Chapter 1: "Fate or Coincidence"

Sung Jae, a lovely man. He has a terrible and a happy life- He lives in Seoul, South Korea. He's an ecstatically man and never gives up on everything.

Sung Jae wakes up and prepares for work. His mom calls him to have breakfast, but he's already running late and needs to leave immediately to avoid getting scolded by his boss again. He hurries to his car and drives to work. When he arrives, his boss exclaims, "You're late again!" Sung Jae apologizes, saying, "I'm sorry, boss. The traffic was terrible." His boss responds, "That's not my problem. You should have left earlier!" Sung Jae gets on with his work, tuning out his boss's complaints. He was exhausted from the day, Sung Jae just wanted to go home.

In the parking lot, as Sung Jae approaches his car, a man suddenly appears and hands him a flyer. "A museum? I'm not even interested in museums, but for some reason, I feel like I should go," Sung Jae thinks. He decides to drive to the museum.

As he wanders through the museum, Sung Jae unexpectedly bumps into the man from the parking lot. The man says, "Everything has its own fate, including yours. There are no coincidences, only fate and destiny." The man then walks away, and although Sung Jae tries to follow, he loses sight of him. A painting then catches Sung Jae's eye. As he approaches it, he has a vision "Why did you leave me?! Why?!" Sung Jae thinks, "What was that? Why does the man in the painting resemble the one in my vision?" He reads the painting's description "King Sang Woo? A king? The king of Gyeongbokgung Palace from the Joseon dynasty?!" He was overwhelmed and faints from the stress.

Upon waking up in the hospital, Sung Jae wonders about his presence there. A nurse approaches, informing him that he fainted at the museum and was brought in by the staff. Responding that he feels somewhat improved but still a bit dizzy, Sung Jae is instructed to use a call button if he requires assistance. Suddenly, the memory of the painting and his earlier vision floods back. He ponders why the man in the painting seems familiar and what the phrase "Why did I leave him" could mean.

Back at home, Sung Jae begins his usual routine before work. However, he can't shake off the vision he experienced earlier. Sung Jae was intrigued, he starts researching King Sang Woo, discovering that he was known as the "King of the Blood" during the Joseon dynasty, ruling over Gyeongbokgung Palace. King Sang Woo was infamous for his cruel and arrogant demeanor, dominating his reign as the most feared king of his time. He was shocked by this revelation; Sung Jae loses track of time and realizes he's already late for work. Hastily, he prepares himself and rushes off to the office.

At work, the boss looks so mad "Kim Sung Jae, "When will you learn?! You are always late!" Sung Jae tries to explain himself but his boss didn't listen and said "I hope I can bring back you to the time that King Sang Woo's cruelest era so you'll learn how to manage your time!" and then Sung Jae suddenly stops and another vision appeared in his mind "Hyun Sik, please come back, I told you that we're going to hide. Why did you do that for me?" He saw in his vision that the king was crying. "Who is Hyun Sik? Why do I feel as if the king is speaking to me?".

His boss "Are you even listening to me?!", and then his boss left because he was furious. But Sung Jae didn't think about that, he was thinking about the vision he had "Why does he always appeared in my head?! Am I getting crazy?"

It was already lunchtime, so Sung Jae decided to visit the nearest café for some coffee. Out of nowhere, a man appeared. Sung Jae said, "Aren't you the same man who gave me a flyer and whom I met at the museum?" The man didn't respond directly but said, "Everything happens for a reason. Don't be confused, everything is connected." Sung Jae was left in a daze, and the man had already disappeared. Sung Jae felt a strange emptiness, as if his mind had gone blank. As the time passes Sung Jae is back to his senses and didn't know that it was night already. While he was walking out, he went to a convenience store where he bought liquor. As he was walking down the street, he saw a star that was shiny out of all stars and then he sat on the bench asking himself "What is happening with me? Why am I full of problems? Why?". Sung Jae drank the liquor he bought earlier at the convenience store. As time went by, he was getting drunk and being unconscious of his actions. He walked on the bridge and fell into the lake. He felt he was drowning and losing vision. Sung Jae drowned and he was left unconscious.