Chapter 2: Re-Evaluation Exam

I woke up in a dorm of sorts, it looked really well maintained. My room could never-

It's as if… I've slept for a really long time too, my energy seems to be overflowing right now.

But wait, since I woke up in this dorm. Does this mean I am already inside the academy?



What am I even supposed to do? Do I have like- school right now?


I should explore a little bit.

These cabinets are empty, though I did find these uniforms in the closet. I guess it won't be a problem attending those classes if I already got into this academy, I wonder what this academy is called..

Probably some random academy name just like my-

And as I said those words, I swore I felt something. Like something covered my whole room. No, more like the whole building I was standing on.

Maybe that was a sign to get dressed and explore the outside.

After getting dressed, before I could touch the door knob to leave…

…I got teleported.

"Goodmorning, students of Divina Academy! I welcome you, it is of great honor for you to be standing here and I am sure all of you know."

I was too shocked to listen. Can you even blame me?

Instead of listening… I looked around, it looked like a big enclosed area, like a theater of sorts.

But I guess I should listen too.

"Now, I shall ask our current student council. Including our current top 1 student, Verila, to make an opening ceremony speech."

So that Verila gal is who I need to beat?

Her hair is dark violet, and her eyes seem dead. Just like those shows on TV, but I am sure she is incredibly strong…

They went ahead and did their little speech, it was composed of a welcome and a few reminders. Typical school stuff, as always.

It kinda made me annoyed that there wasn't anything about magic, don't get me wrong. I know that magic exists in this world, but I currently have no idea how to use it. I guess I was hoping for a clue.

But something did get my attention…

Verila's speech felt like a warning, it was like she was using some kind of magic to make our ears bleed. I wasn't affected though, but when she did that, I saw almost everyone use their own magic to block her magic.

Just what did I just get myself into? And why wasn't I affected? Was it because I wasn't listening?

After the opening ceremony, they gave all of us cards. It wasn't just any card. It was supposedly filled with magic to guide you to your next class, it also was a kind of id. So I guess if you lost it, you're done. 

And as you know, I cant use magic yet.

But even worse than that was the announcement after we got our cards.

"Everyone must go to our training grounds as we will have our re-evaluation exam, NO ONE shall be late, or else we will get rid of your cards."

Damn, everything is getting worse by the second.

I wonder what Lucia would do in this situation…

Wait… am I- really thinking of her right now?

N-no time to overthink things, I should head to the training grounds.

I eventually got to the training grounds by merely looking at the map on my card, you don't need to know how hard it was for me to navigate. I mean at least I got here on time.

It was a big area, and many people were already practicing magic.

And as I was looking around, I saw Verila.

She was practicing something, but it didn't seem like something you would see in a show.

It wasn't as basic as a fireball or anything like that. Was it something she created on her own?

While being stuck in my own thoughts, I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Hello! What's your name? I am Felice, nice to meet you!"

A girl? And what's with her hair? It was orange… is that normal in this world?

"Ah- hello, the name's Nuve. Nice to meet you."

"You must be wondering why I suddenly talked to you right? Well, it's because you looked a little lost-"

This feels so familiar, but why?

"Ah yeah, I am quite lost. It's just I don't know how to use magic."

The look on Felice just makes it clear that she was shocked.

"What?! Are you sure you're from Divina? Will you be okay?"

I laughed at her statement, of course I wasn't

"Haha… can you tell me how to use magic? I am quite the fast learner you know."

It was obviously a lie, I don't think I can learn this only minutes before the re-evaluation exam.

"Are you crazy? Normal people need years to learn about magic and for us students, it took us months! You can't just learn it… but… if it would help you a little then I guess-"

"It's hard to explain. But you need to be able to call out magic before you cast it. And that isn't easy, you need to find a way to release magic soon or else."

"Then how do I cast magic? Let's forget about the first step for now."

Felice tilts her head before answering me.

"Well, it depends on what you are naturally able to do. So I suggest just releasing as much magic as you can."

As I expected, this isn't easy.

A few minutes later…*

And as I was desperately trying to feel my magic, my time… sadly ran out.

All of us were called to the middle to explain the exam.

"Listen up! This exam will be a combat test, and this will be a test that will present your rank. If you are the lowest as of now, this is your chance to climb up a huge amount. Everyone will be called the middle once again later on, it will be a set 1v1 of someone near your range. Goodluck on your first re-evaluation exam everyone!"

Damn I am cook- I mean, should I try to copy one character I know of? That's the easiest way I can create something.

But I need to figure out how the hell do I release magic, I mean at this point do I even have magic?

I have to, Hiel isn't that heartless.

And thus, we were all called up to the seats. They explained further that once you are called, you must go down to the arena.

Do they even know my name? I hope Hiel did something about that.

Or maybe It would be better if they didn't know? I mean that means I won't have to get possibly beaten up.

That would be bad for my education though, it means I am not yet an official student. 

UGH! Whatever, I need to find a way.

I am on my own now since I can't find Felice.

A few minutes passed by, it seems they were starting from the lowest to the highest.

The first match was between a guy who had some kind of metal magic, using the metal to make a weapon while setting the whole place up with metallic traps. While the other guy had what I will call "barrier magic", I am surprised at how creative he was though. He was planning to trap him in one of his circular barriers as he made the barrier smaller and smaller.

Surprisingly, even the lowest of ranks were scary and dangerous.

How do I win against that…?

I can't help but… fear for my life for once.

A few more battles passed by, some lower ranks were put into a much higher rank after successfully hitting some nasty one shots on some of the lower ranks.

It was entertaining but it scared me, how do I compete against that? And that's the lower ranks I tell you…

And as the previous battle ended, the very moment I feared…

"For our next match, Nuve versus… Felice!"



This is bad for the two of us…

From what I understand, if you beat a person higher than your rank, you either get their rank or in some cases, the higher ups who are watching will change your rank accordingly. But… if she loses to me, no matter what… she gets the lowest rank in this exam.

And for that to happen is wayyy- more unlikely than me winning, I guess.

Welp, it's time. 

I went ahead and went down to the arena, it looked larger than from where I was sitting. And Felice was there at the opposite side, I didn't ask her what her ability was so now she has even more of an upper hand than she already has.

"3…..2…..1….. START!" 


Suddenly, with Felice rushing toward me. Her ability was obvious, with her orange hair and all.

It was… Flames.

What should I do? I am entering war without a weapon…

What did Hiel think when she reincarnated me, damn it.


She is getting closer.

There's nothing else to do, but run.



Tsk… big words for a dumb high schooler like me.

As I annoyed her, she became faster.

I am seriously going to die.

W h a t d o I d o?

Of course, it was a simple question. 

"You have to reach top 1 and stall the King" right Hiel?

Why am I even stressing about this? In a couple of seconds, I'll get burned badly. 

Maybe even die…

But, I can't leave Lucia alone in that damn world alone. I have to… get back.

So please, Nuve… use everything and anything… to release some kind of magic…

I raised my arm toward Felice. It made me wonder how a girl like her could really be a monster in the battlefield, really.

But this is a heroes academy after all.

Felice rushed at me, as I raised my arm.



What was that you say? Me screaming at the top of my lungs. 

Screaming at the top of my lungs as I blocked Felice's attack, forcing both of us to get sent flying.

You must be wondering, how did I block her attack?

…I managed to repel her using- the wind…?

I don't know if it was my desperation allowing me to somehow manipulate the wind but…

Just now… the wind was finally lending me it's breeze.

Which means now, as long as there was air…

I can beat Felice

"You- actually managed to release magic Nuve? But I am sorry, I can't let myself lose to you."

I can't use air in creative ways yet, but I need to try to passively use it on my feet. I need to get faster if I want to beat her.

Well, here we go…

"Get ready, Nuve!"

We both dashed toward each other, she was smart and used her flame to entrap me in a ring of fire. 

My foot wasn't used to magic yet so I need to rely on using my arms a bit more.

"I'll end this now Nuve, you shocked me a little but… it's over."

What did she mean by that?

Tsk… no time to think.

She used her body as a catalyst to increase her flame output. So it got so hot to the point I was using the wind to cool myself down.

Then, she rushed at me…

Her fist was in flames, and so was her body…

I guess I should break my limiter too.

My foot isn't ready but…

With that, I decided to call the wind. My body was surrounded by a small amount of wind.

I'll increase my output when I need it, or else I might overdo myself.


The sound of us clashing was a mix of loud winds and extremely hot flames that was heard all throughout the arena.

We exchanged blows, but she was winning. 

And as I tried to desperately hold on…

I fell unconscious…