Back to Work Part 1

Three days after settling into the Hillcrest Estate, the time came for Matthew Hesh to return to the demands of his business. The estate was quiet that morning, the sunlight streaming through the windows of the breakfast room where Matthew and Amber sat together for their final meal before his departure.

Amber had prepared a light breakfast, insisting that Matthew start his day with something warm and comforting. The table was set with freshly baked bread, scrambled eggs, and a pot of steaming coffee.

"You'll call, won't you?" Amber asked, her tone light but with a hint of concern as she buttered a slice of toast.

"Every evening, if I can," Matthew replied, smiling at her. He reached across the table to take her hand. "It won't be long. I should only be gone for a few weeks."

Amber nodded, though the thought of being alone in the large house left her feeling uneasy. "I'll keep myself busy. There's still plenty to organize here."