Chapter 4

Ax-el followed Anissa through the towering halls of the Viltrumite fortress, his gaze scanning the architecture. Everything here was built with precision, designed to withstand the forces of Viltrumite power. He wasn't here to admire the craftsmanship, though. His mind was already preparing for the next step—how to navigate this empire of conquerors and how to eventually bend them to his will.

As they neared the training grounds, he felt the shift in the air, a certain intensity radiating from the space ahead. This was where Viltrumites tested themselves, pushed their limits, and trained for war. Anissa's pace quickened slightly as they approached the massive arena, the sounds of battle growing louder.

The arena itself was a coliseum-style structure, a wide-open space filled with harsh terrain, artificial obstacles, and enough room for beings of immense strength to clash without obliterating the surrounding city. Viltrumites of all ranks were gathered, engaged in fierce combat. Some sparred in the air, while others smashed through walls or clashed on the ground, their blows echoing across the field.

Anissa led him to a raised platform overlooking the grounds, where a few high-ranking Viltrumites stood observing the chaos below. Among them was Thragg, his eyes locking onto Ax-el the moment they entered.

"You've brought him," Thragg said to Anissa, though his focus remained on Ax-el. "Good."

Ax-el crossed his arms, meeting Thragg's intense stare without flinching. He could sense that this wasn't just about combat. It was another test—another move in the Viltrumite leader's game. Thragg wanted to gauge Ax-el's strength, to see if his power was truly as boundless as it seemed.

"I thought you might enjoy seeing what our warriors are capable of," Thragg said, a slight smile playing at the corner of his mouth. "We value strength above all else on Viltrum. Here, you can prove yourself."

Ax-el raised an eyebrow, glancing at the fighters below. He could feel the raw power radiating from them, their strength and speed far beyond anything the average species could handle. But to him, it was nothing more than a distraction.

"I don't need to prove anything," Ax-el said calmly. "But if this is your idea of fun, I'll indulge you."

Thragg's smile faded, his expression sharpening. "Confidence is easy to display until it's tested."

Anissa watched the exchange with interest, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "You've already bested Kreg without even trying. I'm curious to see what happens when you actually fight."

Ax-el shrugged, his casual demeanor masking the readiness he felt beneath the surface. "Let's find out, then."

Without waiting for further invitation, he stepped forward, launching himself off the platform and into the heart of the arena. The air around him seemed to ripple as he descended, the other Viltrumites below noticing his presence immediately. Their sparring came to a halt, eyes turning toward the new challenger.

As Ax-el landed on the ground with a soft thud, a group of elite Viltrumite warriors approached him. They were larger, more battle-hardened than the average Viltrumite, their bodies bearing scars from countless battles. The leader of the group stepped forward, his expression cold and calculating.

"You're the Kryptonian," the warrior said, his tone laced with both curiosity and hostility. "The one who thinks he's stronger than us."

Ax-el smirked. "I don't think. I know."

The warrior's eyes flashed with anger, and in an instant, he charged. His speed was blinding, his fist aimed directly at Ax-el's face. The other Viltrumites around the arena watched with anticipation, waiting to see how the mysterious Kryptonian would respond.

But Ax-el didn't move. He stood perfectly still as the Viltrumite's fist slammed into his jaw with enough force to shatter mountains. There was a loud crack as the ground beneath Ax-el's feet gave way, forming a crater around him. Dust and debris flew into the air, and for a moment, there was silence.

Then the dust cleared, and Ax-el stood exactly where he had been, completely unfazed. The Viltrumite who had punched him staggered back, clutching his hand in shock. His knuckles were shattered, the bones in his arm fractured from the impact.

"You'll have to try harder than that," Ax-el said calmly.

The warrior's eyes widened in disbelief, and before he could react, Ax-el flicked his wrist. A single, effortless motion that sent the Viltrumite flying across the arena, crashing into a wall on the far side with a deafening boom. He slumped to the ground, unconscious.

The other Viltrumites stood frozen, their shock palpable. Ax-el could hear their whispered conversations, the confusion spreading through their ranks. He had just demonstrated a level of power they had never seen before, something far beyond their understanding.

Thragg, still watching from the platform, narrowed his eyes. He had expected Ax-el to be powerful, but this was something else entirely.

"Is that all?" Ax-el called out, his voice echoing across the arena. "Or do you have someone who can actually give me a challenge?"

There was a moment of hesitation before two more warriors stepped forward, their expressions grim. These were Thragg's elites, warriors who had fought in countless battles and earned their place among the Viltrumite hierarchy. They approached Ax-el cautiously, circling him like predators stalking their prey.

Ax-el sighed, shaking his head. "You really don't get it, do you?"

One of the elites lunged at him, moving with the speed of a bullet. Ax-el didn't even bother to dodge. He reached out with lightning speed, grabbing the warrior by the throat and slamming him into the ground so hard the arena floor cracked beneath them. The other elite tried to attack from behind, but Ax-el swung his arm back, catching him in the chest and sending him flying into the air like a ragdoll.

It was over in seconds.

The arena fell into stunned silence, the few remaining Viltrumites too shocked to move. Ax-el stood in the center of the chaos, unharmed and bored. He had come to Viltrum expecting something more, but so far, it had been nothing but a disappointment.

He turned his gaze to Thragg, who remained on the platform, watching with a cold, calculating expression.

"This is your empire?" Ax-el asked, his voice carrying across the arena. "This is the strength you pride yourselves on?"

Thragg didn't respond immediately. Instead, he stepped forward, his cape billowing slightly in the wind as he descended to the arena floor. His gaze never left Ax-el, and there was a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"You've made your point," Thragg said, his voice low and dangerous. "You're strong. But don't mistake that for superiority. The Viltrumite Empire is more than just strength. It's about unity, discipline, and purpose."

Ax-el chuckled, shaking his head. "You're living in the past, Thragg. Your empire is built on outdated ideals. Strength is what matters now. And I'm the strongest being you've ever seen."

Thragg's eyes narrowed, his fists clenching at his sides. "We'll see about that."

Without warning, Thragg charged. He moved with incredible speed, faster than any of the warriors Ax-el had faced so far. His fist collided with Ax-el's chest, and for the first time, Ax-el felt something—a slight pressure, barely noticeable, but there.

Ax-el smirked. "Now we're talking."