Swift Victory

The Pacific Campaign: The Invasion of the Philippines

July 1896 – Amerathian Forces Mobilize for War in the Pacific

With Cuba secured and Spanish forces surrendering en masse, Amerathia's war against Spain had entered its next phase. The victory in Havana had electrified the nation, bolstering support for the war effort, but in the halls of government, the focus had already shifted.

The real prize was across the ocean.

The Philippines.

A Spanish stronghold in the Pacific, the archipelago was rich in resources, strategically valuable, and home to a growing anti-Spanish insurgency. The Amerathian war planners saw it as a critical target—a stepping stone to further power in Asia.

President Matthew Hesh, however, saw it differently.

He had authorized the war against Spain for justice, not conquest. But with Cuba under Amerathian control, voices like Bradford's had grown louder, pushing for total victory.