Lol I'm not Kurama stuped


As soon as Yuki got back inside his home he immediately headed inside the showers. He stayed there for hours sobbing while scrubbing himself harshly all over his body to remove the blood that clung to his skin. He didn't know wether it was Mahito/his own blood or that homeless man's blood. But he didn't really care and didn't want to know.

He had already cleaned all the blood off him in the first hour but he still kept on scrubbing himself. He felt so dirty and he couldn't get the smell of blood out of his memories.

Yuki eventually left the showers and directly went to bed after drying himself. He was so exhausted from all the crazy things that happened in just a single day that he fell asleep the moment he closed his eyes.

Of course Mahito was watching all of this through Yuki's eyes. Mahito wouldn't just wait here in this soul space until Yuki woke up because that would be too boring.

So like the good friend he is he helped Yuki have some wonderful dreams to help him sleep. And by wonderful, it went more along like this.

Yuki opened his eyes but all he saw was darkness. He felt cramped in this space as he barely fit. Suddenly, his memory kicked in and he started hyperventilating.

He can remember it now, his old trauma is resurfacing in this reoccurring nightmare that he thought was long gone as it hadn't happened again in years now.

"No! Not this! Please not again! Not again! Let me out! Let me out! Let me out of here!"

Yuki Ichimaru started to panic and started to hit all around him. He was in a small trunk. Or more specifically the trunk that his long dead parents used to lock him in whenever he's "naughty" or just because they felt like it.

The scene changed and now he was in a moving car. Both his parents were right in the front seat arguing while he sat in the back. They were both drunk but they were being careful and looked straight at the road.

"Wait, no. This isn't it. This isn't what happened! What's going on?"

His body then moved on it's own and messed with the wheel of the car.


The car then spun out of control and they fell to a cliff by as they rammed through the railings.

The next scene he saw was his child self standing right outside of the crashed car. Both of his parents were calling out for him to help them.


His child self then took out a box of matches and lit one on fire. Then with a wide smile as he giggled like a child who just got his presents for his birthday, threw the lit match on the leaking gasoline of their crashed car.


He was helpless as he couldn't move and could only watch as his parents burned to death. Their screams of agony filling his ears and scent of their burning corpses filling his nose. The scene changed again.

This time it was in his classroom back in middle school. Every kid was pointing at him, whispering about how he should kill himself, all kinds of insults were thrown at him. They laughed and jeered at him without even hiding it as everyone was in on it.

He watched this scene with an aching heart. But something was wrong with this version of him as well. Because suddenly the kid version of him snapped and started stabbing his classmates in the necks and eyes with a pencil.

His child self was merciless, he brutally stabbed each child countless times even when their bodies already stopped twitching. He kept on stabbing until each body was unrecognizable. And then he laughed, a haunting and terrible laugh of pure malicious glee at what he had done.

He fell to his knees and held his head as he kept muttering ro himself.

"No. No. Please.... please. Stop. Stop. This isn't. This isn't what happened. It's all wrong. I didn't do this."

The scene changed again and now what he saw. Sickened him to his core.

He saw himself again but Issei was tied up in a chair right in front him. This version of himself was chopping some kind of meat on a table. Then he started force feeding it raw to Issei. He could hear their conversation.

"Hey open up! It's your favorite!"

"Gah! Stop! Please! Yuki! This isn't you! Stop this! Bleeerggh!"

Issei vomited out the meat that "Yuki" fed him.

"What? What was that?"

Issei asked while trembling in fear.

"Didn't I already say what it was? It's your favorite! Boobs! Look! This one is Murayama's"

As soon as he heard that something snapped inside him as he screamed out loud in horror.


But when he opened his eyes now. He was actually still lying down on his bed. It was just a dream. A terrible terrible dream. He immediately got up and vomited on the toilet bowl but all he could do was a dry heave as he hadn't even had breakfast yet. But remembering what happened in his dreams, he decided he wasn't hungry and skipped it to go to school instead.

"Sweet dreams, right buddy? Hehe."

Yuki didn't answer as he only glared hatefully at his reflection.


Now in class within Kuoh, Yuki mostly kept to himself and avoided meeting Issei as much as possible.

But it was unavoidable as his next class had both him and Issei sitting next to each other.

He braced himself but just as he was about to enter class he felt himself losing control of his body.

Mahito then barged into class and pointed at Issei before angrily shouting.

"You! It's all your fault! You framed me for what happened back then for peeping on the Kendo Club girls because you were jealous of me getting a date with Murayama! Admit it or else!"

He had an angry expression on his face but Mahito was laughing inside.

'You thought you could just go around to school all normal with nothing wrong happening? How naive Yuki!'

Due to Mahito not using any cursed energy, Yuki's body doesn't have any stitch marks anywhere on his body. So he could truly act like Yuki to mess with the people around him.

"What? What are you talking about? You're lying!"

Issei shouted back at Yuki and points at him, accusing Yuki of lying. But a bead of sweat was slowly rolling down on his forehead.

"This is on you Issei! You leave me no choice!"

Mahito quickly ran at Issei punched him hard right at his jaw. Issei fell down and shouted in pain.

"The fuck man! What was that for?!"

"Confess! Admit to everyone that you framed me back then! Admit that you always used me as you and your friend's scapegoat for your perverted acts! Tell them everything that you've done! Or else!"

"Chill man! Just relax! What's up with you?"

"That's it! I've had enough of your bullshit!"

Mahito then started punching Issei in the nose over and over again in front of the whole class. The girls in the class were cheering him on as he beats Lossie's face until his nose starts bleeding.

"Agh! I'll admit! I'll admit it! Just please stop man!"

Everybody then quieted down to hear what Issei would say.

"He's right. He's completely right. We've been using Yuki all this time to be our scapegoat whenever we try to do perverted stuff. You all have been hating on him for absolutely no reason at all, he didn't even really do much to be honest. The ones to blame should have been me instead."

Gasps were heard from multiple students as they realized that they've been bullying an innocent person all this time and that Issei and his friends are actually much more a scum than they already thought they were for doing this to Yuki. Everybody started apologizing to him.

Inside the soul space of Yuki while all this was happening was Mahito, he gave Yuki back his control of his body. Counting what he did just now he knows he still has 2 minutes and 24 seconds left of time to take control of Yuki's body whenever he wants to.

He smiled as this was all part of his plan to break down Yuki's spirit to fully take control of this body for himself. He also noticed a small permanent increase in his strength and the power of his cursed technique after beating up and humiliating Issei like that in public.

'Hmmm, so that's how it works. Ez exp I guess. Gotta atleast beat him up atleast once every day with the 5 minutes I have.'

Mahito thought to himself.

Class continued on like normal right after when the teacher arrived. After class ended and most students have already left the classroom, Mahito took over again.

'Hey! Stop! What the hell are you trying to do this time?!'

Yuki shouted to Mahito in a panic within his mind.

'Quit yapping, I'm about to get you a birthday present!'

Mahito then approaches Murayama.

"M-M-Murayama! H-hey, I-I just wanted to talk a-and maybe y-you know w-we could....we c-could...."

'Hey! Quit it! I don't sound like that!'

"Yes! Let's go right after school!"


"I'm really sorry about what happened back then. I figured out later on that it was Issei and his friends that were trying to peep on, us not you. But I was too ashamed to talk to you again after that. Please forgive me Ichimaru!"

"Ahh! I-it's alright! I-I've already forgiven y-you. And you can call me Yuki."

"Let's hang out right after the classes are done!"

"A-are you s-sure?"

"Yeah! It's a date then! Oh and isn't it your birthday today? Let's celebrate it after school, see ya later!"

Murayama quickly went out of the classroom with a pep in her step and a small blush on her face.

Mahito then gave back Yuki control of his body. Yuki looked on dazed at the direction Murayama walked at.

"She knows my birthday."

Yuki couldn't help the blush that formed on his face as his heart skipped a beat.

'See my buddy o'l pal! Mahibro is gonna help you get your first kiss! Believe it!'

"Yeah, t-thank you."

Mahito just smiled inside the soul space while rubbing his hands together and holding his laughter in for the devious plan he cooked up in his mind.


After school was over for the day, Yuki excitedly went back home and went to their meeting spot. There he saw Murayama patiently waiting for him.

"Yuki over here! Let's go!"

Murayama went up to Yuki and linked their arms together. Yuki can feel his arm squishing against her breasts which caused an atomic blush on his face. But since Murayama looked so cute and excited while dragging him along he decided to just relax and enjoy this date.

He still couldn't believe that this is actually happening but determinedly he intended to enjoy this date to the fullest and center his goal into making Murayama have the most fun time of all in their time here together.

They first headed to the theaters to watch Morbius. It was morb. But they made up for it as they made jokes about the characters and some various scenes throughout the movie. Both of them just giggling like no tomorrow in their own world.

After that, they went to the arcade. Yuki was ass at everything but Murayama was too cuz she's a woman. But Murayama suprised Yuki though when they played hoops and she was ballin.

"How are you so good at this?"

Yuki said as he watched Murayama shoot hoops without even needing to look.

"Oh! It's a little embarrassing, but I always practice in secret. I've always wanted to play basketball ever since I was little but I never really got to try it out in public."

Murayama said as she shyly played with her hair.

"Why didn't you pursue playing basketball at the women's basketball club at our school. You could've been killing it with how good you are at it!"

"Well..... it's so stupid really. Promise you won't laugh?"

Murayama said while hiding her face in her hands, her whole face red with embarassment.

"I promise!"

Yuki showed his pinky to Murayama and they made a pinky promise.

"I-it's because! I look too manly with my muscles if I wear the women's basketball uniform!"

Yuki was stunned silent by how cute Murayama is as she turned around and covered her ears.

"Is that why you always wear baggy clothes outside school?"


"C-can I see? Y-y-your muscles I mean!"

A blush appeared on Murayama's whole face. And wordlessly she closed her eyes and slowly took off her hoodie, showing off her toned abs visible from the outline of her shirt and lean powerful arms. This was due to all her workout and exercise ever since she was little when she was trained by her grandfather to learn kendo.

"Woaahhh. Beautiful."

Yuki unconsciously said out loud as he saw Murayama's lean and muscular body. Murayama heard it and her heart skipped a beat. She became so shy that she immediately put her hoodie back on.


Yuki scratched the back of his head as he looked away.

"Y-you shouldn't be ashamed of your body Murayama. Your muscles doesn't take away from how p-pretty you are. Your muscles, t-they're actually quite cool you know?"

Hearing that Murayama beamed brightly with a smile as her confidence in herself went up thanks to Yuki's words.

"Hey Yuki, let's go eat!"


Murayama happily dragged Yuki to the nearest food stall. But while they were waiting for their food, three mean looking men came up to them.

"Hey girly, why don't you come with us and ditch this fag on this little date of yours?"

"Yeah! We can show you a much better time! Just come with us!"

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't have to suffer putting up with a loser like him!"

Yuki went mad with rage as he saw how Murayama had gotten scared and uncomfortable as the men started to grab her roughly and was touching her inappropriately.


Yuki punched the thug that was groping Murayama's chest on the back of his head.

"Huh? What was that? Did you just try and hit me? You punk!"

The thug then backhanded him, throwing him to the ground. Yuki gritted his teeth and spat on them. The three thugs got angry and surrounded him.



Murayama ran as fast as she could before the three thugs could grab her.

"Damn it! She's fucking fast!"

"It's all this piece of shit's fault!"

"We were about to have some fun with a young girl like her and then you had to ruin it! We were atleast going to let you watch you know? But now you fucked up!"

Yuki was quite taller than average and could've been quite strong if he worked out but it never really interested him. So Yuki was extremely wimpy because he had terrible coordination and he was not a fighter at all.

This resulted in him getting beat the fuck up without even landing a hit except for the first one that he landed when they weren't paying attention to him but it was useless as it did no damage.

'Mahito please help me! I'm getting fodderized by fodders!'

'And now you come to me and beg for my help! I thought that you said you would never let me out unrestricted again?'

'Shit! This is different! I'm in danger! Aren't you gonna help?'


'What? Why? Please! Make it stop! It hurts so much!'

'You really thought I'm just someone you could call over to save you whenever you got yourself in trouble? Hah! Stupid! You're stupid! What are we, friends?! Hahahaha! You look so funny getting your stupid face beaten in by these lowly thugs!'

Yuki kept on pleading for Mahito to take over and help him. But the only response he got from him was Mahito laughing hysterically at him like he was the funniest joke he had ever heard for a long time.

"Ah! Help! Please someone! Anyone! Heeeeellpp!"

The three kept on beating and stomping on him while they laugh, mock, and jeer at him.

But after another minute and a half someone finally came to help him.

"You three! What the hell do you thugs think you are doing?! Stop this now!"

It was Murayama, she came back with 2 guards who agreed to help her as she explained to them their situation.

The guards chase off the thugs while Murayama came to help him.

"Oh my god! A-are you ok? Let's get you to the hospital! Come on!"

At this moment Mahito grinned as he took over Yuki's body. He knows he needs to act quick as he only has around 2 minutes left.

"Ugh! I-I'm fine.I can stand on my own you don't need to worry. I just gotta go to the restroom first ok Murayama?"

"O-oh? Ok? J-just tell me if you need anything ok, Yuki?"

Murayama looked at him with concern but she trusted him, despite only getting to know him in this short while she feels that she could completely trust Yuki with everything.

As Mahito limped and turned a corner, out of Murayama's sight. He quickly transformed his arms and legs into big spider like legs, while also growing 4 more big spider legs in addition to that. He then quickly climbed up the wall and nimbly jumped around the roofs of multiple buildings to find the 3 thugs and 2 guards. Once he spotted them in a dead end of an alley he silently climbed down.

"Hey, you three! Long time no see eh?!"

Mahito quickly reinforced himself with cursed energy and crushed the closest thug's head into the wall with a punch.

"What the fuck?!"

"How did he do that?!"

"Ahhh! He's a monster! A freak!"

Not wasting time he twisted the neck of another thug until he almost got decapitated. He then suffocated the other one by shoving his fist down their throat with them not even being able to close their jaw or bite him due to his reinforced skin.

The 2 guards watched in horror as this happened. They were frozen paralyzed by fear of how this teenager brutally killed these thugs in inhumanly possible ways.

"Hehe, sorry about that but since you're here then I might as well kill you both too!"

Mahito then shoved his fingers so deep inside both of the guard's ears that it reached their brains.

Then after 4 seconds Mahito's daily 5 minutes was up and Yuki regains control of his body again while Mahito would have to wait for tomorrow to be able to have access to Yuki's body for 5 minutes again unless he encounters any life threatening danger. That was their agreed upon deal with the binding vow.

"H-how? How could you? I-I thought you weren't supposed to hurt anyone when you take over my body for 5 minutes once each day?"

'Ah ah ah! Wrong! You said I couldn't USE MY TECHNIQUE to HARM anyone when I take over in those 5 minutes! Hahahaha! You have to be real specific when it comes to these things! Stupid little Yuki hahahahaha! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha!'


Author's Notes: Ugh! I hate writing romantic scenes! Writing through that was a slog. I wanna write more brainrot, hype, and aura! But I gotta progress the story for that shit to make some sense.

Volume 1 is more about Yuki and Mahito for now as Mahito makes Yuki suffer more and more. He's not doing this for just shits and giggles even, he's also doing this to break down Yuki's will or spirit to weaken his soul until he could fully take control.

Don't worry though, there will be major Issei hating and fuckery by the end of volume 1. Volume 2 though is where the pace picks up and truly gets spicy. Gotta wait for that first though. See ya then on the next chap tomorrow or something Bruzzahs. In the Kenjussy we thrust! 🙏