Setting up the Pavilion

The train pulled into Paris with the morning sun casting a golden glow over the city. The station was alive with the sounds of bustling activity—steam hissing from engines, carts rattling across the platform, and workers calling out instructions. Matthew leaned out of the train window, his eyes scanning the vibrant cityscape. This was it—the heart of the Francois Republic and the stage for the World's Fair.

As the train slowed to a stop, a man in a neatly pressed uniform approached the railcar. His posture was straight, and he carried an air of efficiency that immediately caught Matthew's attention. He tipped his hat and introduced himself as Jules Durant, a representative of the World's Fair staff.

"Good morning, gentlemen and lady," Jules greeted with a polite smile. "I trust your journey was smooth?"

Charles stepped forward, returning the greeting. "Indeed it was, Mr. Durant. Thank you for meeting us."