the starting point

In a time where things were simple. There were 5 great elemental nations that existed and were in an unsettled peace. That peace was broken three times due to the wars of the hidden Ninja villages of the great nations. It seemed that only one nation seemed to be always the winner. That was the village hidden in the leaves in the land of fire. This was where a village called Konohagakure was located.

Eventually the world was quiet of wars. All the villages prospered and grew, everything seemed quiet. To be honest that is what scared the blonde and purple eyed man who in the 3rd Ninja war had personally changed the fate of the war. using only 2 Jutsu's the Hiraishin no Jutsu and Rasengan. he was successful in killing 1000 shinobi from the village hidden in the stone. Which the Tsuchikage did something unheard of he laid down arms to Minato a simple Jonnin not even to the Hokage of the Hidden leaf village. Which ended the war and brought a peace to the nations.

Soon after the war Minato Nazemaki became the 4th Hokage of the village hidden in the leaves. This was two year in the past He was now married and preparing for something special. To minato, it was too quiet, that was till he heard the screaming of his wife as she was having troubles bringing his son into the world. While keeping her tenant in check at the same time.

"Minato when this is over I'm killing you for getting me pregnant!"

Screamed a blood red haired women, who was squeezing his hand with a pressure to break solid steel. Which is understandable since she was tied for strongest Female ninja in the world. Her strength was a match for the female Sannin Tsunade Senju, which was her cousin. This woman's name was Kushina. Her sapphire blue eyes pierced his purple Rinnegan eyes. He whispered soothing words in her ears telling her she is almost there and that Naruto will be in her arms soon. All in the hopes that he could get his hands away from her insane grip. Then work on helping with the seal that Held the Nine tails in side her.

Just as he said that their babies screams were heard. He wasn't even out of the womb completely yet. This goes to show he was meant for great things. Soon the nurse grabbed him and cleaned him up, and then the nurse that was there brings them their child. Soon as they had him in their arms he was gone like he never was there. A man in a orange swirled one eyed mask, appeared by the door with Naruto in his arms. Minato jumped up and drew his three pronged Kunai he always kept on him.

Minato then calmly asked the man."What are you doing with my son? How did you even find this place? No one even knew where we were so no one could tell."

The masked man simple throws the baby towards the wall in a way to separate Minato from his target. he yells loudly and with a husky twisted voice." I am here for the fox demon in your wifes seal. So you will let me take it for your son's life".

Minato jumps to the baby, as he does he teleports the baby to his house to protect him, and returns and sees that Kushina is gone so is the man. The nurse, that was also the Lord 3rd Hokage's wife, is dead with a slit throat and a single stab wound to the chest through the heart.

He activates the seal on Kushina's wrist to get to her and sees her chained to a rock and her shirt ripped from her stomach. Black ink spilling from her seal showing the nine tails was gone. The man just finished pulling the 9 tails fox out of his wife, then yells, "I'm going to destroy that village you call home and you will die as well Yellow Flash! You are useless to stop me and you get to watch as your village burns."

Kushina was using her will power to stay alive as she had some final things to tell Minato."Minato you have to seal the fox again. I know I am weak from the extraction so seal it in our son and seal all of my chakra and mana in him, as well as all my knowledge. I know Kazue (the 9 tails) will protect him like she did me when I was young. Seal all her power, not half, use this seal please." With that she handed him a paper with a seal matrix on it extremely complicated looking . The Ink from the stuff on her stomach.

As she hands him the tags to him he kisses her lips. She whispers her final living words.Ì love you Minato Nazemaki. Kami please protect Naruto in his life, I beg you.

Minato looked at his now dying wife. He recognizes the seals and says to Kushina."I won't be coming back here, I will die to add 2 other seals to him. One being the Reaper Death Seal and the 16 Prong Beast Absorption Seal. There is no key cause Kazue will agree to be his protector and guide him. I love you Kushina Uzumaki with all my heart and soul. I will be seeing you soon."

As Minato flashes away Kushina draws her last Breath and her eyes close and as the Goddess of Death comes to claim her soul. Kushina's soul left her body and She looked at the Goddess and saw the sad emotions on the goddesses face

She sheds a tear as she says to Kushina."I will take your husband's soul, but I won't claim it so you two can watch from heaven and be together like you should be. I will help seal Kazue because your son has my blessings as well as my sisters and brothers. He will have gifts and summons unheard of in this world in over ten thousand years. Time to come home my daughter to where you have always belonged."

"I never could fool you could I my mother. I really wish I could be there for him everyday he is going to have a harder life than what I had." Kushina whispers as she embraces her real mother. From when she came down to earth to find love.

As her soul leaves her body and she looks at the fox. She notices the pain in it's eyes. As it is stabs the 4th Hokage with its claw, trying to stop being sealed once again. The fox has tears as She regains control over herself soon as she stab Minato. The tears are flowing like waterfalls, from the Foxes eyes like a flood gate opened.

She see the sealing start working and the Chakra that is the fox is rushing into Naruto's stomach just like they planned. The death goddess then decides to do something. She brings Kushina over to the site so she can see that Naruto is okay. The seal appears on his stomach. They were surprised when the Uzumaki symbol and eight marks surrounding appeared.

Kushina tears pour down her cheeks and she leans down and applies some of her final Chakra into him so she can come see him when he is older, and needs to see her again for any reason. As Kushina ascends to her new world in the sky to take her place with Minato.

They follow the death goddess that is her mother when she walked the earth 44 years earlier to find true love. As they leave, a blinding light hits the alter that was holding her son. A suit of armor and cloak appear around him before disappearing acting as an invisible armor till he releases and wears it permanently and a giant scroll lands beside him. A scroll that he will be able to read when he is ready.

Time Skip 5 Minutes After the Sealing

The 3rd Hokage was now currently holding a blonde baby that's sleeping in his arms. He was also looking at the body of Minato. The ANBU already had recovered Kushina's body from the rock she was chained to. As he holds him he is thinking about the letter that was on his chest. The letter was written by his father to the 3rd it seemed like. He Body Flickered to the Hokage Office to read the letter in Private.

Dear Sarutobi, You old Monkey

"By the time you read this I have passed on. this is mine and Kushina's son. I know how the tailed beasts containers were and are treated. I want you to make sure he is treated like a hero. While keeping who his parents are a secret. Well till he is strong enough to defend himself.

That would protect him from the villages that would do anything to see him dead for being our son. I know you can guess Iwa and Kumo but also The Sky nation as well thanks to Kushina's anger. Please don't let anyone treat him like a weapon and give him love.

His godfather and godmother was suppose to be my sensei Jiraiya, the Toad Sannin and Tsunade Senju The Slug Queen and Of Elixirs. Now I realize that it would be impossible being the spy master and her running around gambling all the time.

So now his godfather is Kakashi Hatake, my only living student. His godmother is Anko Mitarashi. She will know his pain in times of need. She was picked by Kushina due to looking after her when Orochimaru left the village.

He already has all his Chakra and Mana unlocked. Mana is another word for magic, since you are wondering. There are a few scrolls and books sealed in the medium solid black scroll at the house. The giant one beside him is one that is gifted from the gods and us.

He is the grandson of the 2nd Hokage and of the Death goddess. Which are Kushina's parents. He already has my eyes the Rinnegan, He will figure that one on his own. He will have every bloodline open to him thanks to that.. He will know exactly how to use them as well.

The seal in which I used to hold the Nine Tails will allow them to help each other and share Chakra with no problems. She was controlled by a man claiming to Madara Uchiha.

The Nine Tails didn't want to attack, a masked man forced it to. Do not let this village treat him like he is the reincarnation. Remember it was not any of the Uchiha's in the village but a rogue one.

My time here on this planet is done. Do me proud and keep him safe and tell him that we loved him. Also I give you back the hat, enjoy the office again old monkey"

Minato Nazemaki

The 4th Hokage of the village and proud father of Naruto.

Have dreams and protect your Honor

By the time the 3rd finished the letter tears were pouring down his face and on to the end of the lettered scroll. Then as the tears fall a knock is heard at the door. He quickly wiped away the tears that were on his face.

"Come in." He says in a pained voice. evident of him still crying.

"Lord Hokage-sama the council has called a meeting about what happened. Also they are all angry and out for Sensei's legacies blood." As two ANBU with a dog and snake mask said in unison. The snake Masked ANBU looked to be really young maybe ten.

"Let's get this future storm of paperwork out of the way. You two will report after this meeting in regular uniform got that. We have something to discuss about Naruto." He says with teary eyes and an annoyed tone.

A slight nod is all he gets for an answer from the two in front of him. He stands up and puts his hat and robes on over his battle armor. He Shunshin No Jutsu to the doors of the chambers in which the council meets. As he walks in he feels the hate and he glances down in disgust at the hate for a baby that is not even an hour old. He felt some bile come up from that fact.

"Where is the shinobi council? Who called this meeting? I know that I, the 3rd Hokage, sure didn't." He yells with fire in his eyes he isn't taking shit today it's been a sad day for him. He just lost the two he considered his adoptive kids.

"We called this meeting Lord third. Due to the demons attack. Also to call for the execution of the baby you hold. The fourth sealed it the baby to make it easy to kill." Screamed a pink haired women while glaring at the baby. While she held her own pink haired baby, who was born only a week before.

"Listen here Haruno". The 3rd Hokage said with a glare that would destroy a soul with enough killer intent to drop a jonin to their knees. Yet she didn't flinch which kinda impressed him. "Nothing will be decided till the shinobi council is here since this is a clan issue. Due to the babies heritage that will not be revealed."

Just as the 3rd finished saying that all the clans that call the hidden village their home while 3 seats remain empty the Namikaze, Senju, and finally the Uzumaki seat. Which was a unclaimed seat at all.

The Uzumaki seat wasn't really a true clan of the Land of fire but since the wife of the 1st Hokage was an Uzumaki the seat was available to anyone that wanted to claim being an Uzumaki and had all the tests and special abilities that the Uzumaki had the males had stamina and god amount of Chakra.

Meanwhile and the women had 3 special ones 1 was Chakra chains of Sealing, The vampire kiss, and finally finally mastery of Yin and Yang release combined. Ye the clan was also responsible for the seals that protect Konohagakure from threats.

The Senju seat has been empty for almost 40 years since the last person to hold the seat was Tobirama Senju. Before he became Hokage and later died in the second Great Ninja war. Before handing the the Hat to Sarutobi after being bate for his students to get away.

The Nazemaki clan became a clan only because Minato became the Hokage. The Nazemaki family was a unheard of clan. Yet there was rumbling that they were an assassin clan from the Land of Demons which was a bunch of islands. A land where criminals went for work and safety since they also protected the people there.

The first clan head to come in was from the Aburame lead by Shibi Aburame. The man always had a solid grey trench coat with a solid visor with 4 slits in for glasses. No one ever heard any emotions from the clan or heard them talk much. The clan uses bugs in a way that most find repulsive. They use them in an attack, defence, scouts and in getting information. They did this by letting them reside in their bodies so they eat their Chakra. In turn they will attack for them and steal the Chakra from others to give back to the host .

The next was the Akimichi clan who currently lead by the solid man name Choza. The clan uses the Yang release to increase their size of their bodies and weapons for battle. They have a taboo that's dealing with their weight. Calling them fat causes a rage that won't stop till their opponents are dead or knocked out. They had a famous team combo with 2 other clans, the Nara, and Yamanaka clan they made the Ino-Shika-Cho team famous in the 3rd Ninja war. Due to how well they supported each other in the war.

The next man that walked in was Inoichi Yamanaka, head of his clan of mind walkers. That are mostly meant for interrogation and torture for the most part anyways. They also are great in battle to use as scouts and infiltration. They are also part of the Ino-Shika-Cho formation. Have been friends and battle brothers with the other clan heads of the respect clans.

The Nara clan head came in next with a tired look that is a permanent look on his name is Shikaku Nara a man with two scars on the right side of his face. His clan uses the shadow/Yin style. The clans style is to use shadows to bind and kill opponents before they can do anything.

The males of the clan are all lazy and always try to sleep. Yet their IQ is nothing to joke about, almost always over 200, they are geniuses and battle strategists on and off the field of battle. He is the leader of the trio of the formation. He is also jonin battle commander and only answers to the Hokage.

Then a women with wild spiky brown hair with feral dog almost wolfish features. Her name is Tsume Inuzuka. She always looks just like the rest of her clan She took it to the extreme though. For instance longer claw like nails, sharper senses, and longer canine teeth. The clan is known for their Ninkin companions that charge into battle with them. Their companions are also an extension of their family to the extreme as well. Their fierce loyalty towards any who they consider the pack. The women always rule the clan, always hunting for the true alpha. Her husband died in the attack in the first wave.

A man with solid black hair and black eyes walks in with an arrogance that fits most his clan. His name is Fugaku Uchiha. His clan has the doujutsu Sharingan, it has the ability to copy fighting styles and jutsus that use hand signs. Well all except for Bloodlines like Ice,Wood Or Lava style.The clan has developed a holy than everyone one else.

This is due to this the clan thinks they are better than all others thanks to their Doujutsu. One clan who can stand against them is the Hyuga clan. The Uchiha clan was one of the founding clans with the Senju. Since the founding the Uchiha have been in charge of the Ninja Police Force. The Clan was also the front line defense in case of an invasion or attack. Again due to their Bloodline they are perfect to be the defence of the village.