
Mei Meili, who already felt hot and flushed with her fever, suddenly noticed her temperature rising even higher, and she tried to fan her face with her dainty hand.

When that didn't work, she rose to find her favourite pink fan with the rabbits, and she sat back down with it, fanning herself and loosening the collar of her thin white robe, drawing Bai Li's eyes like magnets as she unknowingly exposed her cleavage.

Bai Li had also started to feel uncomfortably hot, combined with a rising pull of desire.

He stared at Mei Meili as she fanned herself, her long, loose hair blowing prettily, her pink cheeks like sweet cherries, her generous cleavage quivering as she drew deep breaths trying to cool herself.

Bai Li felt the need to loosen his collar too, pulling it open at the chest and exposing his firm, muscular chest.

Mei Meili's eyes were drawn to this sight as though there was nothing else worthy of her interest in this world.