Commander Bai's Campaign

The decision felt overwhelming to Meili, when she considered that she might have any say in who she would marry.

It was far too momentous a decision to make by herself, or even to seek to influence it.

And what of Bai Li? Without any reasonable basis, she felt a strong resistance to the idea of giving him up to another woman and marrying Tan Bowen.

She had no idea why she should feel that way. She had never let herself seriously consider the idea of marrying the Commander, had she?

She knew his life was mapped out for him with no escape. Eventually, he would become a General like his father. His life would be at risk many times over in theatres of war. He would definitely be given concubines by the Emperor.

She might be the first wife, but it was highly unlikely she would be his most beloved woman, and she didn't feel like she could live with that; just the thought of it seemed to hurt her more than she could bear.