Chapter 3

Ax-el stood outside the operations center, his gaze sweeping over the landscape of Viltrum. The planet's cities stretched out beneath him, a symbol of the Viltrumite Empire's dominance over the universe. He could feel the weight of their history, the legacy of conquest that had shaped this empire. But all of it seemed insignificant in the face of his own power.

Anissa walked beside him, her sharp eyes scanning their surroundings as well. She hadn't spoken much since their conversation with Thragg. Ax-el could sense the curiosity simmering beneath her calm exterior. She was trying to figure him out, still trying to understand just how powerful he really was.

They reached the operations center, a massive structure built into the side of a mountain. The building itself seemed designed to withstand incredible force, a testament to the Viltrumites' strength. Inside, various teams of Viltrumites were gathered, analyzing data, monitoring various worlds under their control, and coordinating their expansion efforts.

Anissa led Ax-el inside, where a few Viltrumites glanced up at him but said nothing. He could feel their wariness. They knew he wasn't one of them, and his very presence seemed to disrupt their carefully ordered world.

"This is where we oversee our operations," Anissa explained, leading him through the central control room. "From here, we can monitor all the planets in our empire. We're constantly expanding, conquering new worlds, bringing them under Viltrumite rule."

Ax-el nodded, not particularly impressed. He could already feel the limitations of their system. The Viltrumites were powerful, yes, but their strength was built on the assumption that no one could stand against them. Ax-el knew better. He had seen worlds far more advanced, powers that dwarfed even the Viltrumite Empire. He had come from one such power himself.

As they moved deeper into the center, a group of Viltrumites approached them. Leading the group was a tall, muscular man with a hard expression and a scar across his face. He eyed Ax-el warily, then turned to Anissa.

"So this is the Kryptonian," he said, his voice laced with suspicion. "The one who took your punches like they were nothing."

Anissa nodded. "Yes, Kreg. He's the one."

Kreg stepped closer to Ax-el, his eyes narrowing as he sized him up. "I've never heard of a Kryptonian," he said. "And I don't trust anyone who can show up out of nowhere with that kind of power."

Ax-el didn't respond, simply meeting Kreg's gaze with an indifferent expression. He could feel the tension in the air. Kreg was trying to provoke him, testing his resolve, trying to assert his own dominance in the situation. It was a move Ax-el recognized well—one that countless other warriors had tried with him before.

"Why don't we see how strong you really are?" Kreg said, stepping forward and cracking his knuckles. "I don't believe you're as powerful as Anissa claims."

Ax-el glanced at Anissa, who simply shrugged. "Kreg doesn't take kindly to strangers," she said. "Especially ones who make the rest of us look bad."

Ax-el sighed softly, his calm demeanor never wavering. "If you insist."

Before Kreg could respond, Ax-el moved. He blurred across the space between them, so fast that even Anissa's sharp Viltrumite senses couldn't track him. One moment, Kreg was standing confidently, and the next, Ax-el had grabbed him by the throat, lifting him effortlessly into the air.

The entire room froze, the other Viltrumites watching in stunned silence as Ax-el held Kreg up without breaking a sweat. Kreg struggled, his hands clawing at Ax-el's arm, but he couldn't move him. His strength, which had been enough to subdue countless enemies in the past, was nothing compared to the raw power Ax-el possessed.

"I'm not interested in playing games," Ax-el said, his voice calm but carrying an undeniable authority. "I've already told Thragg—I'm not here to follow orders or prove myself to any of you. I'm here for my own reasons."

With that, Ax-el released Kreg, letting him drop to the ground in a heap. The other Viltrumites in the room tensed, but none of them moved. They had seen enough to understand that Ax-el wasn't someone to be trifled with.

Anissa watched the exchange with a faint smile. "Well, that settles that," she said, her tone casual. "Kreg, I'd say you're outmatched."

Kreg coughed, regaining his breath as he glared up at Ax-el, but he didn't make any further moves. He knew when he was beaten.

Ax-el turned his attention back to Anissa. "Is this your idea of a welcoming committee?" he asked with a smirk.

Anissa shrugged. "Viltrumites respect strength. You just showed them you're stronger than Kreg. They'll back off now—at least for the time being."

Ax-el glanced around the room. The other Viltrumites were still watching him, their expressions ranging from wary to outright fearful. But there was also something else in their eyes—respect. They understood power, and Ax-el had just demonstrated that he possessed more of it than any of them.

"Good to know," Ax-el said, his smirk fading into a more serious expression. "Now, let's get to the point. What's next?"

Anissa stepped closer, her expression turning more serious as well. "I'm taking you to Thragg's personal chamber," she said. "He'll want to see you again—especially after this little display."

Ax-el nodded. He had no doubt that Thragg would be watching closely. This was all part of the larger game, and Ax-el was playing it to perfection. He wasn't ready to make his move yet, but when he did, the entire Viltrumite Empire would feel the force of his power.

They made their way through the operations center, heading toward the higher levels where Thragg's personal quarters were located. As they ascended, Ax-el took note of everything—the layout, the security measures, the technology. He was already forming plans, calculating how best to take control when the time was right.

Finally, they reached a large set of doors, guarded by two Viltrumites who stepped aside as Anissa approached. The doors opened, revealing a large chamber beyond. Thragg was waiting inside, standing with his arms crossed as he watched them enter.

"You've caused quite a stir already," Thragg said, his voice calm but with an undercurrent of tension. "I've received reports about your…encounter with Kreg."

Ax-el met his gaze without flinching. "I don't like being tested."

Thragg's expression didn't change, but Ax-el could sense the weight of his scrutiny. "You're different from anyone I've encountered before," Thragg said after a moment. "And I don't just mean your power. There's something else—something you're not telling me."

Ax-el smiled slightly. "I'm sure you'll figure it out."

Thragg's eyes narrowed, but he didn't press the issue. Instead, he turned his attention to Anissa. "Take him to the training grounds. I want to see how he handles a real challenge."

Anissa nodded and motioned for Ax-el to follow her again. As they left the chamber, Ax-el's mind raced with possibilities. A real challenge? He doubted the Viltrumites had anything that could truly test him, but he was willing to see what they had to offer.

As they made their way to the training grounds, Anissa glanced at him with a sly smile. "You're full of surprises, Ax-el. I'm starting to wonder what you're really here for."

Ax-el smirked. "You'll find out soon enough."

The training grounds loomed ahead, a massive arena where Viltrumites trained in brutal combat. Ax-el's heart quickened with anticipation. This was just the beginning.