Preliminary Investigation

Elias Vaughn sat at the bar of the Arlington Club, a well-known gathering spot for Washington's most powerful men. His drink—bourbon, neat—sat untouched as he subtly observed the room. He wasn't new to this game. Years in military intelligence had taught him that patience was a weapon just as deadly as any blade.

Across the room, at a private booth in the back, William Bradford sat with his closest allies—Senators Macias and Carter, along with three other war-hungry congressmen. Their table was partially shielded by the room's dim lighting and the hum of conversations from other patrons, but Vaughn had positioned himself well. Close enough to listen, but not close enough to raise suspicion.

A waiter approached their table with a bottle of whiskey and glasses. The men seemed at ease—laughing, sipping their drinks—but Vaughn knew better. This wasn't just a casual gathering. This was where war was being decided.