice surprisingly firm. "It's none of your business."

Kevin rolled his eyes. "Oh, look, Willy's got himself a girlfriend. How cute."

William ignored them, his jaw set. He would show them. He would prove them all wrong.

The temple doors swung open, revealing a vast circular chamber bathed in soft light. Intricate mosaics adorned the walls, depicting scenes of heroes battling monstrous creatures and wielding incredible powers. In the center of the chamber stood a raised platform, where Maester Elric awaited them.

"Welcome, heroes," he said, his voice echoing through the chamber. "This is the Temple of Ascendancy, a place of ancient power and knowledge. Here, you will learn your true purpose."

He gestured towards the mosaics. "For centuries, our world has been at peace. But that peace is now threatened. The barriers between realms are weakening, allowing creatures of darkness to seep into our world. We call them the Corrupted – beings twisted by a malevolent force, driven by an insatiable hunger for destruction."

A chill ran down William's spine. He remembered the swirling rift in his classroom, the otherworldly energy that had pulled them into this world. Was that a portal opened by these Corrupted?

"We believe," Maester Elric continued, "that a powerful entity, known only as the Shadow Lord, is behind this growing darkness. He seeks to plunge Aethel into chaos and claim it for his own."

"And we're supposed to stop him?" Kevin scoffed. "With our measly skills? You've got to be kidding me."

Maester Elric smiled. "Your skills are far from measly, young man. They are a gift, a potential for greatness. You have been chosen for a reason. Each of you possesses unique abilities that, when honed and mastered, can turn the tide of this war."

He stepped closer, his eyes filled with a fiery intensity. "You are the heroes of prophecy, destined to rise against the darkness and restore balance to our world. But you are not yet ready. You must train, you must grow stronger, you must learn to harness the full potential of your powers."

"And how are we supposed to do that?" a student asked.

"We will guide you," Maester Elric said. "We will provide you with the knowledge, the resources, and the training you need to fulfill your destiny. But the journey will be arduous. You will face challenges, you will encounter dangers, and you will be tested in ways you cannot imagine."

He looked at each of them, his gaze lingering on William. "But I have faith in you. I believe that you have the strength, the courage, and the determination to overcome any obstacle. The fate of Aethel rests in your hands."

A heavy silence filled the chamber. The weight of responsibility settled upon William's shoulders, a stark contrast to the insignificance he felt back on Earth. He was no longer just William, the skinny kid with his nose in a book. He was William, the hero, the wielder of an SSS-Rank skill, the one who could change the course of history.


The Temple of Ascendancy was more than just a place of worship; it was a sprawling complex with chambers dedicated to healing, meditation, and rest. Maester Elric led the exhausted students to a wing filled with simple but comfortable rooms, each equipped with a bed, a washbasin, and a small window overlooking the surrounding forest.

William settled onto the surprisingly soft mattress, his mind racing. The weight of Elric's words pressed down on him. Heroes of prophecy? Destined to fight a Shadow Lord? It all felt like a story ripped from the pages of his favorite novels, yet here he was, living it.

He glanced at the translucent blue screen that still hovered in his vision. Chrono Shift... what secrets did it hold? Could he even learn to control such a powerful ability? And was it truly the right decision to join this fight? He had always been more comfortable in the world of books and games, not on a real battlefield facing actual monsters.

Doubt gnawed at him. Maybe he wasn't cut out for this hero business. Maybe he should just find a way back to Earth, back to his quiet, ordinary life.

The next morning, as the other students buzzed with excitement, eager to begin their training, William sought out Maester Elric. He found the old mage in a small garden behind the temple, tending to a patch of glowing herbs.

"Maester Elric," William began, his voice hesitant, "I need to speak with you."

Elric turned, his brow furrowed. "What is it, young man? We haven't much time. Your training begins shortly."

William took a deep breath. "I... I don't think I can do this. I'm not a hero. I'm not strong like the others."

Elric's expression hardened. "What nonsense is this? You were summoned here for a purpose. You cannot simply shirk your responsibilities."

"But I'm not—"

"Silence!" Elric thundered. "I've seen your kind before. Weak-willed, cowardly. You think yourself above this fight? You think yourself better than those who risk their lives to protect this world?"

William flinched, his face burning with shame. "No, I just—"

"Enough!" Elric cut him off. "We have more heroes than we anticipated. We don't need another burden. You are hereby expelled from the Hero Squad. Begone!"

He thrust a small purse into William's hand. "This should be enough to get you started. Now leave, and don't let the door hit you on the way out."

Before William could protest, Elric raised his hand, and a surge of energy enveloped him. The world spun, the temple garden blurring into a kaleidoscope of colors. Then, everything went black.

When William regained consciousness, he was lying in a muddy ditch beside a dirt road. The purse, thankfully, was still clutched in his hand. He opened it and peered inside. A few gold coins glinted in the dim light.

He had been discarded, banished, deemed unworthy. Elric's words echoed in his mind, sharp and cruel. Weak-willed. Cowardly.

Anger mixed with a bitter sense of betrayal. He had been summoned to this world, given this incredible power, only to be cast aside like a broken tool.

He looked around at the unfamiliar landscape, a sense of loneliness washing over him. He was alone, adrift in a strange world, with nothing but a few coins and an SSS-Rank skill he didn't understand.