Chapter 1

3rd pov

In deep space

His eyes snapped open to the endless blackness of space, the nearby white sun blazing with energy. He felt the intense warmth seeping into his skin, empowering him with unimaginable strength. Instinctively, he floated, his body weightless, the vast cosmos surrounding him. He glanced down, taking in the advanced suit wrapped tightly around him, blue and red with the unmistakable House of El symbol emblazoned on his chest.

"Kryptonian…" he whispered, immediately recognizing his new body, his new reality. But this suit—it was something else, more advanced than even what Superman had worn in the stories he remembered. The suit hummed with energy, as if built to harness the very power of the universe.

Floating in space, His mind raced, memories flooding back. He wasn't supposed to be here. He wasn't supposed to be this. But the powers—he could feel them, surging through his veins like he was born with them. He didn't just have the abilities of a Kryptonian—he was something far greater.

With a grin, He tested his newfound abilities. He shot through space at a speed that blurred galaxies, his senses heightened. Flying like this was thrilling, and the power flowing through him made him feel invincible. But the universe was vast, and there were answers to be found.

Where exactly was he? But he knew one thing, he needed a new name. So after debating for a few, he decided Ax-el, from now on would be his name

As he was about to race through space again when something—or someone—caught his attention. A figure was rapidly approaching, cutting through the void with incredible speed. Ax-el slowed, curious. He watched as the figure came closer, a woman dressed in a familiar suit, her short black hair trailing behind her like a comet. She was fast, but he knew her face instantly.

It was Anissa, a Viltrumite.

Without hesitation, Anissa attacked, her fist striking toward Ax-el's chest. The force of her punch created a sonic boom in space, rippling outward like a shockwave. But when her punch connected, Ax-el didn't move. He remained exactly where he was, completely unfazed by the attack.

Anissa's eyes widened in shock as her fist met what felt like an immovable object. She had expected him to be obliterated by the hit, but instead, he stood there, unscathed. She backed off, staring at him in disbelief.

"What the hell are you?" she hissed, her voice laced with confusion and anger.

Ax-el looked down at his chest, where her punch had landed. Not a scratch. He smirked. "That's cute," he said, his tone calm, almost mocking. "Is that all you've got?"

Anissa gritted her teeth, her pride wounded. "Let's see how long that arrogance lasts!" she snarled before launching herself at him again, this time with more speed and ferocity. Her fists blurred as she threw a series of rapid punches, each one powerful enough to shatter mountains.

But none of them moved Ax-el. He stood still, effortlessly taking her blows. His eyes followed her movements, but he didn't even bother defending himself.

After a few moments, Anissa stopped, her breath heavy. Her frustration was palpable as she stared at him, struggling to understand how he could be so unaffected. "No one… no one can withstand that," she muttered, half to herself.

Ax-el floated closer, finally moving. "I'm not 'no one,'" he said, his voice carrying an edge of amusement. "I'm Ax-el, a kryptonian. And whatever you're used to fighting, it's not me."

Anissa glared at him, still trying to figure him out. "I've never heard of a Kryptonian," she said. "What kind of game are you playing?"

Ax-el grinned. "I'm new around here, so I'm still learning the rules."

"You shouldn't exist," she said, circling him, her eyes narrowing. "No one in the universe is that strong."

Ax-el let her words hang in the air for a moment. The Invincible universe… it all made sense now. Viltrumites, their empire, their brutal domination of planets—he remembered it all. But this wasn't fiction anymore; this was his reality. And if the Viltrumites were as powerful as they were supposed to be, then this universe was going to be his proving ground.

"I shouldn't exist, huh?" Ax-el echoed, glancing at the stars around them. "Well, I do. And I think we both know what that means." His eyes met hers, and there was a predatory gleam in his gaze.

Anissa raised an eyebrow, finally sensing something familiar in him. "You're a conqueror, aren't you?"

Ax-el chuckled, his smile widening. "Eventually. But not yet. Right now, I'm just getting started."

Anissa's expression softened, the anger giving way to something else—interest. She could see the potential in him, a power that could rival even the Viltrumite Empire. "If you're as strong as you seem," she said slowly, "you could be valuable to us. The Viltrumites could use someone like you."

Ax-el crossed his arms, considering her words. He had the power to rule, to dominate, but that wasn't his immediate goal. Not yet. Still, he knew there was much to gain from playing along—for now. "I'll play your game," he said, nodding. "Show me your empire."

Anissa smiled, satisfied with his response. She gestured for him to follow her. "Come with me to Viltrum," she said. "You'll see what we're capable of. And then, you'll understand where you fit into all of this."

Ax-el floated alongside her as they began their journey through the stars, his mind racing with possibilities. He wasn't naive—he knew the Viltrumites were conquerors, and they'd expect him to fall in line. But what they didn't realize was that he had no intention of being their subordinate.

For now, he would observe, learn, and bide his time. The Viltrumites were powerful, yes—but Ax-el was something more. And when the time was right, he would conquer them, just as they had conquered so many others.

As they flew toward Viltrum, the future stretched out before Ax-el, vast and filled with endless potential. This universe would be his playground, and no one—not the Viltrumites, not anyone—would stand in his way.




BOOOM first chap it out how was it?