January 22, 1898
London, United Kingdom – Foreign Office
Inside the stately chambers of the British Foreign Office, diplomats, lords, and military attachés from across the empire gathered around a polished oak table. The room was buzzing with agitation. Copies of the Amerathian declaration of support for Japan were spread across the table, alongside intelligence reports and diplomatic telegrams.
Viscount Melrose, the Foreign Secretary, cleared his throat and stood. "Well, gentlemen, the Amerathianshave made their choice."
General Dunford, a stern-faced man in his late sixties, scowled. "They've gone and backed the Japs over the Russians. Unbelievable."
One of the younger ministers spoke up. "And yet, are we truly surprised? Hesh is no fool. He knows exactly what he's doing."
"Exactly," Melrose agreed. "This is not about sentiment or idealism. This is about the Pacific."
A murmur of agreement ran through the room.