The wedding announcement

The mere thought of seeing my parents look at me like a failure plagued my mind but I was not ready to take any nonsense from them.

Our house was, if not the biggest in the area, they practically called it the white house because my proud father wanted to be recognised so badly, he painted it white. he flower ornaments were spread from the gates down to the yards and the main building. My father even had a maze built just for sports, and everywhere you looked, you would see hoses watering the flowers at every interval.

I watched as Maggie and Mikhail walked together towards the house while I just stayed behind. they would soften the blow at least.

The butler, Mr Camero stood at the entrance and watched me. he smiled welcomingly, it felt like was trying to make me feel at home. he knew all the things that had happened in the house while i was there.he was the only one i could count on for raising me almost like his own.

"Ri, welcome back, my girl," he said to me with a soft smile and his arms spread wide open. I ran towards him like a child seeing her father for the first time in many years.

"God, I have missed you, Cam," I hugged him really tight.

"I know, seeing how tight you are hugging me," he replied, with a laugh. "Now, go in child, our parents are waiting for you," he urged. He never liked my step mother, but he never showed it, instead he would implore me to be more accommodating towards her.

"I doubt they would be very happy to see me, but you are right, I should go in," I replied to him after releasing him. I gave him a smile as I walked in the house I grew up in.

The flower pots were still at the same place as before, albeit trimmed, it looked like no one wanted to move them. the pictures on the wall looked like they hadn't aged a bit, no dust or cobwebs could be seen. The white house was still as white as ever and as I stepped in, I saw my parents laughing at something Mikhail said but as soon as Sophie saw me come in, she broke into a grin and raised her glass in the air.

"Mom, Dad, I have news," Maggie announced, and went to hold Mikhail who just glared at her slightly before averting his eyes.. "We are getting married!" she screamed joyfully.

No one noticed the exchange but I did and it was then I locked eyes with him, but his eyes gave nothing away.

Sophie, my father's wife, gasped like she was shocked, like the proposal wasn't all she hoped for and then she exchanged joyful glances with my father before rushing to Maggie's side to gush about how beautiful the ring was.

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed, as she admired the ring on Maggie's finger. "It's lovely, dear, lovely," she cooed, her voice dripping with delight.

My father, Henry, joined in, gazing at the ring with an unsettling enthusiasm. "Finally," he said, as if they had been expecting this proposal despite Michael and Maggie's whirlwind romance. They didn't ask questions, they were just happy they were getting married. Michael was a catch, a rich catch.

I stood in the corner, feeling left out as always. I was starting to become one with the wall with the way I stayed glued to it.

against my better judgment, I scoffed out loud and made a move to lay down on the sofa.

"Oh, yes, here comes the bitter one," Maggie said out loud, rolling her eyes.

"There you are, Rhea. I was wondering when you would come in to join us," my mother said, her face devoid of any smile or laughter showing how much she didn't want ro see me.

"Well, I didn't want to ruin the moment. Mother, father," I said standing up, "I'm home," Mikhail noticed the exchange, if he had something to say, he kept it to himself.

My father just looked at me and without acknowledging my presence, he turned back to Mikhail who stood there smiling.

"Nice of you to join us, Ri, I'm sure you didn't miss the news. Maggie must have told you we are getting married, that's another reason why we wanted you home. The wedding is in two days."

Two days? I looked at him shocked. I wanted to tell him that was fast but it was not my business and my parents already were looking at me. I wanted to ask him why, didn't he lose his wife 2 years ago?

Only God knows what Maggie saw on my face, but the next thing I heard was, "you can close your mouth now, Rhea. You look envious, and that's not a good color," and she even had the guts to smirk.

I said nothing. I was angry and really disappointed in Mikhail. He was better than this and he deserved better.

I was home, but this has never been my home. No one liked the idea of me around.

There was no reason to stay and listen to them yap about the ring or how nice it was to have Maggie and Mikhail home, I excused myself and went up to my room.

It was just as I had left it. All my clothes were untouched, shoes and even my books. I was sure the maids cleaned because they cared for me not because my mother told them to. She never cared for me, not even once and Sophie was just like her. I just hoped Mikhail sees her for what she is.

Mikhail was the only son of my father's business associate. My father got into the business with his father when things were starting to become a bit hard for us. Even till now, I didn't know what kind of business it was, they never did they let any of us know. Sophie just loved the idea of the nice shoes and bags, and she raised Maggie the same way.

I and Mikhail were friends for years and even then, all I knew about Michael was that he was Russian and you can never know with them, can you?

Mikhail Frost Ivanov...