As soon as Mahito made it out of that damn park, he quickly made his way into the first dark alley he found.
"Hohoh! What do we have here? The perfect test dummies for every evil dxd reincarnate in Kuoh besides stray devils. The homeless guy!"
Right in front Mahito, passed out and lying on some dirty cardboard boxes is a homeless guy. He looked like he was huddled under some trash. At his side is an even bigger pile of trash, hundreds of used lottery tickets, a bread that looks like it was stomped on, a dead guy in a suit with the side of his head blown open, and a revolver.
"Huh? That's weird, wait! I'VE SEEN THIS SCENE BEFORE!"
'Anyways today seems to be my lucky day today as there's not a lot of homeless people in Japan atleast that's what Google said.'
Mahito reached his hand towards him but just before he touched him, a hand shot out from under the pile of trash and held his arm with a surprising amount of strength.
"What the-?"
That was all he could mutter before he got double front kicked on his chest, sending him into the wall and damaging it with cracks spreading all around it.
Mahito then got the absolute shit beat out of him as the homeless man moved faster than he could recover and started pummeling him into the wall, he couldn't even put up his arms to defend himself as the homeless man hit his body too fast for him to react.
'I blink once and he already hit me a few dozen times on my chest, stomach, face, crotch, arms, and legs.'
The homeless man was a blur of movement, a whirlwind of fists and kicks.
"Wai-! PUGHHH! Sto-! UGHH! Hold o-! BLAGH!"
Blood spurted all around my mouth, ears, and eyes, painting the dark alley with splotches of my blood.
'Shit! Who the fuck is this dude? I thought bruddah was just a homeless guy not some whatever the fucking superhuman freak this is! Quick! I need to fight back or I'M FINISHED!'
Mahito quickly transformed his right arm, elongating it and making spikes all around it. Then he swung it at him like a whip to show this monkey who's boss.
But the homeless man reacted faster and flipped over the spiked whip arm. He then choke slammed Mahito into the ground and stomped on his head multiple times.
Mahito retaliated by turning his nose into a spike just as the homeless man stomped on his face for the fifth time. It stabbed through his foot, leaving a gaping and bleeding hole as he pulled his foot back in pain and surprise.
Mahito used this chance to stand up and make some distance to get a breather but the homeless man was already on to him. Now holding two pipes that he grabbed from his pile of trash. The homeless man beat Mahito senseless, rearranging his face with each smack to his head.
Mahito decided that this homeless man became even more dangerous with a weapon so he will get rid of it. He controlled his hair and like tendrils, his hair wrapped around the homeless man's weapons.
"Got you!"
With the homeless man restricted from his hair tendrils wrapping around his pipes, Mahito swiftly moved in for the kill as he went and transformed his fingers into blades to pierce through this man's chest.
Suddenly, the homeless man let go of his pipes and swerved to the side in the last second, Mahito's blade fingers only managing to graze his chest. He suddenly put his hand in between them, hovering over Mahito's stomach before hitting him with a one inch punch.
The force of the blow was so strong that it stunned Mahito and sent him flying before skidding on the ground harshly. Before he even got up the homeless leapt high and lands on top of his chest, feet first.
Mahito then made spikes emerge all over his body but the homeless man was ready for it and backflipped away before it could reach him.
Mahito used this opportunity to stand back up on his feet.
The homeless man then muttered something under his breath.
"Something's off. Nah, it's just another upstart supernatural brat"
The homeless man charged ahead with an overhead kick but he was surprised. Because this time the brat who could barely even put up a fight against him and should have already been dead by now if it wasn't for his weird durability reacted to his kick and dodged.
That momentary surprise almost cost him a fatal wound as Mahito took this chance to attack. Transforming his arms into claws, he swiped at the homeless man's stomach to disembowel him. But he moved at the last second, barely avoiding Mahito's claws as it still left a deep gash on his side.
The homeless man briefly touched his side and saw blood on his hand. He tasted his own blood before smiling wildly then laughing out loud. He then took off his cloak of rags revealing himself to Mahito.
The homeless man had a dirty and scraggly white long hair and beard. He wore an old smelly and worn black shirt with torn up disgustingly dirty and smelly white pants and was barefoot. His frame was lean but you could still see some distinction of muscles, indicating he may have been previously a warrior that is now way out of his prime.
"You got guts kid, I may be a shell of what I used to be but I can still beat up punks like you!"
Moving faster than anything that the homeless man previously showed before, he charged towards Mahito. But Mahito can see it now, he can react now, he blocked the fist heading towards his face with his forearm while sprouting spikes along it.
The spikes pierced the homeless man's knuckles but he didn't stop and kicked Mahito away. He charged ahead and let his fists fly at Mahito, hitting him and pushing him back. But Mahito took a quick swipe with his claws at the homeless man at the last moment and nicked the homeless man's neck, making it slightly bleed. He can fight now, he realized as he grinned madly.
Their brutal exchange continued as Mahito was ragdolled by the homeless man's blows, but is starting to dodge more and getting hit less. While the homeless man continued to get nicked and grazed by Mahito's claws whenever he got the opportunity to retaliate.
'What is this throbbing in my chest? What is this feeling?'
Mahito thought in his mind as he continued to fight with a feral grin on his face.
'Is this the thrill of an actual fight?'
Mahito ducked low as the homeless man overextended with a high kick to his face. He poised his left claw arm to cleave the homeless man in half and swiped. The homeless man preemptively hopped up to dodge the claw swipe.
But it was actually a feint, as Mahito reverted his left arm back to normal and formed a fist and his swipe turned into a punch to hit the homeless man squarely in the stomach with his full force.
An explosion of black sparks accompanied Mahito's punch, the force of the blow became amplified by the black flash and sent the homeless man crashing into a wall and bringing it down. The homeless man wheezed and vomited out a small puddle of his own blood from his mouth.
The homeless man crawled weakly towards his pile of trash.
"Hahahaha! I actually managed to do it! This feeling coursing through me! It's addicting! I love it! Haha! Hahahahaha!"
Mahito yapped loudly to himself and reveled about the feeling of hitting a black flash and entering an in the zone like state. As he can feel like his understanding of Idle Transfiguration became deeper, his movements became more fluid, and his cursed energy flowed faster and more freely all around his body.
"Is that.....all..... you've g-got?"
The homeless man said to Mahito weakly while he was breathing heavily. He stood up on unstable legs and digged through his pile of trash. When he found what he was looking for after rummaging through it in a few seconds was a long rusty chain and a wornt out grimy knife.
"The fight's.....just getting....started."
He connected the knife to the rusty chain and started winding it up and spinning the chain all around him.
It was so fast that when the homeless man swings it at Mahito, he almost almost got his head cut off. But Mahito managed to react and duck under the knife as it swung by thanks to being under the influence of a black flash which also heightened his instincts.
Then the chain swung back around and this time Mahito couldn't react fast enough as the knife slashed across his chest.
"Ugh! Shit! How can you still swing that shit so fast?! You're a damn grandpa and I just hit you with a black flash!"
The homeless man just grinned and keeps on swinging the chain all around wildly. It moved so fast that all Mahito could see was a blur and hear the air whip around as he spun the chain around him in an unpredictable pattern.
Mahito barely had a second to react as he rolled to the side, almost getting cut in half vertically as the chain and knife slammed at his previous position.
There was no opening or chance Mahito could exploit to fight back as the homeless man swings the chain-knife around too fast for him to do anything but dodge as best as he could or get shredded to pieces.
But no amount of dodging or reacting was enough as Mahito still got cut, slashed, and sliced by the chain-knife. Slowly and one by one. First it was his right arm that got lopped off. Then it was his left leg. Just seconds after this, his right leg was cut off. Finally, his left arm was the last one that was cut off.
In just 2 minutes, Mahito got his ass handed to him by a homeless and old man despite being in the effect of a black flash.
Now, all that was left of Mahito as he lay in a pool of his own blood that decorated the whole alley was this armless, legless thing. Just a body full of stumps as his limbs with a head still attached.
~Homeless Man POV~
I walked up to what's left of the brat with a smirk despite wheezing and heavily breathing from exhaustion after swinging the chain-knife all around myself. I looked down at the punk ass teenager supernatural who thought he could stand up to him, The Supernatural Killer.
Then he sighed and cracked his back. He was getting too old for this shit he thought to to himself. He quickly decided to just finish this off and get back to sleep and deal with the consequences later. Maybe search this brat's pockets for some cash to buy more lottery tickets.
He went back to grab the revolver on his pile of trash and emptied the cylinder on Mahito's head, punching multiple holes through the back of his skull.
He's dead, finally. He thought to himself and turned around to lay back down on his cardboard boxes and that's when he felt it.
'Something's off'
A chill went through his spine as he heard a voice dripping with malicious intent behind him.
He tried to turn around but it was already too late.
~Mahito POV~
As soon as Mahito quickly reattached his limbs in a split second, he dashed with all his speed at the unsuspecting homeless man's back. He reacted quickly but he was too late as when he turned around and faced Mahito, his palm was already touching his side.
The homeless man's body stopped and froze. Then in the next moment he started spasming and suddenly the left side of his body bloated before exploding in a mist of blood and gore.
The homeless man was in shock and tried to grab at his left side but there was nothing he could touch as there was nothing to grab on to. Heavy amounts of blood poured out from his giant open wounds on his left side of his body.
But then he suddenly smiled with nostalgia before his old knees gave out and he fell face first into his own pool of blood with a small smile on his face.
Seeing that, Mahito admired his work and reveled in his victory.
From what was originally testing out his cursed technique on a homeless man, to getting the shit beaten out of him by a physically monstrous and masterfully skilled old man, to learning and adapting on how to fight and how to use his cursed technique on his own body, hitting a black flash, and winning against someone much more experienced and superior than him in battle.
It truly was his lucky day. Mahito thought to himself as he stretched his body. But then he looked and realized he was naked.
"Huh. Guess clothes aren't invincible in this reality or something? Probably because it's DxD, an ecchi boobs harem anime world."
He then formed clothes out of cursed energy. He chose Jjk Mahito's drip to complete the look.
"Wait a minute?"
Mahito thought hard as he looked at the dead body of the homeless man. His face concentrated in a thoughtful expression while he picks on his ear.
"Was that Toji? Hmmmm, if that's really him then damn he's washed up. Sorry Jaxy poo, I had to do it. It was either me or him."
After yapping about some nonsense Mahito's body suddenly froze stiff.
"What? Oh come on! Already? I haven't had enough fun yet!"
The stitch marks around his body slowly start to dissipate, once all of the marks disappeared a horrified expression formed on his face.
"Y-y-you killed him. Y-you actually killed him! Why? W-why did you do this?"
Yuki Ichimaru started to cry, sobbing at the horrible thing he had caused to happen because he let Mahito take control over his body in his desperation.
"Hey hey quit crying and complaining like a whiny baby. It was all self defense I assure you."
Mahito said to Yuki inside his mind as Mahito lounged around lazily inside his soul.
Yuki held his head as he cried harder.
"Pssshhh potato tomato. It doesn't really matter. It was him or us. And stop being ungrateful because I did save us both from dying."
"No! I'm not listening to you anymore! Whatever you are you're evil! You're pure evil! I should have never let you take over MY BODY AAAHHH!"
Yuki in his anger bashed his forehead on the wall to shut Mahito's voice up inside his mind.
"First and foremost, I'm a curse. Secondly you know that's not going to work right? And for your information it's OUR BODY now. Also, I could heal that wound on your forehead and make the pain go away, just give me control of your body for a second and I'll fix you right up."
"SHUT UP! I don't trust you! You'll just use my body to commit more atrocities!"
Yuki banged his head on the wall again in frustration, making his forehead bleed even more.
"What? I only killed like one guy, come on give me a break. It's not like I have killed any kids ...yet. How about we do it like this. Let's make a deal, a binding vow."
"What deal? What's a binding vow?"
"It's basically a contract between us that's enforced by reality itself. If I break our deal with the binding vow then I'll die as punishment. Do you agree?"
A hand with stitch marks formed from Yuki's stomach made by Mahito, waiting for him to shake it and agree to make a deal with him.
"Why the hell would I make a deal with you? For what purpose?"
Yuki asked Mahito with disdain in his voice.
"Because, who else but me can protect you and save you from supernatural beings like that fallen angel Raynare? Or someone superhuman like that homeless man? You? You can't even beat some dumb perverted teenagers despite being much more built and taller than them."
Mahito mockingly said to Yuki while chuckling about how wimpy he was compared to Issei and his friends in the memories he saw of Yuki.
"F-fine! Let's make a deal! But state your terms clearly! I won't let you fool me like last time!"
"Heh! You're not as dumb as you look! Alright! If you ever request for my help and take over your body to save you then I'll permanently have your body! How does that sound?"
"Fine fine, I'll be generous. I'll only get to take over your body whenever you're in danger, is that okay? Oh, I also want atleast 5 minutes of being able to use your body freely once each day?"
Yuki thought long and hard about the deal. Before coming to a decision and then adding a term in their deal.
"I'll agree as long as you won't harm anybody with your technique within those 5 minutes of you controlling my body."
"Deal, do you agree?"
"Wait, before I agree. What's stopping you from taking over my body whenever I'm in danger even without this binding vow? You'll take over and protect me anyways so I don't even really need to do this."
"Oh, so now you're trying to play smart against me now huh? Oh well, if you don't agree to this deal then I'll just let you die next time when you're in danger."
"Won't you die as well if I die? Aren't you afraid of dying?"
"Me? DYING? Hah! I'm a curse! I'm not afraid of death. I'll just reincarnate in someone else anyways! You can die for all that I care, it'd just be so inconvenient and a nuisance for me if you did die."
Mahito was bluffing of course and spitting absolute bullshit. But Yuki doesn't know that.
"Shit! Fine! I agree!"
Yuki shook the hand of Mahito that formed on his stomach before it sunk down into his body again.
"It was nice doing business with you my buddy o'l pal. We're gonna have a fun time you and me, mostly me of course."
"Shut up."
After that Mahito quieted down in his mind. But as Yuki looked at his surroundings, the blood splattered all over the walls and the dead body of a homeless man and the pool of blood he's lying in. The situation finally caught up to him as he vomited untill he couldn't anymore.
"I-I wanna go home."