[BL] In a captivating saga that spans multiple generations and realms, this tale weaves together the lives of extraordinary beings in a celestial world of gods and immortals. Drawing inspiration from Chinese mythology and popular culture, including the movie featuring Ne Zha and Ao Bing, this narrative reimagines and expands upon the stories of these deities and their descendants.
Through the generations, the story follows the trials, triumphs, and relationships of these divine beings and the mortals who become intertwined with their destinies. It is a tale of love, family, duty, and the unbreakable bonds that connect souls across the boundaries of time and realm.
As the narrative unfolds, readers will find themselves immersed in a world where the lines between the celestial and mortal realms blur, and where the actions of gods and humans alike shape the course of destiny. From the heavenly courts to the modern streets of the mortal world, this epic saga promises to captivate and entertain, inviting readers to embark on a journey filled with magic, mystery, and the eternal struggle between the forces of good and evil.
The portrayal of the Chinese gods and goddesses in this tale may be simplified or altered for narrative purposes, it is essential to note that this is a work of fiction and not intended to be a comprehensive or accurate representation of traditional Chinese beliefs or mythology.
This story contains the following that may warrant trigger warnings:
Physical abuse (not graphically depicted but implied)
Social ostracization
Child kidnapping
Supernatural/horror elements including ghosts, a ghostly realm, and a malevolent ghostly entity