028. Mei's arrival

On Sunday morning, the mansion buzzed with anticipation. Amelia woke up early, aware that today they would receive Mei and Li Wei. Jason, equally excited, urged her to come down to the garden for their morning run.

After the run, they showered and dressed, ready for the day ahead. They went downstairs together to the dining room, where a light breakfast awaited them before heading to the airport.

"Ready to meet my sister?" Jason asked with a smile as they sat at the table.

Amelia nodded, though she felt a slight knot of anxiety in her stomach. "Yes, ready," she replied, returning the smile while taking a sip of coffee. She didn't want to show her concern about the arrival of someone who wanted Jason to choose another woman.

"Relax, Mei isn't a monster. I'm sure you'll get along," Jason said, noticing the unease in Amelia's eyes and smile. "Remember, she's my sister, and you're my girlfriend. She doesn't get to choose my partner."

Amelia fidgeted with her cup, unsure how to express her doubts. Mei might not be a monster, but she wanted Li Wei as Jason's fiancée. His family had already pressured him to push her away, even demoting him. If Mei was so cherished by Jason, she couldn't help but feel scared. "You're right, but your family… and me… your father… I'm not sure if I can… the company…" Amelia sighed, frustrated at her inability to organize her thoughts.

"One thing at a time. Let's see, my family? I've already shown that their opinion doesn't matter to me when it comes to defending my woman," Jason smiled, pausing. "You? You're an amazing person—kind, hardworking, and smart," Jason extended his hand to take Amelia's. "My father? He fired me from his companies. He can't do anything more. You can't? Amelia, you're capable of facing any challenge, including winning over my sister. The company? I'm the owner. If I can't give you a vacation, who can?"

Amelia was deeply grateful for Jason's support, but she couldn't stop thinking about all of it. How long could this castle hold without starting to crumble? It had already done so on Friday when Jason had believed the rumors outright.

After breakfast, they headed to the airport. The ride was calm, with Amelia and Jason enjoying a relaxed conversation about the plans for the visit. Amelia tried to calm herself, remembering that Jason had assured her he wouldn't look at another woman.

When they finally arrived at the airport, Jason's excitement grew as he spotted Mei and Li Wei among the arriving passengers.

Jason raised his hand to catch their attention, and soon, the two young women came running with radiant smiles.

"Brother!" Mei exclaimed, hugging Jason enthusiastically.

"Mei!" Jason replied, returning the hug before introducing them to Amelia. "Mei, Li Wei, this is Amelia."

"Nice to meet you, Amelia," Mei said, extending her hand with a warm smile.

"Likewise," Amelia replied, feeling a mix of nervousness and determination. She knew she had to win over Jason's sister to keep her place in his life. "I hope you had a good flight."

"Jason, where are you taking us first?" Mei asked, ignoring Amelia.

"Would you like to shop or enjoy some incredible views?"

"Shopping? Views? With so many places to visit, and you choose something so mundane? Amelia, where would you take us?" Mei finally addressed her.

Amelia studied Mei, noting her critical tone. She knew Jason had chosen those two places to kill time, as he had reserved a table at the restaurant where they first met. "First," Amelia said, gesturing for two of the bodyguards to approach and take Mei and Li Wei's luggage, "we should take care of your luggage. You shouldn't have to carry it around. Second, Jason has reserved a table at the most exclusive restaurant in the area, so we can't linger too long. I assume that shopping means visiting Marqués Street, and the views mean going to Lantia Castle. Both are great options. In between, there's the art museum and the archaeological museum; they're modest but entertaining. I had planned to show you all that tomorrow, but if you'd like, near the restaurant is Bravura. It's where Hesperia's jet set goes, and it's a beautiful village."

Mei looked at her, assessing her, but eventually nodded, though without much enthusiasm. "Sounds good, Amelia. Thanks for the suggestion."

Jason smiled, noting Amelia's effort to please his sister. "Perfect, then let's drop off the luggage and head to Bravura. I think you'll like it."

With that, the group headed to the waiting car, while the bodyguards took care of the luggage. Amelia felt like she had passed a small test, but she knew there was still a long way to go to win Mei's full acceptance.

Jason, Amelia, Mei, and Li Wei got into the Maserati, driven by Jason, while the bodyguards followed in the BMW. The drive to Bravura began with a slightly tense atmosphere, where every word seemed to carry extra weight.

"So, Amelia," Mei began, with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, "tell me a bit more about yourself. Jason speaks highly of you, but I'd like to know you better."

Amelia took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "Well, I work at Jason's company, and I've been very busy helping with several important projects. It's challenging, but I really enjoy it."

"Oh, how interesting," Mei responded with a neutral tone. "Li Wei is also very talented. She's worked on some of the most innovative tech projects in Suryavanti, right, Li Wei?"

Li Wei smiled modestly. "Yes, I've been fortunate to work on fascinating projects. But it's great that you're enjoying your work, Amelia."

"Thank you, Li Wei," Amelia said, feeling a small wave of support. "It must be incredible to work in technology. It's a constantly evolving field."

"It is, certainly," Li Wei agreed. "But I'm sure your work has its own rewards and challenges."

"Yes, every day is different, and there's always something new to learn," Amelia replied, trying to keep the conversation on a positive note.

Mei didn't seem inclined to leave it at that. "Jason, do you remember when Li Wei and I organized that charity event in Singapore? It was a great success, wasn't it?"

"Yes, I remember," Jason said, keeping his eyes on the road. "You did an incredible job."

"Thanks, brother. Li Wei was essential in the organization. She's incredibly efficient and has a great capacity to manage complex events," Mei continued, casting a significant look at Amelia.

Amelia sensed the insinuation but decided not to take the bait. "It's great to see people so dedicated to helping others. I'd love to learn more about that event and maybe pick up some ideas for our projects here."

Jason noticed the tension and decided to step in. "Amelia has also been working very hard on several key projects. She's proven to be a great leader and has brought many innovative ideas to the company."

Mei smiled, but there was a hint of disdain in her expression. "It's good to hear that. It's always important to surround yourself with competent people."

The conversation remained in this tense tone for the rest of the journey. Jason tried to mediate, while Amelia did her best not to be intimidated by Mei's subtle insinuations. Finally, they arrived in Bravura. Three of the four bodyguards quickly got out of the BMW to handle the car and follow the group, providing necessary protection.

"Here we are," Jason said, stopping the Maserati. "Bravura is really a charming place. I'm sure you'll love it."

Mei and Li Wei got out of the car, observing their surroundings with interest. Amelia, still nervous, decided to keep her head up and enjoy the day. She knew that proving her worth to not only Jason but also his family would take time and patience.

Mei focused intently on how Amelia positioned herself to Jason's left. "Amelia, don't they teach the proper place of a partner in Hesperia?"

Amelia looked down, slowing her pace, but then felt a tug on her right hand.

"In Hesperia, the woman walks beside the man. It seems much more civilized to me, though if necessary, when we're in Suryavanti, if Amelia forgets, I'll make sure to discipline her," Jason's response was firm and sharp. "Besides, do you know how uncomfortable it would be to talk into the air without knowing if you're being heard?"

Mei paused for a moment, considering her brother's words. "Jason, it's not just about customs but respect for our traditions."

Amelia sensed the tension in the air and decided to step in. "Mei, I know my place in Suryavanti. Since we're not there, I thought you'd also like to walk with your brother and not have the two of us a step behind. My mentor has taught me quite a bit about your culture, and I find it fascinating."

Mei had heard in passing that Amelia was Inmaculada Montalbán's protégée, a respected and feared woman in Suryavanti, who had built a great empire rivaling that of her family.

"Your mentor is Inmaculada Montalbán? If so, she's an insolent woman. She dares to look men in the eyes and doesn't know her place. Is that your education?" Mei's words were laden with venom, trying to provoke Amelia's anger.

Amelia looked down and squeezed Jason's hand, trying to hold her tongue. "My mentor is Inmaculada. As for being insolent, I agree. Unfortunately, in the business world, which is often closed off to us, you must be insolent when dealing with the competition. However, in the family realm, if I end up marrying Jason, I know my place."

"Are you sure?" Mei couldn't stand Amelia; she hadn't been approved by her. There had to be a crack to insert her dagger.

"Yes, I'm sure. My current work situation is quite delicate, but out of my duty to the family, while you're here, I'll personally make sure to be by your side to please you in everything."

"Delicate? You're the owner's girlfriend. How could your situation be delicate?" Li Wei asked with genuine curiosity.

"That's precisely the problem. Despite her competence for the role, things in Hesperia don't work the same way as in Suryavanti, where the wife is expected to be worthy of leading the family business when there's no male member to take over. So, it's considered acceptable for family members to hold executive positions. Here, it's seen as favoritism and is usually frowned upon. In this case, it's even worse because, although they're more lenient with women, there are still lingering traces of sexism," Jason replied as they settled on a terrace to enjoy a drink.

The atmosphere relaxed a bit once the drinks arrived, and the morning sun helped ease the tension. Jason took the opportunity to discuss their plans for the week and how they hoped Mei and Li Wei would enjoy their stay.

"You have several interesting places to visit, and Amelia has organized some activities that I think you'll really like," Jason said, taking a sip of his drink.

Amelia smiled, trying to leave behind the initial tensions. "Yes, I hope you like them. I've made sure to include things that are of interest to you both."

Mei raised an eyebrow, still with some distrust, but decided to give Amelia a chance. "We'll see, Amelia. We'll see."

Li Wei, more conciliatory, smiled and said, "I'm sure it'll be a wonderful week. Thank you for taking the time to plan all this, Amelia."

"It's a pleasure," Amelia replied, feeling that, little by little, the barriers were starting to come down.

But that was only Amelia's momentary perception when they finally arrived at the restaurant. They sat at a table by a window, where they could enjoy the view over the bay while waiting for their meal. Mei and Li Wei seemed delighted with the place, while Amelia struggled to stay calm and confident.

"This place is wonderful, Jason," Mei said, looking around with approval. "What would you recommend we order, Amelia?"

Amelia smiled, grateful for the opportunity to demonstrate her knowledge. "The chef is known for his lobster risotto. I've also heard the lamb is excellent."

"Oh, really? Li Wei is a gourmet expert. She always knows what to order at the most exclusive restaurants," Mei responded, looking at Li Wei with admiration.

Li Wei smiled modestly. "Oh, don't exaggerate, Mei. Amelia, that sounds delicious. I think I'll try the lobster risotto."

Amelia nodded, trying to ignore the comparison. "It's a good choice."

During the meal, Mei didn't miss a chance to make comments that put Amelia in an uncomfortable position.

"Amelia, tell us a bit more about your work at Jason's company. How do you manage to balance your responsibilities there with your personal relationship?" Mei asked, feigning interest.

Amelia took a sip of water before responding. "I try to maintain good organization and prioritize my tasks. Jason and I also support each other in our responsibilities."

"That sounds challenging. Li Wei, you also have a successful career in the tech industry. How do you manage to balance everything?" Mei asked, shifting the focus to her friend.

Li Wei smiled. "It's about finding the right balance and having a good support team. I've been fortunate to work with very competent people."

Mei nodded, giving Jason a significant look. "Yes, it's very important to have someone to back you up. Jason, you've always been great at choosing the right people for your team."

Amelia sensed the indirect remark but forced herself to stay calm. The conversation continued, and when it came time for dessert, Mei seized another opportunity to unsettle her.

"Amelia, have you tried the chocolate soufflé here? It's one of my favorites. But not everyone knows how to appreciate it; it's an acquired taste, don't you think?" Mei said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Amelia, determined not to be intimidated, replied calmly, "Yes, I've tried it, and it's delicious. Although I understand that not everyone enjoys it, it's a matter of personal taste."

Mei nodded, apparently satisfied. "You're right. It's interesting how tastes can vary so much between people. Li Wei, what's your favorite dessert?"

Li Wei, sensing the tension, tried to lighten the mood. "I love tiramisu. It's always a safe choice."

Jason intervened, trying to change the tone of the conversation. "Well, I think we all made excellent choices today. This place always offers the best."

Amelia gave Jason a grateful look as the waiter served the desserts. However, Mei wasn't willing to let the moment pass so easily.

"Amelia, how has it been for you to adapt to our culture and traditions? I imagine it must be quite different from what you're used to," Mei said with a seemingly kind smile.

Amelia took a deep breath before responding. "It's been a learning process, but I'm doing my best to adapt and respect Jason's and his family's traditions. I strive to understand and follow the customs."

Mei smiled with a mix of condescension and approval. "That's good. It's important that you understand and respect our culture. Li Wei has also been excellent at adapting to cultural differences, hasn't she?"

Amelia nodded. "Yes, it's been a challenge, but I think it's essential for any cross-cultural relationship. The key is mutual respect and a willingness to learn."

The conversation continued, with Mei making subtle comments and uncomfortable questions, but Amelia held her ground, determined to prove her worth and not be intimidated by Jason's sister.

When they finally finished, Jason asked for the check, and they got up to leave. Amelia knew the week would be difficult, but she was prepared to face any challenge that Mei threw her way.