"I want to go help Brother Dongsheng... and you're stopping me?"
Yi Qingyan was a bit angry, the evidence being her slender eyebrows now tightly knit, her thin lips pursed, and a vivid anger seeping out from her jet-black, bright pupils.
An Zhizhen was unconcerned with the young girl's display of anger, answering with a smile.
"If you really have your brother's best interests at heart, you should follow his wishes, right? He wants to handle this incident on his own, using his own strength. I think you can see that."
"If I don't help my brother defeat that ghost, then what am I here for?"
"Well... for a bit of fun? Isn't it fun in itself to take a stroll or camp out with him?"
The reason this person's words were irrefutable was that she hid her true intentions within someone else's words.
Yi Qingyan lowered her eyelids, focusing on the hand that was grasping her wrist.
"...Let go."