The one who expels and curses evil spirits is known as a Forbidden Master...
Cen Dongsheng was reborn. His soul came from the future in eight years, an era where ghosts and malevolent gods roamed, and individuals known as 'prohibition master' ruled over modern society. Now, however, the world was still on the cusp of a night filled with great upheaval and rising dark undercurrents.
But he was a cautious and prudent fellow, aware of his own mediocrity. The first thing he thought of after being reborn was to find a powerful patron, and he pursued this endeavor thoroughly and successfully.
Except for one issue.
His powerful patrons all seemed to be out of their minds, as they... would fight among themselves.
'Stop fighting! If you've got to fight, take it outside, okay? Don't tear down the house!'
'Forget it, just come back... Destroying the house is still better than destroying the world...'
Nice story, mc is canon fodder a front line soldier who deals with ghosts, because mc was a coward he hid and missed out on many opportunities, in order to get strong you need to absorbs items, but he was so scared many items were already claimed. He dies and activates a 1 time only resurrection power, finding himself in the past, he plots to seize the opportunity he knows will soon appear, and he targets one of the most power female leaders he knows about, not to steal her items or powers but to be one of her followers, she is a shy beauty slightly older then me, did I over do it, why is she looking at me like that, partners forever!
Reviewing at chapter 46 because that's all I can read. It's a pretty unique power system. I haven't read anything similar to this atleast. The translation quality is so-so. The character of MC is pretty consistent as he is not some old monster traveling back in time. So, there is little bit of justifiable naivety. The traveling backing in time aspect has explanation as to why it happened. It's not perfect but reasonable. Overall, I recommend you to read this.