30- Meeting Grandma


I was fidgeting.

I could not stop the shivers.

This was scary, and I don't know what to do.

I had dresssed the kids in one of their beat outfits. I wanted them to see how good my babies looked, and I was also scared. I did not even know what to wear, but I just put on a cute flair gown and sneakers. I knew this had to be done, and my kids were also kind of excited.

Lucky for them.

I on the other hand was few minutes away from shitting my pants, and I had to pretend like I was okay so that my babies won't be worried and wonder why their mummy is nervous. When we entered the car, the kids were very chatty, and it took everything within me to give them the same vibe they were giving me.

When I saw that we had reached her home, I was shaking. I just did not know how much until Lucien put his hand on my shoulder, and said, "Calm down."

I nod even though I am anything but calm.