Ruby woke up very early in the morning to get ready because today was her first day at work.
She got dressed in a simple T-shirt and jeans before going next door to have breakfast.
“Are you starting a part-time job today?” Louis asked as he set the plates on the table before sitting down.
“ Yes, I start working today” Ruby replied excitedly as she served food for herself.
It’s her first ever job so she was excited about it before when she tried to work back in college her family made a huge scene and almost closed the shop down.
She loved her family but sometimes they can go overboard with things. As much as she loved being pampered she wanted a little more freedom, being rich can be fun but it’s always lonely at times and her family always seemed distant.
“I have to get going now I’ll see you when I come back ok” Louis put his plate away and was heading for the door.
“Mhm” Ruby answered with her mouth full, looking at him now she could see how neatly he was dressed, well he always dressed neatly but today was different.
“I have an important meeting today so I’ll be back a little later” he could feel her questioning gaze burning his back.
“Ok then bye” she said as he waved in reply and closed the door .
She quickly finished her meal and washed the dishes, before leaving she locked the door.
Ruby arrived at the store and met the owner outside. He seems to be scolding a young boy, he seems to be a high schooler.
“You leave without telling anything and now you come back to beg you ungrateful brat” Ruby heard as she walked closer to them.
“Good morning sir” she greeted as he was about to give the boy another earful.
The owner turned angrily but once he saw who it was his face relaxed a little then he sighed and stared at her with a little guilt in his eyes.
“I’ll talk to you later” he dismissed the boy before turning to Ruby “Hello dear how are you?” he asked her with a smile.
“ I’m good sir I just came to work but there seems to be a problem” after she said this the owner sighed again.
“I’m sorry dear the kid just came back begging me to take him back because he needs to work to provide for his mother’s hospital bills” the old man said to her and she immediately understood his situation.
Even if she needed the job badly now it doesn’t mean she was going to take someone’s last hope from them.
“It’s ok I’ll look for work somewhere else you don’t have to worry” Ruby said with a smile and the old man also felt relieved, if it were someone else they would have gotten angry for having their time wasted.
Just as she was about to leave the owner said something that got her attention.
“I heard a cafe down the next street was looking for some staff, you can go check if they still have vacancy.” He offered and Ruby nodded excitedly and rushed out after thanking him.
After reaching said cafe she was impressed by the exterior, it seemed to be a new building with classic yet cozy exterior and the interior was even more impressive it has a very homely vibe but also a touch of charm like you can come in and look rich without being rich.
As she approached the lady behind the counter she greets her with a smile and says “ Hi, I’m here to ask if you’re still looking for staff?” .
The lady smiled and her and gestured her to follow her to her office. She seemed to be the manager of the place which is surprising since she looked young like in her late twenties with light blonde hair and hazel eyes. But before Ruby could look more at her features they stop in front of her office.
As they sit down the lady who’s name is Mariam as she introduced herself earlier is manager and that they just opened not long ago, they both talk about what Ruby could do in the cafe and since she has no skill in the kitchen she gets the job as the cashier.
“Ok let’s meet the other staff so you guys can get acquainted” Mariam says as she gets up and Ruby follows suit. They both walk into the staff area where the employees were waiting inside.
“Hey everyone meet our new cashier Ruby” she gestured to ruby who waves at them with a smile.
“I’m Lorenzo Romano, I’m the barista” the first to introduce himself was a tall man with long brown hair that reaches his shoulders and black eyes he smiles and stretches out a hand which Ruby shakes gladly.
“ I’m Jade I work behind the counter” a lady with black hair and blue eyes that glares at her says, although Ruby doesn’t know what she did to her, she offers a nod and glances at the next person.
The next person was a woman in a her forties, she has beautiful dark skin and her brown hair is tied up in a bun as smiles at her.
“Hello dear, I’m Brianna but you can call me Mama B like the rest if you’d like and I make the pastries” she smiled softly at Ruby who returned it with her own.
The last girl was about her age with bright red hair and green eyes, she takes Ruby’s hand and shakes it excitedly “Hi I’m Ava it’s nice to finally have someone my age around here, hope we get along and don’t mind jade she’s a little awkward with new people” she grins as Jade rolls her eyes at her.
They all talk a little bit about theirselves with Lorenzo making jokes here and there before Ava offers to show her around, they both converse on the way with Ava doing most of the talking.
After awhile Ruby says goodbye to everyone and leaves the building with some pastries Mama B gave her to take home even though she tried to politely refuse the woman convinced her to take it and the aroma of the goodies made it even more difficult to refuse.
Reaching her apartment she decided to check if Louis was back but she got a text from him saying he was going to be very late so she just go to bed feeling exhausted from interacting with so many people today so after eating the pastries she goes to bed immediately.