A Moment of Triumph

Matthew Hesh leaned back in his chair, staring at the telegram clutched in his hand. The message, sent directly from General Warner's office, confirmed what he had been waiting to hear: **Victory.** The Grand Republic of Amerathia had secured total control over Nueva Libertad, forcing the United States of Mexico to the negotiating table. The war was over.

For a moment, the factory's hum of machinery seemed distant, as if the world had slowed. Matthew's eyes scanned the terse, formal message again, letting the weight of its words settle in.

Robert Anders burst into the room, a broad grin splitting his face.

"Matthew, have you heard? It's done! The Mexicans have surrendered!"

Matthew nodded, finally letting a smile creep onto his face.

"I've just received the confirmation. It's over."

Robert walked over and clasped his shoulder.