Kim Sung Jae, a 27-year-old man, was facing challenges in his work and life but remained determined not to give up. One day, a tragic accident occurred where he drowned in a lake, only to awaken in the year 1474. To his surprise, he found himself in the body of a man named Hyun Sik, living during the reign of King Sang Woo. Unbeknownst to Sung Jae, Hyun Sik and the king were known lovers. King Sang Woo had a fearsome reputation, widely known as the "king of blood" due to his brutal and ruthless rule. Sung Jae, now inhabiting Hyun Sik's body, was unaware of this complex relationship. He struggles to navigate this unfamiliar time, unaware of the expectations placed on Hyun Sik by the king. As he tries to understand his new reality, the dark and oppressive atmosphere of the kingdom looms over him. Sung Jae must now find a way to survive in this brutal era while uncovering the secrets of Hyun Sik's life. His journey becomes a struggle between adapting to his new identity and finding a way back to his own time.
I think, this is good, but it just need more improvement, I'm looking forward to this story and tto the author. I hope you a successful journey
this story is good, i'm looking forward to it. this will be better if this got famous, i hope the author will get what he/she deserves from his/her story.