Getting Sus

In his office at the Hesh Factory, Matthew Hesh sat at his drafting table, deep in thought. The acquisition of Armitage Arms was finalized, and the possibilities now stretched out before him like an open canvas. His goal was clear: to revolutionize the weaponry of the Great Republic of Amerathia by introducing modern designs far ahead of their time.

With a ruler, compass, and pencil in hand, Matthew began to sketch the blueprint for his first project—a bolt-action rifle. He leaned over the table, the lamp's yellow glow illuminating his precise movements. On the paper, the outline of a long, sleek firearm began to take shape, inspired by the Mauser Gewehr 98 from his previous world.

"This will be the standard issue for any modern military," he muttered to himself, his pencil gliding across the page. "A weapon that's reliable, accurate, and easy to produce."