Pinky did an oopsie daisy


Mahito and Freed high fived each other. He then went up to Pinky to scratch her chin.

"Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl? It's you! Yeah you! Attagirl! Now go and destroy the nearest hospital!"

Pinky, the bull-like transfigured demon beast wagged it's short tail and scratched through the ground as it couldn't resist Mahito's scratching. It then followed it's orders like a good girl and busted through the walls of the warehouse.

"Don't forget to bulldoze through any family you see on the way! They're inside the houses if you didn't know. Have fuuuun!"


The 10 feet monster roared before charging with surprising speed for it's size and bulkiness. It busted through multiple houses, killing several families with just one charge.

Seeing that Mahito wiped a tear from his eye.

"Hah, they grow up so fast don't they?"

"Mahito wait!~ You just killed some innocent people!~ Oh noooo!~"

"But were they truly innocent people?"

"Hmmmm, nah! It's ok to kill them, they're probably all goddamned heathens."

"Anyways let's head back to base. I'll introduce you to some of my friends."

"Maybe I could also confess my sins to them while I'm at it!"




On the way of it's path of destruction as it plowed through houses and multiple buildings, Pinky saw a school bus full of children. It started to salivate before roaring loudly and started to chase it down.


It rapidly caught up to the school bus. All the children were screaming in fear as they saw the monster closing in. Then just before it hit the bus, it got hit with a blast of the power of destruction to it's face.

"Take that you ugly monster!"

Pinky just kept charging anyways and rammed against the back of the bus, sending it crashing and tumbling through the streets. Most of the kids instantly dying on impact.

"W-what? I used the power of destruction on it!"

While hovering in the air Rias said to herself out loud. She looked at the monster and was flabbergasted as her power of destruction only managed to burn off a very small chunk of it's armor. Then she became sick to her stomach and almost puked as it started to eat the children that were dead and alive.


"On it! Scream for me!~"

Akeno raised her hand, summoning a magic circle up in the sky. She then brought her hand down and the magic circle shot down a thick pillar of lightning magic at Pinky.

Pinky convulsed as the lightning magic hit hit it's back, stunning it. But a few seconds right after Pinky already recovered and using it's claws it grabbed the wrecked school bus before throwing it in the air at Akeno.


It was coming at her too fast so she put up a barrier to block it. As soon as the school bus hit her barrier, it exploded and sent Akeno crashing to the ground due to the shockwave of the explosion.

"Akeno! Are you ok?"

"I-I'm fine, just few scratches president. I was caught off guard by that thing."

Rias and Akeno communicated through their enchanted ear pieces. She was about to sigh in relief before suddenly her breath was caught in her throat. Pinky was looking far away at an unattended child on the road.



Pinky tensed it's legs then roared before charging at the child at full speed.

"Akeno, on me! Kiba take out it's legs! Koneko, on standby! Issei, stay back in the air! You can't handle these kind of situations yet!"

Rias quickly acted and flew then landed in front of the child with Akeno at her side. She was confident that with both her and Akeno bombarding this monster with their magic would be enough to kill it before it reaches them.

Both Rias and Akeno surged their demonic power to charge up their spells for a big attack.

Kiba barely kept up with the speed of Pinky while it was charging. He then created an ice and fire sword, first he swings the ice sword at Pinky's leg but it shattered on impact without leaving any mark on the armor on it's leg.

Kiba held his fire sword with two hands and fed more demonic power into it, setting it ablaze. Then he swung his fire sword at it's leg multiple times but it mostly bounced off the armor and just left nicks and small burn marks on it.

"It's armor is too tough! I can't damage it's legs!"

Kiba fell back as he can't do anything against Pinky. Rias and Akeno raised their arms in front of them. A big mass of power of destruction at Rias' palms and thick bolts of lightning concentrating in between Akeno's, ready to be unleashed.

"Let's do this Akeno!"

"With pleasure!~"

Both unleashed their attacks at the same time, hurling towards the charging Pinky.



The two attacks exploded right at Pinky's face creating a blast of demonic power that engulfed everything within a 30 meter radius. The ensuing shockwaves caused Rias' and Akeno's skirts to fly up, giving Issei who was hovering in the air behind them a full view of their lingerie panty covered plump asses which made him have a massive nosebleed.


Issei started to daydream while drooling, thinking about how nice it would be to smoosh his face between their cheeks.

The smoke and debris that obscured Pinky cleared, showing that it suffered only having it's armor cracked, multiple chunks of it's armor being completely destroyed, and some burns on the exposed flesh on the places that had it's armor destroyed. Yet it was still standing strong instead of being dead or outright turned to ashes from an attack that not even an average high class being could take head on without being fatally injured.

"What the hell is this thing?! Issei! Take the kid and fly away from here!"

Rias and Akeno stood their ground as Pinky roared then started charging again. They pelted Pinky with small blasts of power of destruction and magic lightning bolts which slowly peeled off Pinky's armor piece by pice and sometimes luckily hitting the exposed flesh which made it growl in pain.

But it was futile as Pinky kept on charging straight on. Rias and Akeno had to fly away to avoid being rammed by Pinky before it got too close.


Rias shouted to Issei to warn him about the incoming Pinky.

"Bwuh?! Oh shit! Oh shit! Shiiiit!"

Issei who was still daydreaming shouted in a panic and barely managed to dodge Pinky's charge as he flew up.

" could you? What have you done....?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"The kid Issei... How could you forget?!"

"Kid? Oh.....oh fuck."

Issei said horrified, his face pale and ashen as he turned his head back around only to see something that immediately made him vomit.

You see, while Issei was lucky to avoid Pinky just in time despite being distracted, lil Timmy wasn't so lucky. All that could be seen left of him was some crushed and splattered bloody entrails on the road.


"Get your head together you idiot! You think it's fun to just mess around while people's lives are at stake?! If you get one of us killed because of your moronic actions then red dragon emperor or not I don't know what I'll do to you! So you better get your act straight or just GET OUT!"

Rias snapped at Issei as she couldn't hold her anger in due to how Issei just got an innocent child killed. She took some deep breaths before speaking again to her enchanted ear piece.

"Akeno, why was there a child on the road? Didn't you already set up the mass hypnosis barrier to evacuate everybody?"

"Yes, I did but maybe that child had higher than normal magic reserves or maybe had a sacred gear and that's the reason he wasn't affected by the barrier. While this spell was made to help keep the supernatural a secret from the mundane, it isn't perfect you know?"

After that Rias contacted her familiar who was the one who informed her of Pinky's rampage and the one she ordered to keep an eye on it.

"What?! Akeno! This is bad! My familiar just told me that the monster is heading to the path of where the hypnotized civilians are evacuating!"

"Quick everyone! Let's go!"

All of them swiftly moved to fly towards the hypnotized civilians to save them from Pinky. Issei followed along while hanging his head down ashamed of what he had done.

Koneko to the side just shook her head while muttering under her breath.

"Perverts should just die."

But Issei heard it and it only made him hang his head even lower.

They flew their way over to the mass of hypnotized civilians but they were already too late. Due to Pinky losing a good chunk of it's armor made it even faster than before and reached the civilians before the devils could protect them.

By the time the Rias and her members reached the civilians, Pinky has already trampled on dozens of people, crushing them into paste on the ground.

Rias quickly acted and ordered Koneko to stop Pinky as it was about to crush another family of 4. Koneko landed in front of Pinky and spread her arms wide to catch it in between her arms.

The moment Pinky made impact with Koneko, a massive shockwave occurred. Pinky kept on charging while Koneko used all her strength to push it back and stop it from moving. Her feet dug deep into the ground as she tried to put a stop to Pinky but it only slightly slowed it down.

Eventually she could no longer hold on and was sent flying into a house, crashing into it's interior.


A tremor wracked Koneko's small body. She can feel that her ribs have been bruised heavily. She also has internal damage to her organs from force of the impact as she coughed up blood.

After Pinky kept on going and crushing the family of 4 into mush, it stopped for a moment as if to catch it's breath. Using twin shadow swords, Kiba managed to sneak behind and stabbed it's back with both swords.

It screeched in pain as it bucked wildly, throwing Kiba off it's back. He flipped while midair and landed gracefully on his feet.

"President! Target it's back! There is no armor covering behind it, only the front!"

"Great job Kiba! Let's go Akeno!"



All of a sudden Pinky roared then started charging even faster like it was in a frenzy, causing Rias and Akeno to miss their attacks.

"Ugh! It's too fast! I can't get a clear shot at it!"

"Where is it heading off to now?"

Rias bit her lip in worry as she heard her familiar give her troubling news.

"It's headed for Kuoh's hospital! We have to stop this thing NOW!"

Rias and Akeno kept on firing their attacks at Pinky but in it's frenzied state it became so much faster as they couldn't even hit the monster anymore as it zigzagged through their spells.

"P-President, I c-can still fight. Cough! Cough!"

Koneko weakly said to Rias through her ear piece.

"No! Can't you hear yourself! You're too injured to do anything right now!"

"I'll h-hold on to it s-so you could g-get a clear shot o-of it's back..."

Rias closed her eyes, her lip trembling. She knows that allowing Koneko to do this could risk her life and she was struggling to decide on what to do. She releases a sigh before saying to Koneko.

"Ok, I'll trust you on this Koneko. Promise me to come back in one piece or else!"

A small smile grew on Koneko's face as she heard her king.

"I will."

Koneko stood up and used her magic circle to teleport into the path that Pinky is going to come through. She hated doing this but she had a promise to keep to her president.

Koneko steadied her breath before she let go. Cat ears sprouted on the side of her head and a tail came out behind her. All of her physical attributes increased by twofolds as she stopped suppressing her youkai side.

Thump! Thump! Thump!


She can see it. From almost a mile away she can see it and hear it clearly as it roared and charged right ahead in front of her.

She raised her arms wide, put one foot behind her to push onto the ground and keep her balance, and then she tensed her whole body as she braced for impact.

Soon it rammed into her arms and kept on charging to push through her. She grit her teeth as she pushed back as hard as she could, her feet creating a long deep trench in the road as she pushed her legs to the ground to stop Pinky's charge.

She could feel it, she was close to reaching her limit as she hears her bones start to creak. She only managed to barely slow it down as it kept on pushing her back with it's relentless charge. She closed her eyes holding back a tear as she accepted her end due to her failure to stop the monster.

Suddenly, Pinky's charge became slower and the strain of pushing back the monster slightly eased. She looked to her side and there was Issei, helping her in pushing the monster to stop it's charge.

"D-Don't worry! I got your back!"

Issei said to her with difficulty and smiled back at her brightly. Her eyes widened in surprise at Issei's assistance and then nodded back to him with determination.

But before all this happened and Issei got here and decided to help. He was watching through all of this with fear. Seeing how fast this monster could move, how many people it killed, how despite such powerful magic spells that hit it was still alive, and how despite all their teamwork it still kept on going.

The monster looked unstoppable, an invincible foe in Issei's eyes as it kept charging through no matter what was thrown at it like a juggernaut. But then he saw it.

That despite all these setbacks and what seemed like facing an insurmountable opponent, they still fought on determined to win and protect the people even when their lives are at risk.

He looked inside himself and what he saw was pathetic. They told him he was a Longinus wielder, someone with the power to kill a god. This generation's red dragon emperor. But what the hell was he doing? He was back here only watching and cowering behind while all his friends was fighting with their all.

He boosted up to his limit of 4 boosts and went in front of the path that Pinky was charging through and pushing back Koneko. He raised his arms and braced for impact. There, now both of them together were pushing back into Pinky's charge with all of their strength.

And yet it still wasn't enough, it was still moving too fast for Rias and Akeno to fire off their finishing attacks. They were getting close to the hospital and their strength wasn't enough to stop Pinky's charge entirely.

Just as they were about to give up, another voice spoke up and joined the fray.

"Got you!"

It was Kiba, he joined them in stopping the charge. While pushing back at it with Issei and Koneko he created a mass of swords with his sacred gear coming out of the ground to stab into the monster.

After creating near a hundred of blades sprouting from the ground to push against Pinky, it was finally stopped in it's charge and locked in place.

Kiba shouted to announce it clearly to Rias.




With a clear shot of it's back, Akeno unleashed a continuous surge of lightning magic at Pinky. It screeched loudly as it was in tremendous pain as it's flesh started to burn from the intense magic lightning.

This gave the trio who stopped Pinky's charge a breather as they jumped back far away to not get caught up in the attacks.

Pinky could only convulse on the spot as sparks travelled throughout it's body, paralyzing it. This gave Rias ample time as she finished charging up her attack.

Up in the sky Rias held her hands above her as a giant mass of power of destruction loomed above her. Once she was finished, Rias lowered her arms to her front, sending the giant mass of destruction at Pinky.

It was slow due to how densely packed it was with demonic power but thanks to Akeno paralyzing it with her lightning magic it's speed no longer mattered.

The moment it hit Pinky's back an explosion of power of destruction and demonic power leveled everything within a 50 meter radius. The shockwave almost sent everyone of them flying but they resisted it.

Once it cleared, there was nothing left of it as it was fully destroyed by Rias most powerful attack.

Rias and Akeno were breathing heavily from exhaustion as they used up a lot of demonic power in their attacks and all throughout the battle leaving them drained.

"Finally! We did it!"

All of them sighed in relief as it was finally over and they could rest. Until another voice interrupted them.

"Rias! You call this a victory?! 131 people are dead! How could this have happened? Why didn't you call for me huh? Explain yourself!"

It was Sona Sitri with her peerage. They arrived late as they were in the underworld settling some matters when they heard the news that Kuoh is under attack. When they got here, they were shocked and horrified by the amount of death and destruction.

"S-Sona ugh! I-I'm sorry....I thought I could handle it without your help...."

Rias and Sona bickered for quite some time due to Rias' recklessness in her decisions. Together they thought up of a way to cover up the incident and said to the public that it was a gas leak. They paid a great amount of reparations for the families of the ones who died.

Using their contacts they immediately got a hold of supernatural workers that repaired the damage done to the houses, buildings, and surroundings in just a few days.

Rias and her peerage grimaced as they remembered all the death that the monster caused in just a couple of hours. It was a victory, but not without grave costs. They grimaced as they realized this fact.


After a whole week after the incident. Things had mostly gone back to normal after all that had happened. With magic, altering the memories of the mundane people was easy.

For Issei, after this event he became much more serious than before. He was still kind and goofy but he had toned down his perversion by a significant amount.

All of them had toughened up due to the horror they had faced and their bond together as a team and a family grew closer.

After a day of school, Issei was about to go home when he met a blonde nun on the way.

From that point on things mostly flowed the same way as it was in canon with Raynare taking Asia after she hung out with Issei.

When Issei told Rias about wanting to help Asia she almost snapped harshly at him. But then calmed herself down and said she would consider it but only after they fully get the scope of what was going on with the fallen at the abandoned church.

While going out to do a devil contract of Koneko's, Issei met Asia crying in the house of the one where the contractor lived in. After asking Asia to explain what was wrong he suddenly heard loud thumps of someone walking inside the house.

It was dark as the lights were off but he could see it clearly as his eyes bulged in their sockets. In the darkness was a group of what seemed to be tall and large people.

Finally, the light came on as one of them turned on the light.

Seeing their clothes Issei immediately called for back-up.

"Hmmm, that's right. Call your devil friends boy! Let them join in the slaughter! Hahahahaha!"

A deep voice said before laughing maniacally.

"Issei! Are you okay! Where are they?!"

From a magic circle came Rias and the other members of her peerage. They looked around and were shocked and disturbed at the sight in front of them.

There right in front them were rogue priests but they felt off. They stood 8 feet tall and they all had large, powerful, and muscular bodies. In their hands were their weapons, which disturbed them.

In their large hands were what seemed like an amalgamation of twisted flesh in the shape of a rifle, they were people and they were still alive and groaning, they all had atleast one in their hand.

The one who stood taller at 10 feet with long white hair was Freed. He was the leader of the squad of priests. He spoke up with a booming voice as he held up a fleshy sword that had spiked and serrated bones jutting all around it's fleshy blade.

"All the guests have finally arrived! Now the time has come for us brothers!"

All of them suddenly raised their weapons and let out a war cry, their voices were so loud and booming that the devils can feel it reverberate through their bones.

Together as one they all chanted at the same time.