"To avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, please allow me to make a clarification first."
The Red Kestrel continued, "Chuneng City has certain requirements for raw material suppliers, the first being a credit rating of D or above; your company's rating of C fully complies."
"Furthermore, we have specific standards for the basic equipment and processes used in material collection to avoid purchasing substandard materials or those with too many impurities."
"Lastly, we will assess the production capacity of the selling party. It is overly costly for us, the transportation providers, if the sellers are only capable of short-term production and small quantities."
"I hope you can understand this."
Zhou Yi found this quite reasonable.
The sellers consider the acceptable price, while the buyers demand quality and quantity of goods; both parties are just getting what they need.
"Along the way, the Red Kestrel Captain already briefed me on the situation here."