seal breaker

The final man to walk through the door was a man that had a small smile. Yet still serious face while looking at the Hokage with his Doujutsu activated. The man's name was Hiashi Hyuga. His clans Doujutsu was called the Byakugan. this doujutsu allowed you to see the Chakra system in a person and the points where it flows to and from in the body. His clan is considered the best in hand-to-hand combat in the entire elemental nations. The eyes with a 360 degree view as well as seeing through solid object, because of this, his clan thinks they are better than most so they have a little arrogance. In time a boy, and few others will show them their ways are wrong.

As the last of the clans come in the room slowly quiets down. All thanks to them hearing a baby crying as if just woken up. With was actually due to the Emotions the boy could already feel from everyone there. It made the boy upset, due to the negative emotions from the civilians.

"I smell a foxy and bloody smell on that baby Lord 3rd Hokage who is he." Tsume says with teary eyes. She had learned from the ANBU who sent the summons. That Kushina and Minato had died in the final battle with the nine tails.

The lord 3rd sighs. "First, all civilian council will leave due to the triple S secret about this boy. If you refuse to leave, I will have the ANBU kill you."

While the 3rd talks the council leaves screaming while being pushed by ANBU. He sighed before deciding to drop the bomb in their laps."Now that they are gone, I want to say that this is the son of Kushina Uzumaki. The father is none other than Minato Nazemaki our late fourth Hokage. The boy's name will be Naruto Uzumaki. This is to avoid Iwa coming to kill him due to what his father did in the war. His heritage will be known only to us. He is also the biggest hero this village has ever seen due to him being a Jinchuriki of the Nine Tails. Both his parents died to seal the fox inside him and all their abilities as well." He said keeping the secret how Kushina's body was found chained to a rock.

As he finishes talking the whole room gasps and a few cry as some were on the same team as Minato and Kushina since they were Genin. Then stayed on the teams as chunin. All before becoming head of their respected clans.

Tsume Inuzuka and Mikoto Uchiha (Sasuke's mom) were teammates of Kushina. While Hiashi Hyuga and Fugaku Uchiha were on Minato's. The three that were there had tears going down their faces at the news. Fuhaku was not looking forward to telling his wife her best friend was dead.

The third asks while looking at the boy with a slight frown as he said. "What should we do with the boy? He has two godparents, they are Kakashi and Anko. Should they take care of him or just protect him from a distance? Should he be trained as a ninja as well or leave that up to him to pick later?"

The whole council looks like they lost his head at the 2 names. They think they are perfect choices for many reasons. He should be trained so to protect himself. Well the shinobi council thought that, as for the civilian council, that was allowed back in since the heritage part of the meeting is done with, disagreed since because they see him as the fox. They all had a different thought and it made the Shinobi sick.

"He should just be killed for what he has done! He killed almost a quarter of the village! Why are we considering keeping him alive just to attack us again?!" Screamed most of the civilian council.

"Danzo, you're being real quiet this meeting. I will tell you, here and now, he won't be a emotionless weapon in this village he will be trained how his godparents think to be. So throw all thoughts out all your head NOW!" Screamed the 3rd towards his old teammate. While giving him the glare that was given to his enemies before sending them to a early grave.

"This meeting is over but any of the stuff here discussed is considered SSS secret. Any of this knowledge slipped out of here will be meet with a public execution on the person who said it. I will even include the family so there is no hate from the death. Is that clear to everyone here?"

Everyone nodded, all but Danzo, he gritted his teeth and snapped the head of his cane from the pressure of his grip. He avoided looking at his ex teammate and gave a fake nod of respect. Yet was already planning the next step in his plans to become Hokage. Which he thought he should be granted since he was under the Senju brothers with Hiruzen.

The 3rd disappeared in a puff of smoke, only to reappear in his office where 2 ANBU were waiting. They were Inu and Hebi. The two bowed soon as they saw him in the room. They were some of the few ANBU who showed full respect to the aged Hokage.

The Third explains what happened and the letter, letting them see it even showing them that it is real. The screams only from Hebi= Anko. The scream that a pink haired women would be pleased to hear since it matched her own.

"WHAT! We, together, are suppose to take care of this kid? I know that both our sensei's asked this of us, but we can't even handle each other let alone a kid. Also, I'm considered the Snake whore, he will get twice the dirty looks from that alone, and Kakashi doesn't know the first think about a kid, nor do I so how does that work even in the slightest margin?"

"You will just have to make it work for his sake." sighed the 3rd he turned to the male and asked him a question."Kakashi anything to add to this headache."

Kakashi answered his leader with a tear filled eye."No Hokage-sama I already knew of being his godfather and have set the funds and space aside for the three of us. We will be using the old Uzumaki house that Kushina sensei gave me 3 years ago. When I couldn't stand being at the Hatake residence holds to much pain."

Hiruzen smiled and nodded as he replied."Good then you three will settle in tomorrow, I have paperwork to do first so you 2 stand guard. Let no one in even clan heads that wanna help or concerned civilians. I will deal with them in time, when it is the right time not before."

As Anko and Kakashi leave to guard the outside. A man appears and activates a silencing seal and yells.

"I was suppose to be his godfather since I named the boy! Why is that Kakashi man now his godfather?!" Screamed a man with a headband and the symbol for oil with 2 horns on it, white hair all the way to the ground spiky and unruly. Wearing traveling red and green clothes that look worse for wear and small red lines down his cheeks. This man is the Toad Sage Jiraiya, the author of Icha Icha series.

"Minato changed his mind while writing the letter to me about about Naruto. Do you know why? For the safety of him and the village. We need your spy network even more now that we lost so many people and buildings, now get out there, do your job and protect him from afar is all I ask." A weary 3rd told him with a saddened expression.

With a nod the man disappeared to be of use to his home village. He was also glad to be away he harbored a bit of hate to the boy, for the thing in his gut. As the 3rd looked out the window everything is quiet, all the hurt are being treated, the dead are having the monks and other holy people praying for their souls.

Time skip 8 hours

The 3rd Hokage wakes up at his desk with the blanket empty he gets worried that someone killed or kidnapped him till he hears giggling and looks up and sees, Naruto looking at him with his eyes that pierce the soul. Yet the two year old is sitting on the roof above his head. Then with only skills the god of shinobi should have, Naruto falls and lands on his feet and then falls to his butt from balance loss. Then proceeds to crawl to the 3rd like he was older than what he was.

As the old man picks him up he hears shouting in the village. The yelling was calling for the demon's head as they storm the building he flairs his Chakra. To call all ANBU to him and tells them to stop the crowd before they get to the building. The hidden soldiers do so and block the building with a barrier so he can give an announcement and to kill who broke the law. Since it had to be a council member since they only knew.

As the crowd was stopped by the ANBU. They hear the voice of the 3rd booming all around them. "What's going on here? Why are you asking for a demon's death when Nine tails is gone, and will never bother the village again?"

The silence of the crowd is thrown away by a voice screaming. "My husband saw the whole fight and saw the nine tails disappear and a baby was all that is left we know that it is the demon reborn so let us kill it! That's what the 4th Hokage would want us to do!" As one the crowd starts chanting for the demon's death.

"SILENCE! Now I will ask are a kunai and scroll the same?" The weary Hokage asked the crowd in anger.

At this the crowd shakes their heads in a no fashion. "Then the boy is no different he is the jailer, not the Nine tails reborn. Now leave before I consider this an act of treason and all of you are excited."

The crowd leaves but one man throws something and it lands near the boy. It is a ball of exploding tags before the Hokage and the ANBU react it explodes and the ANBU kill the man before he can run. The hair of the man gives him away. It is pink, one of council members husbands also known as the Banshee queen. Then a seal appears on his neck. It is a mind control seal to make them do something they never want to do. So the 3rd doesn't kill the family since he was forced to attack.

As the 3rd worries about the boy he see the smoke clearing and a white Chakra surrounding the boy. No damage done to him at all. The mouth of everyone looking at the boy drops as they feel the power of the boy, its over 9000 times the 3rd's own power, which is amazing to say the least. The 3rd then remembers who's the boy's parents are and dismisses it as the chakra disappears.

As it does Anko comes up the boy, who jumps at her, she catches him and smiles as his own fox grin smiles at her. This surprises everyone since Anko always glared and snapped at everyone. The boy looks at Kakashi and laughs pointing at the headband and mask over his implanted eye and face. Earning chuckles from everyone there. Then with a gust of wind the three are gone.

The new family lands in the courtyard of Uzumaki house and the boy laughs considering the trip due Body Flicker jutsu.

"Now the life of a family with a gaki with blonde sun kissed hair, a pervert, me a snake whore who's only ten, damn, what a family we have become." Anko says with a sweat dropped expression.

"We will start training him when he is three due to his status as a Jinchuriki has semi slipped out and we will have to protect him everyday. This mission will be troublesome but worth it to see our sensei's son grow up to be strong as ever." Said Kakashi while nose deep in an orange Icha Icha book.

As a pregnant silence follows Anko takes off her jacket. Kakashi notices she is wearing good clothes that cover most up except the curse mark since it was near the base of her neck. Naruto motions to get picked up to Anko to lift him up to look at it then presses his hands to it. As he does a screaming Anko lets go of him and she feels the mark rescinding till there is no pain.

She blinks and thinks to herself. "There is always a slight pain there from the mark why isn't there one now."

Kakashi is looking pale as he see the curse mark disappears. She notices the look and uses a mirror to see better notices it is gone and looks down to Naruto. She sees his hand as the mark and it is being applied to a wooden doll that's on the ground. Where the toy came from they had no idea then the mark gets applied to the toy.

Anko looks at the toy, then to the child, then to where the mark was, and realizes she is free from the traitor. She picks the boy up and kisses him on the lips. Thanking him and Kami over and over till tears fall down her face and she breaks down falling to her knees. Kakashi comes up and hugs both of them and picks them up and carries them both to the bed. He starts walking to the door turning the light off as he leaves.

As he shuts the door, he turns around and smiles, wishing them good night and saying how he is proud of the boy. As soon as he walks into the room with the toy and looks at the fireplace that is off to one side, he throws the toy into the fireplace, and uses a Fire Release. He burns the toy, destroying the mark, and hopes it causes the bastard some pain as it is destroyed.

Meanwhile in a Tower a couple hundred miles away

A pale white man with yellow, snake looking eyes and purple marks going down his face stands in a laboratory with a few experiments lying about. He is about 6 feet in height with ash/black hair. With white clothes being tied around him was a thick purple rope around his waist. This man is the rouge snake Sannin Orochimaru.

Feeling a sharp pain to the chest and he knows this pain it is when a Cursed Seal of Earth is shattered and destroyed. He feels as if he is on fire and feels his body burning from inside out. He screams in pain as he is doing his next experiment in the demon islands. The experiment that is being injected with certain chakra and cells wakes up, thanks to the scream of pain, and since most of the experiments die quickly. The insane snake Sannin never restrained his victims as he worked on them. Being extremely weak, the girl crawls off the table and crawls away as Orochimaru screams like he is dying. She finds a slot in the wall where the fluids drain back out into the ocean, and escapes through the slot.

After what seems like hours of pain coursing through his system, Orochimaru is able to finally stand up and shake the pain off. He then notices that his subject he was working on got away, despite the fact she was suppose to be under heavy sedation a amount that would make Manda pass out for a hour at least.

In a fit of rage due to the experiment getting away, he starts throwing everything he can get his hands on around the room. Jars filled with acid fall over storage scrolls, the surgery table flies against the far wall covering the slot in the wall blocking it from his sight. After 20 minutes of raging, Orochimaru calms down and realizes that he wrecked this lab for the time being.

He decides that it is time to figure out who's Curse mark is broken or who died, even going to see if Anko has hers or if she is still alive. Most of the curse mark holders are in his hide-away in the Land of Fire anyways so checking on Anko and maybe if it destroyed he could place a better, more complex Curse mark on her, since it felt like one was never activated and used like most his subjects.

The Following Morning

Anko and Kakashi walk into the office of the 3rd Hokage watching him suffer over the paperwork a Kage has to do. Trying to be serious and trying not to laugh at the aging old man they come and sit in front of the man in chairs in front of the desk.

Kakashi clears his throat to get the older man's attention. "Lord Hokage we have something happen last night after we left the office and got to the compound. It was nothing bad in anyway shape or form so please relax my Lord Hokage. Naruto did something that even Jiraiya couldn't even do and I don't know if I come completely understand how it even happened."

The Hokage wasn't really in the mood for this so he slams his hand on the table before snarling at Kakashi. "Can you spit this miracle out please I've already sent 100 people to prison since the law about talking about the demon was made. and had about 1000's of requests to kill the demon on my desk all before 7 am. NOW GET ON WITH IT OR GET OUT OF THIS OFFICE BEFORE i BURN THAT MASK OFF!"

Kakashi and Anko visibly pale at the angry Hokage since he has been like a grandfather to them. Naruto starts screaming since the voices were so loud since it scared him. The 3rd Hokage notices Naruto and relaxes when he realizes that he caused the baby boy to cry. He curses under his breath for that since a babies crying is not what he needs and he doesn't want to make Naruto sad.

Finally looking at the boy carefully he sees a shimmer around his body and puts his hands in the half ram sign and says Kia releasing the Genjutsu on the boy and everyone notices a set of armor in a way they never saw before. A cloak with 9 tomoe around the neck with a hood when extended and reaches to his ankles and under the cloak was a battle armor made of steel and other metals and looked like light Senju battle armor.

Everyone is surprised that Naruto has this equipped and is a perfect fit almost as if he was born wearing the armor. They realize it was being hidden again as time when on it seemed to dissolve back into invisible under the blanket he was wrapped in. The 3rd recovered from the shock first and looks at Kakashi and told him with out a look to explain what he wanted to say earlier.

"Anko's curse mark is gone and Naruto is the reason that it is gone. He pulled the mark and piece of the bastard's soul. That he embedded in the mark and attached it to a toy that was on the ground, and we never saw the toy before since the house was clean and had no toys. So I think he has Yin and Yang to be able to create a toy but we didn't feel any chakra being used.

We might have missed it, since the shock of seeing a 2 day old baby remove a curse mark that the Toad Sage couldn't. After Anko and Naruto went to bed I burned the toy and watched as a sickly version of the bastard appeared and withered in the flames. I hope he felt the flames as that toy burned."

Anko and the 3rd look at Kakashi like he grew a second head out of his shoulders. The Hokage looks at Anko and she turns and brings her trench coat down. He can see where the mark was originally was blank little more paler than her original skin tone since the mark was gone the skin underneath was paler. The Lord 3rd started panicking, because if any of the enemies of the Village found out about the boy's abilities it would be disastrous. He would be hunted and maybe even killed. Danzo would want him even more under his thumb than he already does.

"This is a SSS ranked secret punishable by death if told to anyone unless I say so. I am not even putting this in any records so that Orochimaru won't have his spies finding out about this since it be dangerous for any of you".

Unfortunately the Snake already knew a Mark was gone, he just had to figure out who's it was. "Now unless there is anything else you two, please leave me be, I have lots of paperwork to do. How did you finish this so fast Minato? This horrible fate for making me suffer this paperwork again, I hope the death god enjoys making you their bitch." Hiruzen grumbled as he focused back on the paperwork.

Kakashi and Anko decide that it is a beautiful day and that they could walk home. Kakashi is the one holding Naruto and has his head band up so that people might get the hint not to try anything to them. Most just glare and whisper about the trio and how the Demon and his snake whore mother is corrupting the grey gravity-defying haired man.

Anko also hears the voices and you can slowly start to see that it is getting to her. She may not be done in the academy, but she is known to attack people who bug her with her snakes. One civilian was braver than most and threw a brick at the trio and tried to hit the boy but as it was about connect Kakashi's arm got in the way and sent the brick to the ground. Anko and Kakashi share a look and jump to the roofs to make sure nothing will hit them again. It is also faster than walking through the crowded streets.

As they jump roof to roof a figure was following them from the street. It was a retired shinobi that lost his wife and 2 year old daughter in the attack and was hoping to at least hurt the one that took his family from him. He aimed, not at Naruto, but for Anko for being a traitor's apprentice.

He waited till they dropped their guard and threw the special throwing knife he made just for this. It was like a kunai, but with barbs filled with poison that stops the heart in 2 minutes a special snake venom from snake summons the ANBU use. Soon as it was time he threw the knife it sailed through the air it was on target till the wind picked up and the angle changed just enough that it sailed towards Kakashi, and the baby he was holding.

As the blade made its way towards Naruto's head the retired shinobi was hopeful. This was better than he could hope for! He runs to see the aftermath and sees, Anko with the blade deep in her arm. Wondering how that happened he ran up to them and asks. "Is everyone okay? I was just on the street, right on the side of the building, and saw a flint of steel in my eyes as the sun reflected on it, and I looked up and saw the blade headed towards you. I came over to make sure you are okay and no one was hurt. I am a retired shinobi, I never carry weapons on me so I couldn't redirect the blade. I am sorry I was not of any help to you three. Hey, isn't that the Uzumaki boy who holds the you-know-what?"

Anko looks at the man and smells the man's nervousness and feels that the poison is the same that her summons use. Luckily, she is immune to that specific poison. Grabbing the knife that had the barbs deep in her muscles, she tears it out and turns to the man after licking the blade clean, making the man gulp even more. "Well Mr. whatever-your-name-is, if you only saw the flint of steel in your eyes, how did you know where we landed? I know this is your blade, since your scent is all over the knife. Next time, use a different poison than the ones that the ANBU use, since they all use snake venom on their Kunai. Also this baby is not your business, since the 2 ANBU behind you are going to take you to prison for attempted murder you scum of the earth."

As soon as she finished speaking, she threw the knife back at him and hit him in the kneecap, ending his ability to walk. She turns to Kakashi, who is giving her an eye smile, and they go home to let Naruto have his nap and to heal her arm since a few muscles were torn and ripped.