Commander Bai in her Room

The Emperor knew this proposal would tempt his son.

How little he knew of women if he thought he could marry both women and live a peaceful life! He would most certainly not have one day of peace thereafter...

There could be little doubt that Miss Li was behind the attempt on Miss Mei's life.

Still, those would be his son's problems to resolve, if that was his fate.

In doing so, he would solve a major problem for the Emperor…

Who knew what a cat among the pigeons that vicious woman would be if she joined his son's royal harem?

She would be a thorn in his eldest son's side for years to come… so much drama, so many deaths would be linked to her presence in the inner palace. The Emperor knew that much without a shadow of a doubt.

"No problem, no problem, son. There's no tearing hurry. Miss Mei will remain working for me and under my even more watchful eye for the time being. Come back when you're ready and we can discuss it further."