Chapter 1: Did I really just get Isekai’d?

"Have you ever just gone to sleep, hoping the moment you wake up you'd have super powers?"

That's what I thought before I slept, hoping once I woke up I'd be able to reincarnate just like the shows I've watched recently. That Includes super powers-

But why did I wish for that before I fell asleep?

Well, we'd have to rewind a little bit.

A few hours ago…

"Sigh, looks like I'd have to cram this group project. None of my groupmates wanna do it."

I said so, getting ready for school.

"But I guess I'll do it later." sighing 

After getting ready, I went ahead and left my home.

I attend a school not too far from me, it isn't a big shot high school as well. It was one of those schools you'd see while your dad drives you to your friends house or something. Or at least that's how it is in where I live.

Since I don't have much money right now, since my parents are handling problems. I usually just walk to my school. And if you're wondering, the name of the school is "Wuveria High" don't ask me what it means, I don't know either.

And as I was walking to school, a girl I am familiar with shouted at me from a distance.

"Nuve! How are you doing?"

And that girl that screamed, her name is Lucia. And the name she screamed, that's me Nuve.

"New" = Nu then "Vay" = ve. Think of pronouncing Vay as like pronouncing "Way"

It's so early in the morning, I swear this girl…

She got close to me then…

"What's up Nuve? Ready for the test later?"

And… I knew it was over.


"Uh- Lucia, what test?"

I needed to ask her.

"Nuve, don't tell me you didn't see the announcement yesterday. I mean did you even check your phone?"

Damn it- All I did yesterday was read manga and play a game for 8 hours.

"Haha- I'll just yolo it, I mean… Reviewing is just doubting your ability to learn right?"

I know it's ggs.

"Sigh, whatever you say Nuve. But from what I heard yesterday, even the star section found it difficult."

I now know… I have no chance.


"That's alright I guess, I hit all 9 last quarter. I can spare some grades."

"Nuve… I worry for your future, this is the first time I've heard of someone sacrificing good grades to get away with a bad test."

"So? It's going to be okay anyways."

After that conversation with her, the school bell rang. And we had to go to our classes of course.

We aren't in the same class so we both went different ways.

My school life isn't cliché, there's no notable bullies that will annoy me in class or anything.

As much as I love this quiet life, it's kinda boring that the rest of the day ended quickly.

And no, I didn't see Lucia as I went home. She had club today.

So then, after walking alone. I entered my home, extremely tired. It was more on the mental side but…

I then realized I needed to finish that group project or else I'd get a blank grade on that subject for this quarter.

Being the lazy "genius" that I am, I played the whole rest of the afternoon telling myself I was "too tired" to do the project and that I'd do it the next day.

Later that night, I was about to sleep and an announcement from my phone suddenly got my attention.

And I can't believe what I just saw.

"Hello Students! I apologize for this sudden announcement but the group project that all of you had been doing for 2 weeks will have to be presented tomorrow. This is because a special guest from our school had required us to make an event for a contest tomorrow that will be from this grade's group project. I hope everyone from all sections has finished up or is finished creating their own masterpiece!"

…Son of a-



"First, the test that I think I failed earlier and now THIS? I swear, why did I have to be in a lazy group? This isn't good for a lazy person like me."

I said to myself.

It was at this moment that I realized how heavy the situation is, if I don't present this. Not only does our group get a bad reputation from the whole school but also that all of us get a blank grade.

It was these moments that I wished I stopped my education, and that I had powers that the government couldn't handle and I'd be able to live the way I wanted to.

I always envied those characters from shows where all they needed to do was hunt animals using their cool looking magic as they go see another day, free from waking up super early in the morning and having to do these projects.

It was childish I know, I know the older you get the more you realize that schools weren't so bad.

But I just couldn't help but think, what if we really did get those powers we acted like we had when we were kids?

The thought of a carefree life was something someone from any age would want for sure right?

It was then when I fell asleep, I realized I was falling asleep so I decided to "wake up" and I did…

It's just that… I couldn't move.

"Is this- sleep paralysis?"

I thought in my head.

But no it wasn't, there were these glowing things around me, it almost looked like magic.

I guess I was thinking about those things so hard that my body decided to show those things in the closest way it could.

And after that my eyes closed, I guess my body wanted to sleep just as much too.

It was when I chose to open my eyes the second time that I wasn't in my bed, it looked like a sea. 

The sky was a sea and so was the "ground" I was sleeping on. And from a distance I saw… a person?

"Now, hold on hold on…"

"What is happening right now?"

"And why am I here?"

Those words somehow escaped my mouth.

Am I dreaming right now? But It all feels too real.

"Congrats, you have been chosen. Young one."

The voice from that person scattered in my head.

That "thing" sounded like a girl though-

 Ahm- I should address what is happening right now first.

"Chosen? What do you mean?"

"Hm- are you not surprised with all of this? I assume a mortal like you would be more surprised experiencing something like this."

What that being said was true, I should be. But reading too much of these things….

"This might all be a dream anyway."

The "Being" laughed, I guess "she" thought it was an idiotic answer.

But what else could I think? I mean that's the only logical answer.

"My name is Hiel, you could identify me as some sort of "angel" of sorts."

Ah.. So I died?

"You haven't."

Said Hiel.

Huh? How did this being know my-

"I can hear your thoughts, Nuve"

Great, now "you" also know my name.

And hear my thoughts….

"Well, let's not dally anymore. Mortal, you are going to be put in another world. No objections or complaints will change this decision."

Sigh "I guess I can't hide my thoughts anyways so I'll ask you now, why?"

"This world I am going to put you in needs more students, or should I say… It needs more people to sacrifice."

"So you're an angel but you basically told me to kill myself- for the sake of what?"

"Well, I am not saying you'd die. If possible, I want you to survive. So instead of putting you there with no knowledge at all, I'll give you a little head start. This isn't easy but there is only one goal you need to be able to go back to your world."

"Mkay, I am listening."

"Such arro- Ahem, I will place you as the lowest ranker in a heroes academy. This academy is called the "Heroes Academy" as it only accepts prodigies that have proven themselves and will possibly be able to beat the "King" of their world. To explain what this king is, he is equivalent to a demon lord or even worse, and all I can say is he is nearing my strength. If a person like him achieves strengths such as mine, It would be the end for many worlds, including yours.

As I heard those words, I had a lot of questions but aside from all of that. I only had one important one.

"Alright, I am not going to ask you further, but I have one more question."

"...Speak, mortal."

"What do I need to do to get back to my world?"

"You need to be the highest rank in the academy, and do what you can to stall the "King", that is all."

"Goodbye, Mortal. If I don't send you now, you will wake up from this temporary state."

And then, she pulled me close. Paralyzing my whole body as she flicked my head.

It felt weird, like I was absorbing knowledge. And my body… I felt it change too.

Am I… Really Getting Transported To Some World?