After a little bit more talk and a small gift, Reed killed Avalyn with his gun, shooting her head off before she could comprehend what was happening.
Then, Reed went on to lay back in his trap and continue his advancement in the event.
After he hit the button to proceed to the next round after killing his 103rd player, he noticed something different.
'That's not a human.' He looked carefully at the new opponent, and confirmed his guess.
His opponent was shorter than regular humans, just shy of 150 centimeters, but that wasn't the main difference. If it had been just that, then they might have been just a shorter person. No, the main difference was that they had wings.
It wasn't immediately apparent, but they had spread them slightly when they had seen the dummy, which was when Reed had seen them, and the only reaction he had, was a marginally heavier exhale.
After all, he was hiding, and letting out a gasp in surprise would have revealed his location. Not to mention that he already suspected that there were other races besides humans in this 'Game', this just confirmed his suspicions.
They were dressed in leather, with a cloth mask covering their face. They held a spear in their hand, decorated with exquisite metal carvings, and their wings were of a dull grey colour.
But now, there was a slight problem.
If they could fly, and decided to do so, Reed would find it difficult to attack them from his current location.
Fortunately for him, and not so fortunate for his opponent, they didn't, which allowed him the opportunity to shoot their arms off, which he quickly took, followed by their legs, as he quickly scrambled out of his hiding spot and approached the fallen creature.
Their screams were loud as they writhed in pain, but Reed paid them no attention as he summoned a knife and used it to cut their mask off.
Since he couldn't see their features, he had to use his hands to feel them. He did so with one hand, using the other to keep them from biting him.
Two eyes, one nose, two ears, and a mouth, no different than a human's.
He flipped them over and ripped off the leather covering their back, giving him the chance to properly look at their wings.
But before he could do so, they disappeared, and the panel appeared once more.
[Round 101 complete]
[Start next round]
From then on, various other creatures would also appear, and Reed would see if he could subdue them to take a closer look at them, if not he would just kill them and continue.
No humans appeared after the 100th round, so he had plenty of chances.
When the event ended, he had seen 10 different types of creatures, which he named.
1: The winged.
Similar to humans, but shorter, lighter, and with wings. No other noticeable differences.
2: The demonic.
Humanoid, but with three eyes, the extra in their foreheads, tough skin, sharp nails and teeth. Hearing appears to be weak.
3: The giant.
Bigger than humans by an approximate 30%, that much heavier as well. Their blood was green.
4: The elven.
Similar to the elves that he knew about, no difference from a human except for the ears being longer and pointy.
5: The Noseless.
No nose, they had structures he believed to be gills in the side of their necks.
6: The slender.
Taller and thinner than humans, their ears were larger, and so were their jaws and tongue. Excellent hearing capability.
7: The demons.
These had tails with a pointy tip, and ears similar to the elves. Their skin was dark and tough, and their bodies had a temperature exceeding 40 degrees celsius. Their blood was black. All senses seemed to be duller.
8: The reptilian.
These had scales on their body, and were slightly taller and much thinner than a regular human. Excellent eyesight.
9: The Wild.
They had fur all over their body, along with a tail, much like a monkey. Almost all of them had noticed him when they approached a certain distance. Excellent hearing and sight.
and the 10th: The bald.
These had no hair on the body, not a single one. Their skin was incredibly tough and their blood was of a green colour.
The event had a total of 200 rounds, the first hundred containing creatures of the same race fighting each other, and the second hundred of different races fighting each other, according to Reed's thoughts.
Reed sat on the ground, his back to a rock pillar as he read the notice that ended the event.
[Congratulations! You have completed the 200th round!]
[The event is complete!]
[Please wait for a few moments while your rank is calculated]
He got up and stretched his back, relaxing himself completely.
"Huuuu..." He let out a loud sigh, as he closed his eyes.
[Your rank has been calculated]
The soft sound of the panel made him open them again.
[Congratulations! You have achieved the rank of 'Champion'!]
[When you are ready, please take your reward]
An image of a golden trophy appeared to the side of the panel.
Reed stared at it for a moment, before turning back to the first panel.
"Can you talk?" He asked it, and it actually responded.
"I can." A mechanical voice spoke, emerging from the panel.
"Can you tell me how my rank was calculated?"
"Your rank is calculated by using a formula I am not allowed to speak in depth about. But, it notes how much damage you took, how well you dodged, how well you attacked, and how much luck went into your victories or defeat."
"You have sustained almost no damage, used a trap to deal almost certain killing blows, and there was little to no luck in your victories."
"So, you gained the rank of 'Champion'."
"Is that all?" The voice asked.
"What are the other ranks?"
"The ranks in descending order are: Champion, Great Victor, Victor, and Failure."
"Can you tell me how many people are in each rank?"
"Can you tell me how many participants are there in this event?"
Reed paused, thought for a moment, no questions coming to him, and spoke.
"That will be all, thank you."
He then reached to the image of the trophy.