Chapter 2

Ax-el and Anissa flew through the vast expanse of space, the stars streaking past them as they moved at incredible speeds. Ax-el kept his gaze forward, his thoughts racing as fast as his body. He had agreed to follow Anissa to Viltrum, the seat of the Viltrumite Empire, and while he had no intention of submitting to them, he knew he needed more information.

Anissa glanced over at him occasionally, still trying to make sense of what had happened. She had thrown her strongest punches at him, blows that should have sent him reeling, and yet he hadn't even budged. Who was this Kryptonian, and how had someone so powerful managed to stay off the Viltrumites' radar for so long?

As they approached Viltrum, the planet came into view—an enormous, gleaming world, with rings of asteroids orbiting it. Ax-el's sharp eyes scanned the surface. It looked like a fortress from space—majestic, pristine, and filled with power. He could feel it, the weight of the Viltrumites' presence, their arrogance built into every inch of their world.

"This is Viltrum," Anissa said, her voice filled with pride. "The home of the strongest warriors in the universe."

Ax-el smirked, not bothering to respond. Strongest? That remained to be seen.

As they descended toward the planet's surface, Ax-el could see the massive structures rising from the ground, cities that gleamed with advanced technology and weaponry. The Viltrumites had built their empire on strength, conquest, and domination, and their home world reflected that perfectly. It was a world where only the strong survived, where weakness was eliminated swiftly and ruthlessly.

They landed in the heart of one of the largest cities, where towering buildings loomed overhead. Viltrumites, their muscular forms clad in suits, flew through the air or walked with purpose, all radiating the same arrogant confidence.

"Impressive," Ax-el said, more to himself than to Anissa.

Anissa led him to a large, imposing structure, one that looked like a cross between a fortress and a palace. Inside, Viltrumites were busy, training, discussing plans for future conquests, and sparring in brutal fights that left the ground cracked and splintered beneath their feet.

"This is the council hall," Anissa explained. "The leaders of the Viltrumite Empire gather here. I'll introduce you to them. They'll want to know about you."

Ax-el nodded, his senses fully alert. He could feel the eyes of the other Viltrumites on him, watching him carefully, trying to figure him out. They didn't know who he was, but they could sense that he was different. That alone was enough to stir their curiosity.

Anissa led him deeper into the hall, where a large group of Viltrumites was gathered. At the center stood Thragg, the leader of the Viltrumite Empire. His imposing figure towered over the others, his cold eyes scanning the room with a calm, terrifying authority.

Ax-el recognized him instantly from his memories of the show. Thragg was one of the most powerful beings in the Invincible universe—strong, ruthless, and calculating. But even as Ax-el stood before him, he felt no intimidation. In fact, he had to suppress a smirk. Thragg, powerful as he was, didn't know what he was dealing with.

"This is him," Anissa said, stepping forward to address Thragg. "The one I told you about."

Thragg's gaze shifted to Ax-el, his eyes narrowing as he studied him. He stepped forward, his movements slow and deliberate, like a predator sizing up its prey. "You're the one who withstood Anissa's attack," he said, his voice a deep rumble. "I've never heard of a Kryptonian."

Ax-el met his gaze, his own expression unreadable. "I'm new around here," he said casually.

Thragg's eyes narrowed further. "New or not, if you're as powerful as Anissa claims, you could be of use to the Viltrumite Empire."

Ax-el chuckled softly. "Use to you? I don't take orders from anyone."

The room fell silent, and a tense energy filled the air. The Viltrumites surrounding them shifted uneasily, their eyes flicking between Thragg and Ax-el. Anissa looked on with interest, curious to see how Thragg would respond to such open defiance.

Thragg's expression remained cold, but there was a flicker of something dangerous in his eyes. "You don't know what you're talking about, Kryptonian. No one challenges the Viltrumites."

Ax-el's smirk widened. "I'm not challenging you, Thragg. I'm just letting you know where we stand. I'm not here to play soldier for your empire. I'm here to see what you're all about."

Thragg's fists clenched at his sides, but he didn't strike. He knew better than to start a fight without understanding his opponent's full strength. Instead, he nodded slowly. "Very well. Let's see if you're as powerful as you think."

Ax-el raised an eyebrow, intrigued. Was Thragg going to fight him now? Part of him was eager for it. He hadn't really tested his full strength since awakening as a Kryptonian, and this could be the perfect opportunity.

But instead of attacking, Thragg turned to Anissa. "Take him to see our operations," he ordered. "Let him observe. If he proves useful, we'll decide how to proceed."

Anissa nodded and motioned for Ax-el to follow her. As they left the council hall, Ax-el could feel the eyes of the Viltrumites on him, their silent judgment filling the air. He could tell they were unsure of him, curious but wary.

Once they were outside, Anissa turned to him. "You're lucky," she said, a smirk playing on her lips. "Thragg doesn't usually tolerate defiance. He must really see something in you."

Ax-el shrugged. "Or he's just smart enough not to pick a fight he can't win."

Anissa laughed, clearly enjoying his confidence. "You really believe that, don't you? That you can take on Thragg?"

"I don't believe it," Ax-el said, his voice calm. "I know it."

Anissa's smile faded slightly, but she said nothing, instead leading him through the city toward one of the Viltrumite operations centers. As they walked, Ax-el took in the sights and sounds of Viltrum. The planet was impressive, its people strong and disciplined. But he could feel the cracks in their empire, the arrogance that would eventually be their downfall.

He wasn't here to challenge them—at least not yet. For now, he would learn everything he could, gather as much information as possible. When the time came, he would make his move.

As they approached the operations center, Anissa glanced at him. "So what's your plan, Ax-el?" she asked. "You're not just here to observe, are you?"

Ax-el's eyes gleamed with ambition. "No. I'm here to conquer."