A Deep Fate

Meili was dressed in her birthday finery, awaiting the arrival of her friends at the Mei mansion to celebrate her seventeenth birthday dinner.

She was filled with nervous excitement. Of course she had always loved her birthdays. Being spoilt rotten by her five brothers and her mother and father, what was not to love? But this birthday was going to be particularly special; thanks to Sofya, all of her friends should be in attendance.

It would be entirely new for her to have her very own friends come by the mansion to help her celebrate turning a year older.

She suddenly hoped they could all make it, and that she wasn't deceiving herself thinking they would turn up just for her.

Well, at least she could count on Sofya being there, she thought, and almost certainly Tan Bowen would make the effort. Just the two of them would already be more than enough for her. Meili's happy excitement was instantly restored.