Chapter 6

Finding the truck, and the trucker, after the fight with the Ethereals was easy. Most know not to panic inside a Hollow. The ever changing space inside may cause you to get even more lost. From there, it became an escort mission, with Belle sitting in the front with Eous and the driver.

"Thank God you guys found me.. Though I wasn't expecting old man Chop to hire a full group like this. I almost thought you were outlaw Hunters or something..!" The driver laughed nervously.

His fear wasn't exactly unfounded. Humanity, not being in as dire a situation as it had been in 'Solo Leveling', was able to be a bit greedy with Hollows and Dungeons. Rogue Hunters appeared every day, going against the Government and Guilds to monopolize Ether and Magic resources for themselves.

These Rogue Hunters were often times vicious killers, who betrayed the Guilds they were part of, to join up with a gang. Their capture and elimination were up to the Guilds and a special task force in Pubsec within New Eridu.

Luckily, Belle, Billy, Anby, Nicole and Eous were cute enough to let the driver's guard down enough to where they could approach him.

"You think there'd be a gang full of women.. plus one cool machine guy?" Belle added, not including the cute scarfed Bangboo on her lap.

"Ehe.. Yeah, guess not. Nerves must have been getting to me, I guess." The driver chuckled sheepily.

'Actually.. there is a biker gang of nearly all women. Unfortunately, that's where my memories stop.' Belle huffed proudly, remembering how she pulled Caesar three times.

Then she got Burnice four times..

"I've always been pretty lucky huh?" Belle mused quietly to herself.

"What was that, Belle?" Wise asked, making Eous look up at her.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking on my recent lucky gacha pulls~" Belle smugly smirked, feeling Wise's frustration all the way from Random Play.

"Did you spend money on- Hm? Hold on a second. Big Ethereals ahead. Be careful, Belle." Wise warned as the truck came to a stop, seeing a large, hammer-fisted Ethereal, along with two regular blade armed Ethereals in front of them.

The Cunning Hares immediately got out of the truck, strutting up to the front. Nicole rubbed her butt with a grimace.

"Finally, we can get some exercise..! My poor butt was going numb, sitting on those crates!" Nicole harrumphed.

Belle hopped out next, "Aww, I'm sorry Nicole. Do you want me to rub it better?"


Nicole sputtered for a moment, having been taken by surpise. Though she composed herself quickly after with practiced ease.

"Sure~ But it'll cost you." Nicole smirked and readied herself as the Ethereals approached.

"Stay back and support. You have no weapons yet." Anby added, giving Belle a look of concern.

"Yeah, let us handle the damage and its attention, Mana-Er- Belle." Billy declared, spinning his guns around his mechanical fingers.

"Got it!" Belle replied, watching as the Cunning Hares moved in on the group.

Belle followed a few meters behind, seeing Anby engage with a one armed Ethereal in a blade clash. While Billy and Nicole set themselves upon the brutish Ethereal often designated as 'Farbauti'. Belle sweep kicked the other basic Ethereal coming to help its friend, which was being bullied by Anby at this point.

The Ethereal fell on its back and recieved a strong heel stomp impact the orb it had for a head, effectively eliminating it. Though it seemed Anby had already finished, she gave Belle a curt nod and joined in the fight against the Farbauti.

Belle clenched her fists and kept a moderate distance. Its body was tough enough to slash and pierce, even with their weapons. So just punching it a bunch wouldn't really do much. Thankfully, she did have a projectile ability.


An Ether bolt flew out of her hand and smacked into Farbauti's back, effectively making it stumble onto its knees. The Cunning Hares immediately capitalized on its weakness.

Anby hacked a chunk of its right leg away, her blade crackling with electricity. Billy emptied both of his magazines into its dome head. And Nicole fired a beam of pure Ether into its hunched over body, creating what almost looked like a 'Hollow Purple' to Belle. The sphere both repelling and attracting the matter within and around it, further destroying the body of the brute Ethereal.


Its lumbering body slumped down on the street, collapsing in a crumpled heap. Nicole blew on the barrel of her weapon and smirked at Belle. Though she knew she messed up as soon as she saw the pacic in her eyes.

It hadn't disintegrated yet.

Nicole turned, arms raised up to block. But the Farbauti was fast. Its hammer fist swung down straight at her, threatening to crush the pavement with her body. Though she nearly had all of the air evacuate her lungs when Belle tackled her away from the hit, despite her not being in harm's way.

Billy and Anby both set upon the dying Farbauti and shot/stabbed its core, destroying it completely.


Nicole gasped, having just avoided an injury, or even death. Nicole looked up to see a grateful-looking Belle, holding Nicole on top of her protectively.

"You okay? Man, I thought it was dead for sure~" Belle exhaled with a small grin.

"I.. uh.... Yeah! I'm okay." Nicole tried to fix her expression, though she knew she was blushing, she really couldn't fight away the smile that was on her lips.

"Thank you, Belle. Really. I got careless back there and ended up showing you something embarassing. But! Not anymore. Prepare to look up to me even more." The impish smile and attitude returned to Nicole's face. But her reddened cheeks, ears and neck were still visible.

Not that Anby and Billy would say it out loud..

"You're so cute blushing that hard~" But Belle absolutely would..

"A-Aaah! Come on! We have a job to finish!" Nicole stood up, acting like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

[Affection Points: Billy +5! Anby +5! Nicole +15! Relationship status: Friends]

Belle nearly started dancing when she saw that. But held off, due to it being a little embarassing to do right there.

"Thanks for saving Nicole." Anby said before passing Belle and returning to the truck.

Billy pat her shoulder, almost seeming to smile, even though he didn't have a visible mouth to do so.

Belle stood up and smirked victoriously. The mission was essentially a tutorial stage. The next coming ones were the true test