Oh yeah, AAAAAAHHHH (ft. rah) by alt! seems like the perfect theme for Mahito.
Yuki trembled and his eyes dilated. The sweet smell of Murayama is now gone. All he could smell is the overpowering scent of blood and death.
Yuki harshly grasped his hair, almost tearing it from his scalp by how hard he grabbed at it. He started hyperventilating, tears in his eyes welling up.
A blood curdling scream teared through his throat as he lost all semblance of control of his emotions. Knees falling to the ground, he madly grabbed at any piece and chunk of flesh of Murayama's remains and tried to put them together. Delusionally thinking that if he put her back together she would be ok and fine again.
While in his mind Mahito laughed uncontrollably at him, further sinking him in his rapid descent to despair and the creeping madness to his sanity.
He refused to accept reality. The reality that the only person who ever showed care for someone as lowly as him. Someone that could have possibly been his only shot at living a normal life, having a job, getting married, and having his own family. All of those dreams and fantasies were shattered in that single instant.
He never should have trusted this sick and evil thing to ever truly follow upon his words and promises without twisting it in the most wicked way imaginable for his own sick amusement and pleasure at watching people drown in despair.
After half an hour of continuously scraping the ground with his bare hands, trying to get every single piece of Murayama. The reality of what had happened finally hit him and he gave up doing his futile and mad goal of piecing her back together.
He fell to his side, lying down on the pool of Murayama's blood on the ground. He curled up into a fetal position as he wept and whimpered pitifully. His clothes became caked in the pool of blood but he didn't care.
Within the soul space, Mahito was dancing in victory. He smiled as he looked at the humanoid gaseous light in front of him. It was the soul or more specifically Yuki's soul. The soul of a being within their soul space looks like a similar shape to what they look on the outside in most cases.
Outside in the physical world a soul usually takes on the shape of a sphere but in an immaterial plane like the soul space, the various different dimensions of the afterlife, the soul stream, etc. their form is similar to their form on the outside.
The more powerful a soul is, the more solid and resistant it becomes. The weaker a soul is, the more intangible, soft, and vague it becomes and looks in appearance. That's why supernatural beings, sacred gear wielders, and other phantasmal creatures are harder to have their souls manipulated and why most beings in this world has foregone soul damaging attacks, spells, and magic.
Mahito pondered deeper and he realized that Longinus wielders, Gods, and Youkai would probably be the most problematic enemies he would face in the future. As their very nature and their powers are a hard counter against his abilities.
Gods could probably use their divinity to damage souls and their souls are too powerful to be manipulated, Longinus wielders and sacred gear wielders would be able to damage him thanks to them having an innate perception of the own shape of their souls once their gears are no longer dormant and would be harder to almost impossible to have their souls be manipulated by Idle Transfiguration, and Youkai have great perception of souls and have attacks that directly target the soul like Senjutsu making them one of the scariest enemy he could currently face right now.
But despite all that he still welcomed the challenge. He knows his cursed technique is just brimming with untapped potential.
The gears in his mind turns as he thought about all the possibilities.
But Mahito was getting ahead of himself and decided to focus on the present for now. Seeing the current state of Yuki's soul, he smiled widely as soon, soon he can finally take this world by storm unchained and unrestricted.
He touched the gaseous soul of Yuki. Because it was his host body, his lacking power and understanding of Idle Transfiguration, and being basically in the innate domain of Yuki, he couldn't change the shape of his soul at all. At first. Now he could manipulate Yuki's soul almost as much as he wants to.
But this time, he tried a different approach.
Instead of trying to change the shape of Yuki's soul, he tried slowly pulling it in to himself. Nothing happened for awhile and just when he was about to give up on this experiment of his, there he saw it.
It was only by a tiny bit band extremely slow but he saw it. The gaseous state of Yuki's soul floated still in the center of Yuki's soul space. But small tiny motes of Yuki's soul is being slowly pulled in and absorbed by Mahito.
Mahito's eyes widened at the implications of this. This meant that Idle Transfiguration, can be used by him to devour souls, not just damaging or changing the shape of one's soul. But to devour the very essence of life itself, the soul.
He analyzed every single part that he could about the process of how he was devouring Yuki's soul. He tried various different ways on how to do it and after countless trial and error, he found the most efficient way of slowly absorbing Yuki's soul.
He couldn't make the absorption too strong or too weak or else it would either damage Yuki's soul without him gaining anything or the pull would be too weak to even get a scrap of his soul. He also made sure it was unnoticeable as much as possible to Yuki so he wouldn't even know what hit him when the time comes.
He can feel it, using this method, he is slowly gaining deeper insight into his cursed technique, refining it, evolving it into something more. Yuki's soul is becoming nourishment to his own as his soul became denser and more powerful the more he devours.
It also healed some lingering damage on his soul from when he tried to manipulate Issei's soul but got smoked by Ddraig.
On the flipside of things, with the original protagonist of this world Pussei Bumdou. Due to Mahito's presence, he has already heavily altered the course of this world as many things from canon has changed due to his actions.
Waking up naked in bed with Rias should have been a happy time for Issei in canon. But in here it was one of the most tragic and soul crushing moments of his life. As the moment he looked down between his legs and struggled to see his own penis while hard.
That was the nail in the coffin but the hammer was the when Rias woke up from his bed and saw him in all his 1 centimeter glory. The worst part is she didn't laugh but pitied him instead which was somehow worse. That destroyed all confidence he ever had.
But, there was some silver lining atleast as due to Mahito's trolling via soul dick shrinkage it awakened Ddraig much earlier than in canon. While Issei was asleep Ddraig talked to Rias, deeming it necessary to explain to her what happened to his host.
Ddraig told her about an invader that entered the soul space of Issei that tried to do something to his soul. But thanks to Ddraig he stopped them before they could do something disastrous to his host. Although they still managed to escape and do some minor alteration to his host's soul. It was due to Ddraig's limited capabilities back then when he was still dormant and haven't fully awakened as Issei's sacred gear.
He told her many things, that the individual was very dangerous with how it can almost freely manipulate souls with terrifying ease as if breathing. The last thing Ddraig told her was that it looked like Issei's classmate Yuki Ichimaru but suspected that something sinister may have taken over him as Ddraig looked through Issei's memories and found that Yuki Ichimaru's personality has drastically changed ever since the Raynare incident.
Rias relayed these details to Issei as he woke up while explaining to him some basic information about the supernatural world while also revealing her race as devil and how he is now part of her peerage.
Issei still couldn't teleport with a magic circle. Rias said that maybe this was because he had a miniscule amount of demonic energy and Akeno crudely joked that maybe it's tied to the size of his penis. Which only further destroyed any remnants of his confidence.
And then as he was doing devil contracts, he was ambushed by Kalawarma. But surprisingly he managed to fend her off with the boosted gear and boosting up to 4 times right off the bat. He also felt a lot stronger while fighting than compared to normal.
Ddraig explained to him that the reason he couldn't teleport with a magic circle wasn't just due to having a miniscule amount of demonic energy. But due to him not having any demonic energy at all. He said that the moment he absorbed part of the soul of the invader of his soul space. A new energy formed within him.
When he became a devil and gained demonic energy, the new mysterious energy went and absorbed it. The evil pieces that were in his soul also mutated and started producing this new energy.
This new energy is the one that helped boost his strength in battle. He unconsciously made it flow throughout his body, reinforcing it. It elevated his strength beyond what his body is normally capable of.
Days passed and he wondered about what happened to Yuki. As he hadn't been coming to school for a while now. Something that was weird was that Murayama who was usually a diligent student haven't been coming to class as well these days but he quickly put it out of his mind as it wasn't his business.
There was also an embarassing incident where Aika exposed his size to the rest of the class after using her sizes scouter ability that lets her accurately know the size of guy's dicks with just a glance. It went along like.
Issei didn't say a word and just ran out of the classroom while holding his tears.
Currently, he was just lounging around alone in ORC club room building. There were no contracts for today and he wanted some time alone to himself. He thought about all that has happened and he should be happy about being able to talk and get close to the two oppai queens of Kuoh.
He was happy to have a second chance at life and he should be happy of being able to create his own harem in the future as a devil and fulfilling his dream of being the harem king.
But he just couldn't bring himself to be excited and happy about all of this. He was just going with the flow of things that are happening around him most of the time.
The result of having his dick shrunk, his confidence be destroyed, his friends Matsuda and Motohama leaving him after he ratted them out about using Yuki as a scapegoat all the time, most of the students and his classmates in Kuoh treating him as more of a scum than just a pervert, and lastly being humiliated by his size in public got to him.
He can't even have a break when he comes home as some random guy always jumps him whenever he comes back home from school.
Being alone with these thoughts depressed him but then Kiba entered the room. While he didn't really have an opinion about the guy besides being jealous of how many girls in the school have fallen for him, he still didn't really like him.
There was only silence between them as they ignored each other after greeting one another. But Issei couldn't help it, he was desperate to have someone to talk to and he didn't really wanna talk to any girls with his issues.
Surprisingly, Kiba was a pretty chill and great guy. He patiently listened to Issei's problems and cheered him up when he was about to break down crying. He gave Issei great advice that life wasn't just about girls and boobs.
While it would be hard to break old habits, he decided to do as Kiba said and follow his advice. His confidence has now went up due to Kiba's encouraging words. He smiled as he felt much lighter now that someone understood his problems instead of just keeping it all to himself.
Yuki had drowned in despair after what had happened. His daily routine these days became wake up kicking and screaming from the nightmare of either Murayama exploding nonstop or him killing and eating her, eat, shower where sometimes he hallucinates the water is blood, lie down like a bum in a fetal position on the bed, continuosly hear Mahito telling him about Murayama's explosive personality and how he fumbled hard, eat again, sleep, Mahito gives him "sweet dreams", and wake up kicking and screaming after a nightmare again.
Mahito mostly used his 5 minutes by going outside. He then changes what he looks like using Idle Transfiguration and then jumps Issei while he's on his way home from school. He does this every single day and always changes what he looks like everytime.
The increase of his power from his daily Issei jumpings and absorbing Yuki's soul throughout the whole day, has led to his strength growing steadily.
He suppresses Yuki's soul more and more as his soul grows stronger and Yuki's becomes weaker. This allowed him to influence Yuki's actions despite not taking over through manipulating Yuki's soul.
By the time Yuki knew what was going on he couldn't even put up an ounce of resistance, being forced to just drone on mindlessly as Mahito controlled his movements every day.
Through this he forces Yuki to eat rare cooked meat, the taste of the blood on his tongue making him remember about the pieces of Murayama he accidentally swallowed, deteriorating his spirit and sanity.
Mahito also likes keeping Yuki asleep so he makes him lie down in the bum position always. While Yuki's consciousness is asleep, Mahito has an easier and faster time of absorbing his soul efficiently.
But Mahito was getting impatient. He was still limited on what he could do due to binding vow he made with Yuki. Because the only way he can make it null is by fully absorbing Yuki's soul into himself. So Mahito thought of a way to speed things up.
Through manipulating Yuki's soul, he forces him to stroll around outside in the night. Going to the abandoned and secluded parts of Kuoh. Eventually he found something interesting.
"Come boy!~ How about you show me a good time~"
He found a woman in a dark warehouse with an exposed naked top half, she was fondling her large breasts right in front him while calling for him to come closer.
Knowing that this was actually Viser, a stray devil woman with a voluptuous figure with short black hair, but her lower body was gigantic and beastly with four legs, each having sharp claws, and a snake as a tail. Her overall appearance was reminiscent of that of a Centaur. He quickly took over Yuki's body.
Viser not even getting another word in was blitzed as Mahito moved so much faster than she could react as he lunged and grabbed her face.
He then used Idle Transfiguration to play around with her soul, shaping it into whatever he desired, testing multiple things out. Through this he was learning and gaining more insights about the soul.
Mahito tried absorbing her soul but found no luck. He discovered that he couldn't just rapidly absorb souls to get stronger. That he could only absorb a limited amount of souls at a time or else he could risk destabilizing his own soul.
Throughout all of this Viser was screaming, shouting, and writhing in pain. But eventually Mahito was satisfied and tested out one last thing. He actually managed to take out the evil piece within her soul without killing her. Without the evil piece inside her, Viser reverted back into a normal human.
"O-oh my god! T-thank you! Thank you s-so much! I'm sorry that I tried to eat you! I-I wasn't in control of myself ever since I became a stray. I didn't even want to be a devil! I was just forced to become one because of my body. When master died, I-I just turned into this horrible creature! B-but thanks to you I'm back to normal again. How can I ever repay you?"
Mahito then put the evil piece back inside her, and due to the evil piece having no master connected to it Viser transformed into a stray devil again. But Mahito added a little twist.
Mahito transformed her from her previous appearance into a 10 feet tall, pink, bulky, muscular boar-like beast that has huge tusks. She now has beady, glowing red eyes and a gaping maw filled with sharp fangs. He made her have a thick layer of armor on her body, covering mostly her front, legs, arms, and face. Her flesh is now pink in color, while the armor is a shade of reddish-pink with a knurled, almost chitinous appearance and ridged with tusk-like spines.
"Perfect! I'll name you Pinky!"
Through manipulation of her soul Mahito destroyed her personality and turned her into a mindless puppet under his control.
"Hehehehe! Looks like someone's having fun with that wretch of a devil right there! I've been curious to see who had such massive balls to straight up kill one of those fallen and some of our elite members!"
A new voice spoke out loud from the entrance of the warehouse. It was a young man with white hair with clerical clothing.
He was holding a light gun and a light sword in his hands as he looked at Mahito with a manic smile.
"I've been wondering while watching you. Are you a devil? Because you don't seem like one of them, the energy coming from you is quite distinct. But if you're working for those devil heiresses then I must fulfill my duty to God as a holy man and slay all devil loving heathens!"
Mahito grinned as he found just the right person for his plan.
"What!? ME?! NAH! Please don't lump me in with those wretched devils! For I myself am a devil hating advocate just like yourself. And as devil hating brethren I propose to you a deal!"
Freed was taken aback by how this teen responded to him and seemed to be just as crazy as him.Then he started cackling and entertained hearing him out.
"Hehe! A brother in hating! I apologize, I didn't realize your game. Now what's this deal are you talking about? I wanna hear a brother out!"
Despite talking casually like friends, Freed was extremely cautious. He knows he could possibly be outmatched with the speed this teenager had shown and hearing about how this guy killed one of the fallen accompanied by 4 of their better rogue priests. But he believes he could escape if it comes down to a fight.
"Due to some unfortunate accidents it seems that you lost quite a bit of strength in your guy's forces. Thankfully I have just the right solution to fix that problem and more!"
"Interesting, how then?"
"I could grant you and your priests greater strength! To shed the limits of your mortal bodies and become so much greater! As you can see with Pinky right here. She went from some small fry stray devil into a hulking beast that screams with power!"
"Woah! Hold on! While that offer does sound interesting. It would be a shame to lose my good looks!"
"Hehahahahaha! No need to worry about that! Pinky right here is just an example. I can turn you and your priests into something better. You can still keep looking like your human selves but also something more!"
Freed thought about it for second and just chose to go fuck it, we ball.
"Alright! Sure! What do you want in exchange?"
"Hehe, I just want to join along with you guys. Tell Raynare that I'm just one of your priest goons but tell your real boss what I'm capable of. Oh and this request might be little weird but I want you try to cut my head off every once in while!"
Freed looked at him weirdly for a moment before cackling and shaking hands with Mahito.
"Deal! My name is Freed! Freed Selzen!"
"Great! The name's Mahito! Just Mahito. I think this will be the start of a great partnership between you and I!"
Out nowhere Freed suddenly swings his sword at Mahito's neck. But it just passes by harmlessly as Mahito sunk his head into his body to avoid it.
"Hahahaha! You're already following through with your end of the deal!"
"Hehehehe, well of course! Freed is a man of his word!"
Both them just laughed out loud after Freed just tried to casually kill Mahito.
Deep within the soul space of the teen. There, Yuki was shrouded in complete darkness that was suppressing his will and slowly devouring his essence. When he heard about Mahito's deal with Freed his eyes widened in horror as he whimpered pitifully.
He hugged his knees even tighter as he lay on his side, while sobbing quietly. He realized that he may never come out and see the light ever again. Due to the nature of their binding vow and his deal with Freed, he is constantly in life threatening danger. This means Mahito has free reign of his body for as long he likes when he's with Freed.
'Please....someone.... anyone....
.....save me.'