027. Beyond the storm

After a tense Friday, during which Jason and Amelia barely spoke to each other, the atmosphere in the mansion was thick with uncertainty. Jason, feeling guilty and unsure of how to apologize, found it difficult to console her. Amelia, still resentful and unable to understand why she deserved Sandro's assault, Jason's distrust, and the sea of rumors, seemed distracted, lost in her thoughts.

Even when they retired to bed, they only shared a goodnight kiss without any passion. The tension remained, like an invisible barrier between them. As the first light of morning filtered through the curtains, Jason watched Amelia still asleep. Although he had legally bought her and she owed him obedience, Jason didn't want to force her to love him; he wanted her feelings to be genuine.

He gently moved a strand of hair from her face and kissed her softly on the lips. "I'm sorry, keep resting," he murmured as he pulled away to go for his morning run.

He was about to leave the bed when Amelia gently but firmly grasped his left wrist. "Don't go. Hold me," she whispered, opening her eyes and looking at him with affection.

Jason, moved by the gesture, lay back down beside her and embraced her warmly. Amelia nestled into his arms, feeling the warmth and the steady beat of his heart. She wanted to stay in his protective arms all day. Although she still felt some resentment over Jason's distrust and the truth serum, she knew he meant everything to her. The incident with Sandro had been disgusting and violent, but she had to learn to face it. Against the rumors, Jason needed to be her greatest ally, at least within the office.

"Jason," Amelia began softly, "yesterday was very hard for me. But I know it was tough for you too. I don't want this to separate us."

"I know, Amelia. I'm so sorry," Jason replied, holding her a little tighter against his chest. "I'm here for you, and I won't let anyone hurt you again."

"Thank you, Jason. I trust you. I only have you and Inma, but I need you to trust me and support me," Amelia said, lifting her gaze to meet Jason's eyes.

"I promise I'll never doubt you again, but when something like yesterday happens, come to me immediately. I'll protect you," Jason assured her, kissing her forehead.

The day began with new energy. After the morning run, showering, and having breakfast, Jason and Amelia went out to the garden. The morning sun bathed the flowers and trees, creating an atmosphere of peace and serenity. Jason took Amelia's hand as they walked, enjoying the tranquility of the moment.

"I'm sorry for how I treated you yesterday," Jason said, breaking the silence. "I shouldn't have doubted you for a second or reacted so violently."

"It's okay, Jason. We're together, and everything is settled between us," Amelia replied, squeezing his hand. "Now I just need your understanding, support, and affection."

"I can't forgive myself for doubting you. I was jealous," Jason reproached himself, holding her by the shoulders and looking into her eyes. "Maybe sometimes I see you as property. I paid for you, but I don't want to give you that impression. I free you; you have your work contract, your bank account, and your money. If you stay with me, it'll be because I deserve it."

Amelia smiled at Jason. "You do deserve it, and I don't accept freedom. Like I said this morning, I only have you and Mrs. Montalbán. Right now, I feel like a child who misbehaves, and their parents say, 'You're free to leave and find other parents.' Where would I go? You're my anchors, my guardians, my guides. Maybe just because of the worm, but I also want to be with you. You're the only man for me."

"You could go back to Inmaculada, but don't stay with me because of the business arrangement. Even if you went back to Mrs. Montalbán, I would still have you contracted in my company. You don't have to fear returning to square one if you leave because you won't go back there. Although it would be painful to see you every day at work and not be able to hold you," Jason said. After these words, he hugged her, and they remained in each other's arms for a while.

They needed that hug. No more words were needed; they loved each other, and it would take much more to break their bond. After a few minutes, they walked over to a table in the shade of a large oak tree, opening their laptops to work for a while. The garden, with its colorful flowers and the singing of the birds, provided a haven of serenity that contrasted with the emotional storm they had gone through.

Amelia was surprised to see several supportive emails in her inbox. She hadn't been with the company for long, and to be honest, she didn't interact much with others, so it was a pleasant surprise to receive these messages of solidarity. Until now, she had focused on working nonstop, trying to put out one fire after another.

A few discreet servants approached to offer refreshments and small snacks. The attention and care with which they served them added a touch of comfort and warmth to the atmosphere.

Later, Isabel arrived at the mansion with some documents that needed Jason's review. Amelia wondered when Isabel found time to rest, but she understood that, like Jason, her dedication was total. Isabel didn't know the meaning of "office hours."

After Jason signed the documents, Isabel took the opportunity to have an open conversation with Amelia about what had happened, offering her support and advice.

"Amelia, I know yesterday was horrible, and on top of that, there's the gossip, which we'll address by firing those responsible. I just wanted to make sure you're okay and to let you know that you can count on me just like you count on Jason," Isabel said, with a sympathetic look. "My schedule is 24/7 to take work off your hands, but also if you need a friend."

"Thank you, Isabel. It's been very hard. I didn't expect this to happen, and I feel… so helpless," Amelia responded, her voice trembling.

Isabel nodded, moving closer to Amelia. "I understand. Unfortunately, for women, especially attractive ones like you, situations like this are all too common. But I want you to know you're not alone in this. I've been through similar experiences and know what it feels like."

Amelia looked at her, surprised. "Really? I never would have imagined."

Isabel smiled sadly. "Yes, I've faced harassment and scorn just for being a woman in a man's world. At first, I felt lost, but I learned a few things that helped me get through those tough times."

"What things?" Amelia asked, interested.

"First, always remember your worth. No one has the right to make you feel less. No matter what they say or do, your worth doesn't depend on them," Isabel said firmly. "Second, never be afraid to speak up. If someone mistreats you, report them. The shame is theirs, not yours. And finally, lean on those who love and respect you. They'll be your safety net."

Amelia nodded, feeling comforted by Isabel's words. "Thank you, Isabel. It's good to know I can count on you too."

Isabel hugged her tightly. "Always, Amelia. You're not alone here. And if you ever feel overwhelmed, remember we're here to help you."

The conversation continued, with Isabel sharing more details about her experiences and strategies for dealing with harassment and discrimination. Amelia felt strengthened, not just by Isabel's words but by the connection that was forming between them. The garden flowers seemed brighter, and the atmosphere lighter, as if the weight she had been carrying was slowly dissipating.

In that quiet corner of the garden, Amelia realized she wasn't alone and that with Jason and Isabel's support, she could face any challenge that came her way.

Isabel left, leaving Jason and Amelia engrossed in their laptops, having observed that the tension had vanished and that from time to time, they exchanged loving glances, diverting each other from their focus.

"Will you be dining in the garden or shall I prepare the dining room?" the butler asked as he approached.

Jason looked at Amelia, smiling and waiting for her decision. She glanced around, noticing that despite the approaching summer, the garden still had a spring-like feel and the temperature was very pleasant. She saw a couple of sparrows land on the table, cautiously approaching a plate of nuts.

"I'd like to eat here if it's not too much trouble. Those cheeky sparrows will surely enjoy a few crumbs," Amelia smiled at the butler.

"It's no trouble at all. We'll serve lunch right here," the butler said, bowing slightly and leaving to arrange everything, while a couple of maids cleared and cleaned the table of the remnants from the snacks they had shared with Isabel.

In no time, the starters were on the table, and Amelia and Jason set aside their laptops to enjoy the meal.

"Amelia, I want you to know how sorry I am. I should never have doubted you. I'm here for you, and I'll do everything I can to make you feel safe and supported," Jason said sincerely.

"Thank you, Jason, but you don't have to remind me every two hours," Amelia replied with a grateful smile. "By the way, if you haven't done anything with Sandro yet, I'd prefer to destroy him in a different way than how Inmaculada dealt with me."

Jason looked at Amelia with a smile; she was undoubtedly perceptive and had already figured out that both he and Inmaculada were quite swift in delivering justice.

"If possible, I'd like to see him destroyed commercially. Ruined, and preferably without my case being made public, but with his behavior exposed to everyone," Amelia said, wanting to see him in misery and, if possible, ostracized for being a misogynist.

Jason considered the proposal as he brought a forkful of food to his mouth. He wanted to beat him up, but maybe it would be possible to do both.

"I'll take your request into consideration, but it won't be easy. Hiring a hitman and putting two bullets in him would be much simpler than your proposal."

Amelia looked horrified. He had only made her very uncomfortable. Was he going to kill him for that? What if he had actually raped her—what would his punishment have been?

"Relax, I was just joking," Jason added, seeing Amelia's face contort with worry. "But if you asked me to, I would."

Amelia didn't fully relax; when he first said it, he hadn't seemed to be joking, and she was starting to understand his expressions very well. She wanted to change the subject, and the only thing that came to mind was to ask when Jason's sister would be arriving.

"My sister and her friend are arriving tomorrow. I know it's a lot to take in, but I hope their visit will distract you a little and bring some joy to our home," Jason said.

"Yes, I think it'll be good. I'm looking forward to meeting them," Amelia replied, feeling relieved by the change of topic. "Is her friend the young woman she wants to set you up with?"

"Yes, but I've talked to her. I explained that she has a wonderful sister-in-law and that I won't be looking at any other woman."

Amelia looked at him, amused by his attempt at a compliment. He hadn't talked much about his family, and that intrigued her.

"What should I know about my sister-in-law?" Amelia asked with a mix of curiosity and eagerness to please.

Jason smiled, pleased with Amelia's interest.

"Mei is my younger sister, and she's very different from me. She's extroverted, full of energy, and always looking for adventures. She can be a bit impulsive sometimes, but she has a huge heart. She loves meeting new people and making friends. I'm sure you'll get along well," Jason said fondly.

Amelia nodded, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement about Mei's arrival.

"And her friend?" Amelia asked, eager to know more.

"Li Wei is a bit more reserved than Mei, but she's also very kind and understanding. They've been friends since university and are always together in everything. Li Wei is very smart and has a great ability to listen and understand others. I'm sure you'll like her too," Jason replied.

Amelia smiled, feeling a bit more at ease.

"I hope I can get along with them. It'll be interesting to meet more people close to you," Amelia said, feeling that she was gradually becoming more integrated into Jason's life.

"I'm sure you'll get along well with them. You're a wonderful person, and they'll see that," Jason said, squeezing her hand affectionately.

With the change of topic, the conversation flowed more easily. Amelia and Jason enjoyed the rest of their meal in the garden, talking about everyday things and future plans, leaving behind the tensions of the past few days.

"Is there anything else?" Amelia asked, sensing he might be hiding something.

"Well, she's a bit spoiled and demanding. She might throw a tantrum if she doesn't get her way and will probably want you to be her tour guide. So, I'll excuse you from work because you won't be going in," Jason said with a smile.

Amelia laughed, imagining Mei's possible mischief. "It sounds like it'll be an interesting experience. But are you sure you don't need me at work?"

"I'm sure. I want you to enjoy yourself and relax a little. You've been through a lot, and you deserve a break. Plus, Mei will be thrilled to have you as a guide," Jason said, squeezing her hand affectionately.

Amelia sighed in gratitude. "Thank you, Jason."

"By the way, Amelia, this afternoon I need you to make sure the staff has prepared the rooms for Mei and her friend properly," Jason said, breaking the silence.

Amelia frowned, somewhat annoyed. "And why don't you handle that?"

Jason smiled patiently. "Because it's the woman's job to ensure the house runs smoothly. Besides, Mei will feel more comfortable knowing you took care of the details."

Amelia remembered what she had studied about Suryavanti culture and resigned herself to her role as hostess. "Alright, I'll do it. Although I think we need a trustworthy housekeeper to take these tasks off my plate."

Jason nodded, appreciating her willingness. "You may be right. But for now, I know you'll do an excellent job."

Amelia got up from the table and began giving instructions to the staff. She personally supervised the preparation of the rooms, making sure everything was impeccable. As she inspected the details, she thought about how to better delegate these responsibilities in the future.

Finally, they reclined on the lounge chairs under the shade of the large tree, watching the clouds drift slowly across the blue sky. Amelia felt a sense of inner peace that she hadn't experienced in a long time. Although there were still challenges ahead, at that moment, everything seemed to be in its place.

"I love you, Jason," Amelia murmured, closing her eyes and letting the tranquility wash over her.

"And I love you, Amelia," Jason replied, gently stroking her hair.