Arrival at Siam

The journey to the Kingdom of Siam from Amsterdam took about 45 days. That's a month and a half, a long voyage that was so inefficient that even in the middle of the trip, Matthew would get frustrated by it. 

In his previous world, it would only take hours. Unfortunately, this was the fastest transportation to get to and fro in any part of the globe. Good thing for him, he didn't let those days come to waste as he used that time to draw schematics of his future enterprises. 

The thought of making an airplane in the near future is not far from reality. If he could make automobiles, he could make everything else. In total, he had drawn about 103 blueprints which he had stowed securely in a blueprint canister. 

Seconds later, there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Hesh, we have arrived at the port of Bangkok," the steward's voice came through the door.