The Fox Call

Meili felt like a real princess as she sat at the head of the table and surveyed her friends and her brothers.

She noticed that Sofya had inserted herself in next to First Brother.

"Mei Renlong," Sofya insisted, "the most effective for hunting foxes, is the rabbit whistle. I have a very good one. I'll give it to you; I can easily get more at home. It sounds like this," she wet her fingers with saliva and then sucked loudly on them, instantly silencing the dinner table with the sound.

"That's the sound a rabbit makes when it's been caught by a predator, or it's injured and dying. You can also use it to call rabbits from their holes during the day. Here, you try it."

Sofya looked around the table where everyone was staring at her.

"What?" she looked mystified. "I'm just teaching Mei Renlong how to call foxes and rabbits."