It has been a week since the lab incident and my wound has also healed. Clara has began learning how to play free fire from me. I had to download the game on my laptop so as to teach her to play. She was a fast learner so teaching her was not really difficult but due to the way she learns, when you teach her wrongly, she finds it hard to correct herself. In about three-week time, she could handle game was amazing actually because she could move like a professional player. Now it was time to teach her about the weapons. She was really happy that she could finally play the game. After teaching her about the weapons, she took interest in two weapons. The M1887 shotgun which was a really deadly weapon when in close range and the Scar, an assault rifle which could fire at least 30 rounds of ammunition and at most 42 rounds when you equip a bigger gun clip. She was set to go out in the world of gaming and so she registered to join the free fire gaming club. Crystal seeing this chance decided to bully her sister a little bit so she challenged her to a 1v1 battle. This was crazy as she was a new member of the club and she was not that proficient in the game yet. Yet, she accepted the challenge as even she wanted to see how she would hold against her professional gamer sister. I sat behind the two of them and observed the game. I wanted to see how well she would do against her sister. The match commenced and the two of them headed towards each other. It was also really funny to watch as they were not following the normal rules of a 1v1 match in the club. One of the rules was that you can’t sit side by side since they did not want people to look at others screen and cheat. As predicted, Crystal was winning the game and at the moment they were at a score of 5 – 0. Clara smiled at this moment like she knew what to do and it turns out that she did. During those five rounds, she saw her sister’s shortcoming which was the delay in her movement after she deployed a gloo wall. Using that to her advantage, she hurriedly moved behind her when they were close and she deployed a gloo wall. Clara used this style to win three consecutive rounds in the game. Crystal realized that her sister has seen her short coming also made a plan of her own. She decided not to use much gloo walls since her speed to move after deploying the gloo wall was slow, she always pretended to stay behind the gloo wall after it has been deployed but rather, she passed on the other side to get behind her sister. In the end, the two finished the match with the points 7 – 4. After the match, Clara was much happier than her sister even though she lost the game. At least she was able to defeat her in some rounds of the matches they played. Initially, she thought she was going to end with zero points but she actually managed to get not one but four points. She was so happy and I was kind of happy she did not feel bad about her defeat. The other club members were really amazed with her performance they were even clapping for her in the end. I smiled at her when she turned to look at me and she smiled back. The last stage of her game study was character skill and how to use them. The were many characters in the game and it was very necessary to find one with a skill that suits your style of gaming. Since she was so into shotguns, I proposed she use Caroline. She increases your movement speed when you are carrying a shotgun. For active skills, I proposed she use Wukong. He had a stealth skill that helped in both escape and sneak attacks on your enemy. It was also difficult to get a good aim on Wukong users due to the skill. To enhance her aim she equipped Laura. A character that increases your aim accuracy when you scope onto your enemy and lastly, she equipped the skill of my favorite character, Kelly awakened. Her skill was deadly velocity which combined movement speed and increase in damage when the skill is active. You could use only one active skill and three other extra skills on your game character. She made her gamer name “bbygal ninja” it was actually a really cute name to be honest. Due to her gamer name, she was nicknamed “baby girl” by the club members. She had no choice but to accept the name because it was like a custom in the club. The gaming club was really interesting that day for two reasons. First was the battle between the twins and second was the introduction of another cute girl to the club. We had three girls in the club now. Annabelle (Anna), Christabel (Crystal) and Clara (baby girl).