Chapter 7

The commissions finally came to an end. There were three more comissions after the first one, which ended up taking the whole day. By the time Belle and Eous returned to Random Play, it was the evening.

"Welcome back, Belle, Eous." Wise greeted them as they walked in.

"Thanks, Bruzzah. Go on upstairs, Eous. You earned a nice, long charge." Belle pet the dilligent Bangboo, who saluted her and pranced up the stairs.

Wise smiled and gestured at the steaming bowl of ramen from Waterfall Soup, placed on the table in front of their couch within their workshop.

"I got you some tonkotsu ramen from-" Wise didn't get to finish, as Belle immediately broke the chopsticks apart and began devouring the ramen before it became soggy.

"Aha.. Well, you worked hard today, Belle. I noticed quite a few things. Mind if I point them out while you eat?" Wise asked, receiving a thumbs up in return.

"Well.. I noticed you improved as time went on. In fighting the Ethereals, I mean. Where your hits would knock them back a couple feet during your first round, I noticed the increased distance after the third commission." Wise pulled out a notebook and began jotting down his observations.


"Ah.. Well, now that you mention it. I think it may have just been my combat effectiveness. Where and when to hit became easier to tell as time went on. Of course, Billy, Anby and Nicole's performances and tips definitely helped." Belle replied, slurping up the broth.

"Hm.. I didn't consider that. But I guess it makes sense, considering your Photographic Reflexes. I also noticed your Ether bolts have a pretty far range. Longest shot you took was fifty meters. And there was no slow down or diminishing energy within them. Do you know your ether limit?" Wise asked.

Belle raised up a finger, before stuffing pork in her mouth and chewing for a dozen seconds. After swallowing, she nodded at her brother.

"I can fire off ten of those. But I may be able to mold the energy into larger attacks too. I have a lot of ideas I wanna try! Shame most of them can only wait until I get stronger." Belle shrugged, a little helplessly.

Wise smiled and pat his sister on the head.

"Let's not rush anything, okay? I know you're excited but we should take these things one step at a time. I'd hate for you to get hurt. These commissions were also to test how good your ether resistance is. Thankfully, you passed with flying colors. I'm going to write my observations down. Mind closing the store?" Wise asked, taking a seat in the HDD chair and flipping his notebook open.

"No prob. Just lemme get some sip." Belle got up, chugging the rest of the broth, leftover noodles and veggies.

"That hit the spot! Thanks, Wise." Belle then put the bowl on the shelf and walked into the store section, going for the door, when suddenly-

"Oh, hello? Sorry, are you closing?" A friendly female voice stopped her.

Belle's eyes widened as she looked up at the Pubsec officer, Zhu Yuan. Who looked apologetic and in a hurry. Belle slowly looked her up and down, taking in the glorious sight of the woman, before a quick wave to the face snapped her out of her trance.

"Hello? I'm sorry. I just wanted to return this..?" Zhu Yuan pointed to the DVD case of 'Police Academy' with a small glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"Oh! Yeah, no problem. Did you like it, Momm-Officer?" Belle smiled, like she didn't just slip up.

Zhu Yuan raised her brow briefly, but decided she probably misheard her.

"Oh, it was.. accurate in a few parts. But I liked the fact that so many.. people from different backgrounds were so passionate about police work. I enjoyed it." Zhu Yuan nodded, praising the old movie.

"Well, I'm glad to hear it! Come back soon, okay?" Belle kept up her professional smile.

"I will. Thank you, Manager." Zhu Yuan nodded and turned around to leave.


Zhu Yuan was caught off guard by the different, deeper, excited pitch in Belle's sudden exclamation.

"What's wrong? Did you see something..?" Zhu Yuan asked, in a more authoratative tone.

"No.. I just got an exciting text is all.." Belle replied, her face a little flushed.

"Hm.. Okay then.." Zhu Yuan muttered, before leaving the store.

Belle nearly doubled over on the counter, taking in a deep breath. Zhu Yuan's ass was big. No.. it was perfectly shaped, toned and proportioned. Belle felt tears well up into her eyes as she clasped her palms together.

"God bless this day.. First it was Nicole's original design.. Now it's Zhu Yuan's perfectly sculpted body.." Belle muttered thankfully as she closed up the store and turned the lights off.

She wasn't just blowing things out of proportions either. In Belle's mind, Zhu Yuan was what Chinese Young Masters would call, a 'Jade Beauty'. And had looks that could 'topple a country'. There was some obvious embellishments, but Zhu Yuan was really beautiful. From her black and red hair, her cute yet mature face, and last but not least, her stunning body figure. Her uniform certainly helped show off her looks, as well as providing adequate coverage and protection.

"I hope she one day falls... ass first onto my face. The concussion'd be worth it." Belle muttered quietly to herself before opening the door to their workshop.

"Hey Wise, I'm going to shower first." Belle stated, seeing his slight nod as a green light.

Once in the shower, Belle started to think about her situation. If, at least to get her mind out of the gutter for a bit. She remembered to check the template status after the comissions ended, and was a little surprised.

It made sense. She wondered if acting like the 'Opp Stoppa' could help increase it too. Which basically just equated to beating up black haired teenagers with sister complexes.

'If I dyed Wise's hair...' Belle dismissed the slightly unhinged thought as soon as it formed.

'That can be put on hold for now.. I also really wanna explore my Ether abilities. If I can mold it into something like Blue and Red.. Ether has space-changing properties.. I'll start trying things out tomorrow, when I get my energy back.' Belle decided, scrubbing her short hair.

"Oh, I should also see if the gacha accepts more than just AP.." Belle hummed as she walked out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around her.

After picking up her phone and going into the app, she checked the gacha. And indeed, there was a channel for money. A thousand US Dollars for a ten pull. Belle felt a cold bead of sweat form on her head, thinking of how many she could pull at the moment. Their commissions for the day paid well, about five thousand. All of which was split between Gentle House (Cunning Hares) and Phaethon (Her and Wise). So, everyone made exactly one thousand USD today.

They had saved up a decent amount, being legendary proxies and all. But going crazy and blowing through that money all at once would make them bankrupt and likely homeless. Rent wasn't cheap after all. Plus, the electricity bill caused by the HDD system was no joke. Belle sighed and put her phone away.

"Nope.. I'm gonna save up first. Maybe Wise will let me pick out some of the more lucrative jobs.." Belle threw the towel off her body and crawled under her sheets.

"Whatever.. future Belle can take care of the rest." Belle yawned before closing her eyes and letting sleep take her.