Arranged Marriage?

Bai Li nodded at Tan Bowen, and he fished out a tangren, a cute little sugar figurine of a bunny rabbit.

Tan Bowen carefully lowered the tangren down on a thin fishing thread, the string so fine it could barely be seen.

Meili, whose eyes were opening and closing steadily as she tired at the ungodly hour, opened her eyes to see a toffee-coloured bunny rabbit suspended before her face.

She gave a little gasp and covered her hands with her mouth.

For a moment, she closed her eyes tight shut and reopened them, checking if she was dreaming.

Nope, the rabbit remained suspended there.

She kicked her slow brain into gear. How could a tangren rabbit fly? She looked upwards to see what held it there.

Up above her, peering through a hole in the roof of the ancestral temple, were the faces of Tan Bowen and Bai Li.