Forced to marry

The next day went by like a blur. It was filled with preparations for a wedding. I was forced to attend all because we were family. We had rehearsals, the whole family of Mikhail was around and they had their nose in everything.

I could see Maggi was starting to look like she regretted ever agreeing to get married.

everywhere she stepped into was filled with one of Michael's family trying to get a piece of her. For someone who loved being the center of attention, she looked like she would do anything to not be here.

"Cold feet?" I asked with a tone that conveyed my taunts.

"Oh, it's you. and no, i just need to rest," she replied to me with a roll of her eyes.

"You know you can just call it off if you think it's too much for you to handle,'' I said to her with a little concern in my voice.

"Of course, you will say that. I don't even know why I am surprised. you never did care for anyone but yourself." she spat at me.

"Well, at least I am not the one getting married against my will," I retorted before walking away from her.

"or you are just jealous your crush is getting married to me, and not you. come on, Ri, are you telling me you don't feel like doing something to me right now" she taunted me with a sly smile on her face.

If I have learnt anything from being Maggie's big sister, it is that no matter what I do, or try to make myself matter, she will always make everything about her. deciding it was not my place to make Maggie feel better about herself, i chose to explore my parents home, since it was never mine and the one place i could remember loving was the garden, so i made a move to go there.

Since the servants were in charge of making sure Maggie's big day went as planned, I had no idea where exactly they wanted to use it for the wedding, which was why I was shocked when I saw the garden getting more 'gardened' with different flowers than the ones that were already there.

I looked around, hoping I did not see a familiar face. I walked towards the pond where I used to play as a child and hoped it was still there and alive. The pond was just as I had left it that day. i shook my head vigorously to

"Hi," I heard a little voice say behind me. I jerked and almost fell, "you scared me," I replied to the owner of the voice breathlessly.

"What are you doing here?" she asked and I could sense a little accent rolling off her tongue. I stared hard into her eyes and smiled a bit, "nothing, " I replied to the little girl, "what are you doing here?" I asked her. her answer shocked me.

"I'm trying to get away from the noise. My uncle is getting married tomorrow but I don't like the woman, she is mean," she was so young yet so old. I was about to reply to her when she heard something and immediately stood up and ran towards the path we came in from.

I laughed a bit and shook my head. "such a smart little kid," I said to myself.

I was so happy as I watched the time go fast. soon it was night time and rather than join them for dinner and watch them laugh and ignore me, i chose to have my dinner in my room and soon after i was fast asleep.

I did not expect to have a nice sleep seeing as I have never had good memories about this place but all of that ended when my father barged into my room.

"Get her ready, she will have to do," he said to the servants and walked out.

I looked at the servants and wondered what the hell was going on. I was hearing some noise but it was mostly filled with shouts for Maggie.

"what happened?" I began to ask worriedly. Was Maggie dead? Did something happen to her? I asked myself when nobody answered my question. The servants had finished getting me ready when I saw them bring in a very white dress that looked a lot like a wedding gown.

"What?!" I asked with a loud voice, "that is not the dress i chose to wear for today, what is wrong with all of you?" I kept on fighting and asking questions no one would answer.

it was then my step mother came in and rather than looking somber, she looked like she was done with it all.

"Rhea, your sister has run away to god-knows-where, leaving a letter of 'I'm sorry' behind, nothing more and no explanation either. you will stand in for her unless you want the whole of your family exterminated, you will do this." as she spoke I shook my head vehemently. there was no way they were actually serious.

My father , who has never spoken to me since I have been home, thought it would be right to get me ready for a wedding I have no say in.

Sophie was still trying her best to convince me with words that didn't make sense when Michael walked in, his eyes bloodshot.

"What is delaying her?" he asked my mother, failing to acknowledge me.

"Mikhail," I called out to him, "please, I don't want to do this. you don't want to marry me. you want Maggie," I tried to convince him.

"No, I don't want to marry you, heck! I didn't even want to marry your sister. It was all a business arrangement and I also don't want to be humiliated because if I am, nobody in this household, not even your friends would survive my wrath. So, put on your big girl pants and get ready." he said and made a move to walk away before he turned back again and said.

"For the record," he began to say as he walked out of my room, "This is nothing but a business arrangement. I had one great love and she died. If you decide to run away like your sister, you will not only lose your life, but also everything and everyone you hold dear, and since your sister ran away, you will do." he hurled those hurtful words at me and walked out with my mom on his tail, saying nothing to me but instructing the servants to help me get ready fast.

I just stood there, thinking, there is that word again, 'you will do'.

"Maggie, where are you?"