A group of people charging towards him, wielding black riot batons.
Zhou Yi immediately activated "Berserk," his head bursting through the ceiling as he swung his fist at the enemies.
Luckily, his back was against a dead-end, sparing him from attacks from behind. Zhou Yi could knock someone away with a single punch, but he also felt the sharp pain of the rain-like strikes from their batons.
Both sides abandoned defense, focusing solely on frenzied attacks.
Zhou Yi soon noticed something was off.
The attackers, each taking human form, had blurred features. They held riot batons and anti-explosion shields that could withstand his massive punches.
Even so, a few hits would cause their bodies to gradually become transparent and disappear.
After intense fighting, he scattered the strange attackers.
Only the panting Zhou Yi was left.
Something wasn't quite right.