New Friends and 3 Allies

Time Skip 5 Years

"Get Back here you damn demon brat!" Yells a store owner that sold masks too look like ANBU of the village. Yet the masks were made to be decoration since no one can see out of them. The boy, who he yelled at look like a nine year old blonde boy with sun kissed hair with purple ringed eyes and 3 thin like marks on each side of his face looking like whiskers. Whiskers that foxes would have. The boy in question is running fast and not like normal kids do he's running along the front of stores on the walls while making 20 senbon needles spin, and laughing all the way like it was a game.

But this laugh covers a broken in pain kid his adoptive parents couldn't help with. This boy name is Naruto Uzumaki the so called demon of the village hidden in the leaves. He knows why he is called this but still can't help but feel everyone's pain and hate. It actually made his heart hurt he only wanted to bring peace to everyone.

He jumps over a larger building and sees a pink haired girl running and screaming from 3 older boys and 1 girl. They seem to be bullying her for some reason so he jumps down to help her. He uses his insane amount of Killing Intent( KI For short). This cause the 4 other kids to stop and release their lunches and breakfast everywhere. He jumps over them to the girl who fell down and hurt herself and crying.

"Are you okay, Sakura-hime." He asks lightly as he picks her up and helps her get clean by brushing the dirt off her clothes. Being sure to avoid her women area's that Anko told him to be careful with in touching.

"How did you know my name." she asks in a quiet stuttering voice that Naruto saw was from being scared." I didn't know it was your name. I called you Sakura cause your hair is as beautiful as a Sakura blossom tree". He says, then before she responds they hear from one of the boys. Who was the one in the front of the bunch of bullies.

"Why you helping the girl with the freakish huge forehead and not us. Or are you a freak like her as well?" One of the boys said with a scowl on his face. As another points to seals on his arms." Those are brands to show your servitude to this girl right she forcing you to save her no free will huh." Says the leader while the last looked scared for his life and whines."Guys this is the boy my parents told me to run from. They say he is a demon and will kill us in seconds just for his own pleasure." The girl just ran away soon as Naruto appeared since she is only a follower not a fighter and Naruto scared her with the KI.

"I am not a demon I'm Naruto Uzumaki, training to be the strongest ninja and later to be the Hokage. I will do this to protect everyone in the village. Her forehead is not ugly or freakish one bit it is one I'd kiss any day of week. She is also very beautiful more than I can say about your parents if you are the out come. I'm only a freak and dangerous to people who hurt my friends and family. I am no one's slave I'll protect her because you guys are a horrible example of human beings. These marks as you say are seals cause I'm training with them. Now you will leave her alone and never bug her again or I'll kill you. Naruto exclaims while releasing a huge blast of KI. The voice he used seemed to come out like a growl and the boys noticed his whiskers got darker.

A new girl walks up from behind the boys in the back walks over hands up to show no threat and looks at Naruto." My name is Ino Yamanaka. I was trying to stop the boys because I wanted a friend who's a girl Since I stuck with a lazy ass and a fat ass. Is it okay to be both your friends?" She asks her tealish blue eyes.

As she looks over Naruto and sees how strong he is and fast and for being only nine years old he is already looking like a sun kissed haired god in her opinion. She starts to blush as she waits the answer from Naruto and Sakura with a slight tapping of her foot. She never was a very patient person, and how they seemed to ignore pushed a button or two.

Sakura was floored never did she think she would ever have two friends and one that called her beautiful. Or that they would kiss her forehead at the same time. She always hated her forehead. She starts blushing and tries to move but her ankle gives out and she hits her head on something soft and warm. She sees Naruto above her and holding her so she didn't hurt her self more and as she looks into his deep blue eyes she blushes deeply.

He sets her on the bench they are close to so she doesn't hurt herself and looks to the boys and eyes are filled with rage for picking and hurting a girl who is weaker and a rare beauty in his mind. What he and the 2 girls don't notice but the other 3 boys do is that Naruto eyes flash red and are shaped like a foxes with slits for the pupils.

The boys amazed and scared run away like scared chickens. Especially after seeing Naruto about 20 feet away from the pink haired girl since he moved between her and them. At this point to yell at them better. He then dashed to catch her and sit her on the bench.

He then turned to them with fists shaking and when they look into the Naruto's eyes and see them change color and shape. Not a second later in front of them with a sword that has a blade all the way down one side with a handle near the base on the back side and has a razor sharp edge. A edge that seemed to cut anything. As a leaf found out as it fell from a tree. The leaf then hit the blade and soon as it touched it was slit in half.

Nearly 4 feet in length the blade was inches from the leader of the boys neck ready to slice his way through his neck if they tried anything. The boys all step back before turning around and start running for home that is close by all the while releasing their bladders and screaming like Shinigami was chasing them.

Naruto stands up and the blade disappears faster than most could blink. He walks up to Sakura looks at her and asks." Is it okay to do some medical Jutsu to help heal your injuries? I see your ankle and leg but wanna see if anything else too?Just to be safe Sakura-chan."

Sakura was amazed she nodded and was almost red from the treatment she was getting since no one ever did this for her. Ino smiles and sees that how caring Naruto is slowly realizes that she is starting to have a crush on this boy but feels jealous that Sakura is the one that he is focused on not her.

She was the one person who alway got attention from everyone yet Sakura was getting it from Naruto. Her father who has tried to get her over this has failed so far.

"Mystical Palm Technique." Naruto whispers as his hands glow blue and goes near her ankle and starts healing the cells and bruises in seconds. "Now anywhere else hurts or just the ankle?" He asks quietly just in cause of head injury. "My head a tiny bit and palms of my hands from when they pushed me down earlier before you came and saved me".

He brings his hands up and starts the jutsu again and after a while she feels good and smiles a big smile to her face. She starts have a day dream that involves this blond boy and her and a wedding of a lifetime. Her face flushes a very deep red that makes her hair seem even a brighter pink than normal.

"Thank you ninja-san. Why did you do it though I don't get."She asks," Why didn't you use your sword?" Naruto looks into her emerald eyes with only concern."I am only five years old a couple weeks ago. I'm no ninja Sakura-Chan and I helped because, you are hopefully my friend. The sword helps the message across not to mess with my friends or people I care about. I am training to be a ninja and will be joining the academy when I'm 3 years older. With a forehead as beautiful as yours I had to save it so I could kiss it." Said Naruto with gusto and a smile that makes Ino and Sakura blush deeper red.

"T-Thank you Naruto and Ino would you want to play before supper. My mom is in a council meeting at the moment. Since I live right beside this playground I play here when she not home. My name is Sakura Haruno daughter of Sakuri Haruno. I like playing outside my mom my color of my hair and reading books from the library. I hate child beaters rapists and people that hurt others for no reason at all. My dreams for the future are to become a Ninja. I hope to specialize in Medical Jutsu and eventually have a family of my own."

Ino smiles at Sakura she noticed all the looks she was giving Naruto when she knew Naruto was not looking. She decides that she is next and speaks in a level of tone that almost demands attention."Well like I said before my name is Ino Yamanaka Clan heir to the Yamanaka clan. My clan are partners of the triangle alliance with the Nara and Akimichi clans. My clan Focuses on using Mind Techniques to get into the minds and find out information and to control out targets body. I am also training to be a Ninja. I love flowers since my family owns the only flower shop here in town and the color purple and blue. I hate people that judge others before getting to know them rapists and murderers that kill in cold blood. My dreams for the future is to find a man to settle down with and start my own family with and have kids with."

Naruto smiles at both of them and thinks to himself." I wonder how they would react to finding out I have the nine tails sealed inside me that destroyed the village years ago. I won't tell them unless I really need to but Sakura's mom already knows what I am since she is a council member and if her hair is anything like Sakura's then she has been in the mobs that have hurt me in the past even the one a few days ago. Yeah I will wait to tell them anything I don't want them freaking out and me losing two people who could become friends. I wonder why my heart beats so fast when I look at both of these girls. It never has happened before what does it mean?"

Naruto breaks out of this thinking when he feels a hand on his shoulder lightly to shake him back to the world of reality. "Sorry was thinking about something".

He answers with a very light blush but since he is tanned it is noticeable on his face. "My Name is Naruto Uzumaki. I am the Godson of Anko Mitarashi and Kakashi Hatake. They have been my parents since I was born. I love ramen my precious people and the village. I hate people who can't understand the difference from a Kunai and the storage seal that holds it. I hate people that hurt children murders and what ever killed my parents.

My hobbies are training I am training in Kenjutsu Ninjutsu and Fuinjutsu or seal making and using them in battle. I can't use Genjutsu due to a chakra problem. I am proficient in 5 different Taijutsu styles. My dreams for the future well I have 2 really. One is to Bring peace to this world and break the curse of hatred this plagues this world even if I have to take the entire worlds hate on my own shoulders.

My second dream is of 2 parts. 1 is to be Hokage to protect this village and the entire land of Fire. The 2nd part is to have a family and restore the Uzumaki name to what it was before." The girls are surprised of his dreams but some of the things he said was riddles and were about to ask hime about it when they notice he is focused somewhere else.

All of a sudden he get stiff as a board and paled to almost white. He looks down at the girls and whispers."When I say run, run away and don't look back go home you will be safe okay." The girls look at each other but nod a little worried about the blond friend and mutual crush of theirs. "I will tell you the truth sometime but just go now run home maybe I'll see you soon as I can I promise."

The girls run and head to Ino's it is closer. Soon as the girls left Naruto jumps back 30 feet and yells "(KAI Release Gravity and Resistance Seals.)" Soon as he said that 300 kg of weights on each arms and legs. Also 600 on his chest disappear 1800 kg weight gone in seconds.

Then the resistance seal at 11 drops as kunai come tearing at him at near vital points. He starts jumping around as projectiles fly at him then he hears people yelling to "kill the demon". He turns around and starts running as fast near kage level as he could away and as he does he ends up at the training ground 44.

Aka Forest of Death his favorite spot to hide. Here he is safe here he is king the animals obey him. They protect him like one of their own since he protects them from unnecessary death. He always sneaks in here for the exams and attacks people hurting the animals. He even brings the animals to the Local Inuzuka vet clinic. during the night.

He hears 3 people hunting for him in the forest due to their yelling. He relaxes and thinks Shadow Clone Jutsu. There pops out 3 identical more Naruto's they jumps away understanding their missions.

One to tell the Hokage the attack. The 2nd one to his mom/sister Anko, the 3rd to find Kakashi his dad/brother. He starts jumping through the trees to lead the 3 to the clearing near the tower to fight better in the open. Soon as he takes off the 3 jonnin that are following him take off after him thinking it is a easy night to kill him since he is in the forest of death.

Naruto lands in the clearing and runs near the tower before a kunai pierces the wall beside his head. As he turns the three jonnin do the hand signs for Fire Release: Shuriken Technique. Soon as they release the technique they throw 10 Shuriken into the fire to catch a blaze . All three start cheering when they see all Shuriken hit. they start walking away. When they hear a low hissing voice say. "Wind Release: Great Breakthrough."

A large blade of wind hits them in the back and launches them across the clearing into a tree where 5 eyes land on them and seized them tying them to a tree with ninja wire. All three are stunned that Naruto was able to beat them so easily.

"Naruto-kun are you okay? Are you hurt? If they hurt you I'll kill them myself. Screams a worried Anko who has rage in her eyes. She even had a kunai in her hand ready to slit their throats.

"Kaa-chan I'm fine I am not hurt at all. Don't kill them Jiji they have hate for something they don't understand. I will take the hate everyday if it is to protect my family and people I care about." Naruto asked in a pleading voice only a child could give.

Everyone was shocked here 3 jonnin from his village tried to kill him and yet he wants them to live another day." Naruto they tried to kill you. Why would you let them live?" Asked a very confused 3rd Hokage who has been like a grandfather to the blonde.

"They hate the fox and see me as the fox so their hate clouded their vision. Yes I am the jailor of the fox yet most don't know that. I will not condemn them for it not one bit for letting hate blind them. I will take the hate of the world and if I have to take it all on my own shoulders. So no one else feels hate. I believe that the day will come when people can truly understand each other. On that day they will cast away the hate in their hearts."

The 3 jonnin now awake and listening realize this kid is willing to save people who try to kill him for their hatred of the fox. The all look at each other and share a look before saying as one say. As if they were one person and able to share thoughts.

"Naruto Uzumaki we are all deeply sorry. We let our hate and pein blind us to the truth. We will put our trust in you to carry the Will Of Fire. We will also help you carry your burden of this worlds hate. We as Jonnin of this village stand beside you as Peacekeepers."

Needless to say Anko, Kakashi and the 3rd were jaw dropped at this proclamation. While Naruto smiles and walks okay and bows to them. Then his foxy grin comes out and he moves to the back of the tree and unties them from the tree they were tied to.

As he does the jonnin wait till he comes in front of them. While still on their knees they bow to him and swear to protect him and his friends so they can change the world.

Naruto goes to each of them helps them up and then looks them in the eyes and tells them."Don't swear allegiance to me I am only a person who has an idea to change the world. This village needs it more than I do. All I want you to do is protect this village more than you did before got it. Let's make this the centre of peace."

"HAI! UZUMAKI-SAMA!" They yell before bowing to the Hokage. awaiting orders and punishment. For their crimes and hate. Yet the Hokage has a different idea for them.

"You three are now the inside protection for Naruto, Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka. You will be shadows but let nothing happen to them or other friends that come in later understand. This is a mission to protect the peace and the future of this village do you understand your mission from your village that is on your shoulders.

"HAI! HOKAGE-DONO." As one they all disappear in a flurry of leaves.

Everyone then turns to look at Naruto. Like he was a god and he started to feel uncomfortable under the looks."What is the looks for? Did I do something wrong?" He asks still uncomfortable under the looks. Naruto is still is a five year old and when he sees something he doesn't understand he gets jittery.

"Nothing is wrong but I have to ask where did you learn that saying? Asks Kakashi while the 3rd nods."Nowhere tou-san. I just don't want to see pein and hate in this world anymore. I will end all of it even if I have to die to do it. If I have to I will become the Bringer of Peace.

Everyone is Shocked at this. They knew the prophecy the Toad Sage had since Jiraiya had told Kakashi and The 3rd Hokage. Yet to hear the words from a five year old say them made everyone shiver.

"How did you know about the fox Naruto." They all ask puzzled that a 5 year old has figured out about a village secret that only a select few should of known about in the first place. Especially since kakashi and Anko never told him about it.

"I saw the seal on my stomach and a picture of the 4th and heard the story from hiding near bars on my birthday. Thanks to some of the beatings I have received when everyone is too busy and I tell ANBU to only stop the beatings if I'm going to die. Because again I will take the hate of the village if I have to.

I know Kakashi and Anko aren't my parents consider their ages from their medical reports from when I snuck in the hospital. I still love them and will wait to find out who my real mother is I hope she loved me is all I really want to know. I know the 4th is my dad who could he ask if not use his own child to seal the fox. What kind of Hokage would that be if he did that and used someone else's child when he should be able to trust his own child with a SSS rank mission like this."

Everyone looked sad and disgusted about the beatings or that ANBU listened to a boy over the Hokage who is their ruler. They all run to Naruto and hold him close like he was the only thing that mattered."I think it's time you knew the full story and how your parents meet and the story behind the fox and how it been sealed before since you are not the first of the jailors." The 3rd says between the tears fall down his face into the blonds hair.

As they all leave the area in one giant Body Flicker only leaving a whirlwind of leaves. When they get to the 3rds office on the top floor of the Hokage tower with big windows that shows the entire village.

As the group appears in the office the ANBU in the room all stiffen since their Charge the Hokage is in the room again back from helping Naruto. The ANBU all love Naruto since he did something that no one thought possible especially for a child. Since that boy could walk and run and use his Chakra.

He has been pranking the ANBU in their headquarters and makes sure they suffer for being unprepared or leaving holes in their defense. They then spend hours chasing this kids around yet he is never caught after a hour.

Or they let him go since it showed a weakness in their defences and if a kid could find them what about an enemy. The harmless pranks like itching powder could be poison or could break people out or even kill ANBU if used explosive tags instead of paint or water.

Also the ANBU have started talking more and more first it was about how he would get them next time. then slowly drifted towards open relationships more like the regular forces about 90 percent of the force of never knew about the lounge or bar in the head quarters. Now they hang out play games and drink when off duty even out side of the ANBU they enjoy each others presence better and get to know the other Shinobi of the village as well.

"ANBU leave us please." Soon three people poof out of the room. Naruto stops the 3rd from applying a seal with a finger over the mouth. He summons a sword that is 2 feet long and has a serrated edge down the blade part and stabs the bookcase and a blank ANBU masked woman with the kenji for ROOT appears with the blade through her heart. She was dead before she hit the ground.

The Hokage is pissed and growls while thinking. "Danzo you snake in the fucking grass. Spying on me I figured you ignored my order to disband that dark group. Now, I find out you are spying on me." With a sigh he looks at Naruto and is slightly worried about what he sees.

The boy looks down with tears and fists shaking. The sword forgotten on the ground covered in the women's blood and he thinks it is because his first kill. Anko and Kakashi look scared he did this how did he even know the agent was there yet they didn't. Kakashi is a sensor in ways but even he didn't feel the Root agent in the room.

Naruto looks at him with tear filled eyes and says."I will never kill again. I am a man of peace not a senseless murder this wasn't the proper time to do this. I should of just restrained her not run a blade through her chest like a common murder."