First Encounter

"Everyone, please be quiet. The student who was suspended from our class today is here. Let's get to know each other."

As the events unfolded, Class E's astute leader, Karma Akabane, finally arrived. The immense cycle of fate continued its course, showing no signs of change due to Lin Tong's butterfly effect.

What surprised Lin Tong was the peculiar expression that appeared on Akabane's usually composed face when he sat down. His gaze was fixated on Lin Tong.

Lin Tong was merely an observer, a passerby who had accidentally stumbled into this world and into this class. Yet, he was not just an ordinary bystander. He had stirred the winds of change and unlocked the path to the best ending of the game, holding the key items and clues necessary to achieve that ending. Therefore, he could hardly be considered a mere spectator.

So, how should one describe Lin Tong's current identity? Perhaps the best term would be a "behind-the-scenes mastermind masquerading as a bystander." This type of individual is the least likely to be detected but can easily be eliminated without understanding the reasons why.

In the future, Lin Tong would face attacks from numerous forces, with Class 3-E serving as his support against these challenges.

Akabane watched Lin Tong, who sat at the back left of the classroom (facing the podium), with keen interest. His intuition told him that Lin Tong was different from the other students in Class E. Though Lin Tong excelled at concealing himself, this very concealment could expose him. Akabane, being astute, had a sudden thought: perhaps both the octopus teacher and Lin Tong from the mysterious East were worth investigating, making this trip potentially rewarding for Class E.

Lin Tong noticed Akabane's gaze and quickly devised a plan to use Nagisa Shiota to divert his attention. Unbeknownst to Nagisa, he had become a shield for both Kaede Kayano and Lin Tong. Kaede used him to capture Koro-sensei's attention, while Lin Tong simply evaded Akabane's curiosity.

During the confrontation between Akabane and Koro-sensei, when Akabane injured Koro-sensei with the shards of a dagger embedded in his palms, Lin Tong observed silently from the sidelines. He did not engage in the clash; instead, he recorded the events like an impartial observer, carefully hiding his complex schemes to avoid becoming a target himself.

Once the incident concluded, Class E returned to its routine of studying assassination techniques, and the first unspoken rivalry between Lin Tong and Akabane quietly began.

"Oh? Mr. Lin, do people across the country really love good food?" Akabane asked spontaneously one day while they chatted, overhearing Lin Tong and Zhu discussing delectable dishes from various regions.

Lin Tong chuckled, "In life, we must always have something to pursue. The world is vast, and if we can't satisfy our appetites, life becomes monotonous. Each region has its own customs and dining habits, and online, people often compare their hometown's traditions with those of others, sometimes leading to humorous exchanges."

Curious, Nagisa interjected, "A humorous exchange? Can you give me an example?"

Amused, Lin Tong replied, "Cantonese people are known for their adventurous palates; there's nothing they won't eat. For a while, there was a joke online about Cantonese clay pot rice. In Chinese, it's called clay pot rice, which could humorously be translated to 'rice for children' in Japanese."

The room erupted in laughter. Xiao Feng looked incredulous, "How can you name a dish like that?"

"Such naming reflects our zest for life and our sense of humor." Just then, Koro-sensei appeared behind the students.

Lin Tong winked playfully, "It seems our teacher has a keen interest in Chinese cuisine."

With a comical expression, Koro-sensei replied, "I really love Shudu's Mapo Tofu. By the way, Mr. Lin, after sharing so much, can you demonstrate your culinary skills?"

Intrigued, Lin Tong responded, "Of course! My father has a good friend with a spacious villa by the sea. I'll negotiate with him and invite everyone for a seaside gathering. I'll even cook a grand Manchu-Han banquet myself!"

Everyone was immediately excited, bustling with chatter. Akabane sighed, impressed by Lin Tong's gesture, but just as he was about to speak, Lin Tong mischievously nudged Zhu forward.

Lin Tong had a simple idea: he wanted to pair Akabane and Nagisa together. Sometimes he enjoyed playing matchmaker and engaging in lighthearted antics. He couldn't shake the feeling that if Nagisa were a girl, they'd make a perfect couple. Thus, he often took subtle actions to facilitate their connection, all while Nagisa remained blissfully unaware. No matter how clever Akabane was, he could never suspect that Lin Tong had such a playful notion.

Lin Tong had many ways to shift attention away from himself, but the most crucial aspect was to maintain his façade as a passerby. By fully embracing this role, he could effectively adjust the course of events from the sidelines, preventing potential pitfalls and ensuring his rise to the top without any unexpected setbacks.

As for Karma Akabane, Lin Tong narrowed his eyes slightly. This kid is exceptionally smart and cautious. Aside from being a bit pretentious at times, he's quite capable in other respects. Moreover, like Nagisa, Karma is also one of the protagonists. The aura of a protagonist often serves as a significant advantage in the game.

After school, Lin Tong, as usual, walked slowly behind the group with his bag slung over his shoulder. Noticing Lin Tong lagging behind, Karma deliberately slowed his pace to walk alongside him. "Hey, Lin, what do you think are our chances of successfully assassinating Koro-sensei?"

Lin Tong glanced at Karma and replied, "If you use my calculations, Koro-sensei's chance of death is zero."

Karma looked at Lin Tong in disbelief. "Is it really impossible to assassinate Koro-sensei before March next year?"

Lin Tong smiled slightly and spoke in a mysterious tone. "I can't speak for others, but I know that as long as I'm here, the world won't end, and Koro-sensei won't die, because all of us in Class E have years' worth of memories to cherish."

Karma paused for a moment, then quickly caught on. He stared intently at Lin Tong and asked seriously, "What do you mean by that?"

Maintaining his air of mystery, Lin Tong replied, "As the Buddha said, some things cannot be spoken."

Karma returned to his usual calm demeanor and chuckled. "Could it be that all the wise ones like to keep us in suspense and whet our appetites?"

Lin Tong adopted a sage-like expression. "Because everything has its own destiny, determined by fate. You just need to do your best. There's still plenty of time ahead."

Karma gently brushed his red hair with his hand and smiled softly. "In that case, I'll wait to see what the future holds."

The two exchanged sly smiles and slowly descended the back mountain.

Meanwhile, Koro-sensei sat atop a large tree in the back mountain, observing Lin Tong's retreating figure and falling into deep thought.

"Student Lin Tong, you don't seem as simple as you pretend. Though you disguise yourself as a passerby, you're also a passerby who doesn't quite fit in with the others. You might need to sharpen your assassination skills, but what are you really thinking? Your sudden appearance that day and those strange words that sounded like an apocalypse—what did they mean?"

At that moment, Wu Jian quietly approached Koro-sensei and lightly tossed a dagger. Koro-sensei dodged and appeared at Wu Jian's side.

"Are you thinking about Lin Tong?" Wu Jian asked, not looking at Koro-sensei but speaking to himself.

Koro-sensei waved his hand slightly. "Some things are quite concerning. I can't shake the feeling that everything about him is unsettling yet oddly comforting. How is your investigation into him going?"

Karasuma shook his head. "There's no connection to the MSS over there, nor to the crazy organizations or institutions. He should still be a normal kid. Perhaps we're all overthinking it—a child born to a pair of quirky parents might just be that."

A big "X" appeared on Koro-sensei's face. "No, I believe you should pay closer attention to Lin Tong. There are too many forces behind him, and he harbors many secrets. I can't guarantee that these forces won't pose a threat to my students, but it's your responsibility to keep a close watch on him."

After saying that, Koro-sensei stood up and prepared to leave. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something. "Oh, by the way, you might want to look into Lin Tong's home. You could uncover something unexpected."

Wu Jian was taken aback. Just as he was about to ask further questions, Koro-sensei vanished from his sight in an instant.

"Lin Tong's home? Perhaps he does harbor secrets that I'm unaware of. But what do these secrets mean for that monster, for the students, and for the Earth?"

Meanwhile, Lin Tong glanced at a document in his hand, barely skimming it before igniting it with a lighter, watching it burn to ashes before tossing it into the sewer.

"The Antimatter Research Institute must be the key!"