When they arrived at the small automobile shop where the thugs were hiding, Bai Meiyue saw a few zombies lurking around the front of the shop. She assumed that these must be Xie Yi's gang members and sure enough she heard a soft whimper beside her.
"Little Zheng, Little Yao... you fools, why did you not run inside when you saw these dangerous things coming?" Xie Yi muttered as he stopped the motorboat in front of the shop and looked at the raised platform where the two zombies were moving along with four and five other zombies.
"You stay here," Bai Meiyue told the man and climbed out of the motorboat before rushing at the zombies. She chopped their heads off with the dagger in her hand as well as her special abilities. Of course, she was careful, as she did not want to disclose her special power so easily. The concept of supernatural beings was still unknown.