29- Don’t Mummy Me


There was no way on earth Lucien did not have a hearing impairment. I remember vividly, telling him that the kids should not eat chocolate today so, why the hell are their mouths filled with it, and he does not seem the least bit guilty.

My hands are on my waist, and I glare at him.

"What?" He asks as if he does not know why I am pissed.

"I specifically told you not to give them chocolates Lucien," I say angrily.

"But they asked for it," he tries to make me see why he is right which he is not.

"They cannot get everything they ask for though. It is impossible to be frank," I say.

He does not seem to listen to me, and I groan and walk out saying, "We are going to be talking about this later."

He rolls his eyes in reply, and I imagine strangling him. Imagine being the keyword because Lucien is tall and big.


The kids go to bed early, and I make the mistake of going to his room without knocking.