Keeping one hand between their lips, which he was prying away, finger by finger, she gave up on her torn robe and felt blindly across the table.
The water jug!
She grabbed the jug and poured the entire contents over Bai Li's head, with a good proportion of it splashing her in the process, given he was still pressing his face to her own.
As the cold water spilled all over him, Bai Li shook his head like he was awakening from a dream.
"Ap… aphrodisiac," he choked out. "I'm so sorry, Meili."
Was that the first time he had called her name?
"Someone will be coming. Get into bed."
She had no idea what he meant. What was this 'Affaffrowdizziac'? Why must she get into bed? Who was coming and why did it matter?
He picked her up and carried her to her bed, quickly tucking her in right up to her chin so just her eyes were peeping out.